Universities and Civilizations

Universities and Civilizations
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Franck Leprevost. Universities and Civilizations

Table of Contents

List of Illustrations

List of Tables



Universities and Civilizations. Worldwide Academic Competition and Geopolitics


Preface. Elements of Genesis


1. The Origin of a Triptych

1.1. The sun is shining in Berkeley

1.2. Fukuyama versus Huntington: the revenge of civilizations in the 21st Century

1.3. The role of universities in the race for global intellectual leadership

1.4. Why? Where? How?

2. Why?

2.1. The purpose of universities

2.2. International rankings and world academic elite

2.3. What is the role of a leading university?

2.4. What are the reasons for the intellectual arms race?

3. Where?

3.1. The “Big Four” and their methodologies

3.2. Analysis of the Top 20

3.3. Analysis of the Top 200

3.4. Analysis of the Top 1000

4. How? From Russia with 5-100

4.1. The land of the Tsars, of snow and Doctor Zhivago

4.2. The Russian excellence initiative: the 5-100 program

4.3. The results of the 5-100 program in 2019

4.4. Obstacles to Russian academic excellence

4.5. Analysis and options: brain, heart and soul

5. Conclusion: Analysis and Perspectives

5.1. Winners of the race for global academic leadership

5.2. Europe – Paul Valéry’s anticipation

5.3. Universities for what? Automation, demographics and flow

5.4. Work and occupation: the need for a political project

5.5. Western civilization – the judgment of “elementary particles”

Appendix 1. Huntington’s Country – Civilization Dictionary

Appendix 2. Top 20 Rankings

Appendix 3. Top 200 Rankings

Appendix 4. Top 1000 Rankings

Appendix 5. Continental and Western Europe

Appendix 6. Europe: 5 + 1

Notes, Insertions and Tangents

Notes and insertions

Notes from the Preface – Elements of Genesis

Notes from Chapter 1 – The Origin of a Triptych

Notes from Chapter 2 – Why?

Notes from Chapter 3 – Where?

Notes from Chapter 4 – How? From Russia with 5-100

Notes from Chapter 5 – Conclusion: Analysis and Perspectives



A, B


D, E


G, H


J, K





Q, R






Отрывок из книги

“Elsewhere” is a more beautiful word than “Tomorrow”


In short, supremacy is established when the imprint survives the grip, and the grip survives the empire. […] A civilization has won when the empire from which it proceeds no longer needs to be imperialist to make its mark. (Debray 2017, p. 27)

Debray’s nuance between civilization and culture10, and the irreducibility of the latter to a (myopic) purely economic vision of the world, reinforce the relevance of the question that is at the origin of the present reflection. Universities play a pivotal role in the matters of civilization, given their importance in an analysis in terms of culture and the development of armament capacity. They are a place where the transmission of universal and cultural knowledge transpires; they can be used to defend a given culture, or to promote it; they can be the instruments of “power” that can certainly remain “soft”, but can also become “hard” and contribute to a cultural hegemony that Gramsci would not have denied. According to Huntington:


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