The Existence of God

Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
François de Salignac de La Mothe- Fénelon. The Existence of God
The Existence of God
Table of Contents
SECTION I. Metaphysical Proofs of the Existence of God are not within Everybody’s reach
SECT. II. Moral Proofs of the Existence of God are fitted to every man’s capacity
SECT. III. Why so few Persons are attentive to the Proofs Nature affords of the Existence of God
SECT. IV. All Nature shows the Existence of its Maker
SECT. V. Noble Comparisons proving that Nature shows the Existence of its Maker. First Comparison, drawn from Homer’s “Iliad.”
SECT. VI. Second Comparison, drawn from the Sound of Instruments
SECT. VII. Third Comparison, drawn from a Statue
SECT. VIII. Fourth Comparison, drawn from a Picture
SECT. IX. A Particular Examination of Nature
SECT. X. Of the General Structure of the Universe
SECT. XI. Of the Earth
SECT. XII. Of Plants
SECT. XIII. Of Water
SECT. XIV. Of the Air
SECT. XV. Of Fire
SECT. XVI. Of Heaven
SECT. XVII. Of the Sun
SECT. XVIII. Of the Stars
SECT. XIX. Of Animals, Beasts, Fowl, Birds, Fishes, Reptiles, and Insects
SECT. XX. Admirable Order in which all the Bodies that make up the Universe are ranged
SECT. XXI. Wonders of the Infinitely Little
SECT. XXII. Of the Structure or Frame of the Animal
SECT. XXIII. Of the Instinct of the Animal
SECT. XXV. Of Sleep
SECT. XXVI. Of Generation
SECT. XXVII. Though Beasts commit some Mistakes, yet their Instinct is, in many cases, Infallible
SECT. XXVIII. It is impossible Beasts should have Souls
SECT. XXIX. Sentiments of some of the Ancients concerning the Soul and Knowledge of Beasts
SECT. XXXI. Of the Structure of Man’s Body
SECT. XXXII. Of the Skin
SECT. XXXIII. Of Veins and Arteries
SECT. XXXIV. Of the Bones, and their Jointing
SECT. XXXV. Of the Organs
SECT. XXXVI. Of the Inward Parts
SECT. XXXVII. Of the Arms and their Use
SECT. XXXVIII. Of the Neck and Head
SECT. XXXIX. Of the Forehead and Other Parts of the Face
SECT. XL. Of the Tongue and Teeth
SECT. XLI. Of the Smell, Taste, and Hearing
SECT. XLII. Of the Proportion of Man’s Body
SECT. XLIII. Of the Soul, which alone, among all Creatures, Thinks and Knows
SECT. XLIV. Matter Cannot Think
SECT. XLV. Of the Union of the Soul and Body, of which God alone can be the Author
SECT. XLVI. The Soul has an Absolute Command over the Body
SECT. XLVII. The Power of the Soul over the Body is not only Supreme or Absolute, but Blind at the same time
SECT. XLVIII. The Sovereignty of the Soul over the Body principally appears in the Images imprinted in the Brain
SECT. XLIX. Two Wonders of the Memory and Brain
SECT. L. The Mind of Man is mixed with Greatness and Weakness. Its Greatness consists in two things. First, the Mind has the Idea of the Infinite
SECT. LI. The Mind knows the Finite only by the Idea of the Infinite
SECT. LII. Secondly, the Ideas of the Mind are Universal, Eternal, and Immutable
SECT. LIII. Weakness of Man’s Mind
SECT. LIV. The Ideas of Man are the Immutable Rules of his Judgment
SECT. LV. What Man’s Reason is
SECT. LVI. Reason is the Same in all Men, of all Ages and Countries
SECT. LVII. Reason in Man is Independent of and above Him
SECT. LVIII. It is the Primitive Truth, that Lights all Minds, by communicating itself to them
SECT. LIX. It is by the Light of Primitive Truth a Man Judges whether what one says to him be True or False
SECT. LX. The Superior Reason that resides in Man is God Himself; and whatever has been above discovered to be in Man, are evident Footsteps of the Deity
SECT. LXI. New sensible Notices of the Deity in Man, drawn from the Knowledge he has of Unity
SECT. LXII. The Idea of the Unity proves that there are Immaterial Substances; and that there is a Being Perfectly One, who is God
SECT. LXIII. Dependence and Independence of Man. His Dependence Proves the Existence of his Creator
SECT. LXIV. Good Will cannot Proceed but from a Superior Being
SECT. LXV. As a Superior Being is the Cause of All the Modifications of Creatures, so it is Impossible for Man’s Will to Will Good by Itself or of its own Accord
SECT. LXVI. Of Man’s Liberty
SECT. LXVII. Man’s Liberty Consists in that his Will by determining, Modifies Itself
SECT. LXVIII. Will may Resist Grace, and Its Liberty is the Foundation of Merit and Demerit
SECT. LXIX. A Character of the Deity, both in the Dependence and Independence of Man
SECT. LXX. The Seal and Stamp of the Deity in His Works
SECT. LXXI. Objection of the Epicureans, who Ascribe Everything to Chance, considered
SECT. LXXII. Answer to the Objection of the Epicureans, who Ascribe all to Chance
SECT. LXXIII. Comparison of the World with a Regular House. A Continuation of the Answer to the Objection of the Epicureans
SECT. LXXIV. Another Objection of the Epicureans drawn from the Eternal Motion of Atoms
SECT. LXXV. Answers to the Objection of the Epicureans drawn from the Eternal Motion of Atoms
SECT. LXXVI. The Epicureans confound the Works of Art with those of Nature
SECT. LXXVII. The Epicureans take whatever they please for granted, without any Proof
SECT. LXXVIII. The Suppositions of the Epicureans are False and Chimerical
SECT. LXXIX. It is Falsely supposed that Motion is Essential to Bodies
SECT. LXXX. The Rules of Motion, which the Epicureans suppose do not render it essential to Bodies
SECT. LXXXI. To give a satisfactory Account of Motion we must recur to the First Mover
SECT. LXXXII. No Law of Motion has its Foundation in the Essence of the Body; and most of those Laws are Arbitrary
SECT. LXXXIII. The Epicureans can draw no Consequence from all their Suppositions, although the same should be granted them
SECT. LXXXIV. Atoms cannot make any Compound by the Motion the Epicureans assign them
SECT. LXXXV. The Clinamen, Declination, or Sending of Atoms is a Chimerical Notion that throws the Epicureans into a gross Contradiction
SECT. LXXXVI. Strange Absurdity of the Epicureans, who endeavour to account for the Nature of the Soul by the Declination of Atoms
SECT. LXXXVII. The Epicureans cast a Mist before their own Eyes by endeavouring to explain the Liberty of Man by the Declination of Atoms
SECT. LXXXVIII. We must necessarily acknowledge the Hand of a First Cause in the Universe without inquiring why that first Cause has left Defects in it
SECT. LXXXIX. The Defects of the Universe compared with those of a Picture
SECT. XC. We must necessarily conclude that there is a First Being that created the Universe
SECT. XCI. Reasons why Men do not acknowledge God in the Universe, wherein He shows Himself to them, as in a faithful glass
SECT. XCII. A Prayer to God
Отрывок из книги
François de Salignac de La Mothe- Fénelon
Published by Good Press, 2019
SECT. XLVI. The Soul has an Absolute Command over the Body.
SECT. XLVII. The Power of the Soul over the Body is not only Supreme or Absolute, but Blind at the same time.