Introduction to Python Programming for Business and Social Science Applications

Introduction to Python Programming for Business and Social Science Applications
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Would you like to gather big datasets, analyze them, and visualize the results, all in one program? If this describes you, then  Introduction to Python Programming for Business and Social Science Applications  is the book for you. Authors Frederick Kaefer and Paul Kaefer walk you through each step of the Python package installation and analysis process, with frequent exercises throughout so you can immediately try out the functions you’ve learned. Written in straightforward language for those with no programming background, this book will teach you how to use Python for your research and data analysis. Instead of teaching you the principles and practices of programming as a whole, this application-oriented text focuses on only what you need to know to research and answer social science questions. The text features two types of examples, one set from the General Social Survey and one set from a large taxi trip dataset from a major metropolitan area, to help readers understand the possibilities of working with Python. Chapters on installing and working within a programming environment, basic skills, and necessary commands will get you up and running quickly, while chapters on programming logic, data input and output, and data frames help you establish the basic framework for conducting analyses. Further chapters on web scraping, statistical analysis, machine learning, and data visualization help you apply your skills to your research. More advanced information on developing graphical user interfaces (GUIs) help you create functional data products using Python to inform general users of data who don’t work within Python.


Frederick Kaefer. Introduction to Python Programming for Business and Social Science Applications

Introduction to Python Programming for Business and Social Science Applications

Brief Contents

Detailed Contents

Preface. Why Python?



Data Sets

Digital Resources

Figures and Tables in the Text Related to the GSS Data Set

Figures and Tables in the Text Related to the Taxi Trips Data Set

Python Modules and Packages


About the Authors

1 Introduction to Python. Learning Objectives


Brief Introduction to Python and Programming

Python’s Use in Education, Research, and the Corporate World

Python Is Free, Open-Source Software (FOSS)

User Community and Python Resources

Setting Up a Python Development Environment

Python Versions

Executing Python Code in the IDLE Shell Window

Python Insight

Executing Python Code in Files

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 1.1 Introducing Stop, Code, and Understand! Exercises

Package Managers

Data Sets Used Throughout the Book

Taxi Trips Data Set

General Social Survey (GSS) Data Set

Chapter Summary


End-of-Chapter Exercises


Descriptions of Images and Figures

2 Building Blocks of Programming. Learning Objectives


Good Programming Practice

Basic Elements of Python Code

Python Keywords

Objects and Classes

Operators and Delimiters

Data Types


Python Code Statements


Variable Assignment

Code Examples

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 2.1 Variable Assignment

Mathematical Expressions

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 2.2 Mathematical Expressions


Syntax Errors

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 2.3 Syntax Errors


Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 2.4 Exceptions

Logic Errors

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 2.5 Logic Errors

Functions. Python Built-in Functions

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 2.6 Use a Built-in Function

User-Defined Functions

Function Syntax

Using Functions

Function Location in Code

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 2.7 Modify a User-Defined Function

Python Insight

Using Modules of Python Code

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 2.8 Using Functions in Modules

Chapter Summary


End-of-Chapter Exercises


Descriptions of Images and Figures

3 Further Foundations of Python Programming. Learning Objectives


Compound Data Types


Index Values

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 3.1 Lists

List Methods

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 3.2 Use a List Method

Python Insight

String Objects

String Methods

String Operations

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 3.3 String Operations

Sequence Operations

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 3.4 Sequence Operations


Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 3.5 Tuple Operations


Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 3.6 Reference a Dictionary

Dictionary Operations

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 3.7 Dictionary Operations

Example Using Tuples and Dictionaries

Chapter Summary


End-of-Chapter Exercises


Descriptions of Images and Figures

4 Control Logic and Loops. Learning Objectives



Conditional Logic. if Statements

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 4.1 if Statement

else Statements

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 4.2 else Statement

elif Statements

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 4.3 elif Statement

Nested if Statements

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 4.4 Nested if Statements


for Statement

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 4.5 for Loop

for Loop Example From GSS, Using a Tuple

List Comprehensions

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 4.6 List Comprehension

range Function

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 4.7 range Function With a for Loop

Python Insight

while Loop

Example: User Entering Multiple Values

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 4.8 Use a while Loop

Example: String Processing

Infinite Loops

Error Handling

Handling Exceptions

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 4.9 Exception Handling

Logic Error Example

Debugging Python Code

Chapter Summary


End-of-Chapter Exercises


Descriptions of Images and Figures

5 Reading and Writing to Files Using Python. Learning Objectives


Data Input/Output: Using Files

Text Files

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 5.1 Reading From a Text File

CSV Files

1,000 Taxi Trips

Calculating Summary Statistics on CSV Data

1,000 Survey Results

General Social Survey Example Reading in File With Hours Worked by Age and Year

Using Pandas Module to Read in CSV Files (the “Easy Way”)

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 5.2 Read From a CSV File Using the csv Module

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 5.3 Read From a CSV File Using Pandas

Python Insight

Exporting Our Results

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 5.4 Write to a Text File

Working With Database Files

Retrieving Data From a Database


Connections and Cursors

SQL Using Python

Basic SQL Query

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 5.5 SQL Select Query


Joining Tables

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 5.6 SQL SELECT Query With WHERE Clause

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 5.7 SQL Query with Inner Join and where Clauses

SQL Aggregate Functions

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 5.8 SQL Query With SUM Function

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 5.9 SQL with Group by and having Clauses

Developing an Interactive Application Using a Database

Possible Errors and Their Resolution

Chapter Summary


Discussion Questions

End-of-Chapter Exercises


Descriptions of Images and Figures

6 Preparing and Working With Data Using Pandas. Learning Objectives



Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 6.1 Use NumPy ndarray Properties

Python Insight

Pandas Data Structures

Creating DataFrames and Modifying Their Structure

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 6.2 Read in CSV File to Pandas DataFrame and Print Information From DataFrame

Modifying the Structure of a DataFrame

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 6.3 Modify Structure of DataFrame Changing Columns

Reporting Information From a DataFrame

Reporting Individual Values From a DataFrame

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 6.4 Reporting Information About Data in a Pandas DataFrame

Cleaning and Preparing Data Using Pandas

Removing Records

Recoding Data

Replacing and Recoding Multiple Values in One Step

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 6.5 Replacing Multiple Values in One Step

Creating Dummy Variables

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 6.6 Creating Dummy Variables

Chapter Summary


Discussion Questions

End-of-Chapter Exercises


Descriptions of Images and Figures

7 Obtaining Data From the Web Using Python. Learning Objectives


HTML: The Language of the Web

HTML Structure

Using Python to Read From HTML Files

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 7.1 Print Line From an HTML File

Using Python to Read in Data From HTML Table

Using Pandas to Work With Obtained Data

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 7.2 Read an HTML Table

Obtaining GSS Data From the Web: A More Complicated Process

Ethical Issues: Inappropriate Use of Web Resources

Python Insight


Commonly Used BeautifulSoup Features

Using Pandas to Work With Obtained Data

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 7.3 Use BeautifulSoup to Read Data From an HTML File

JSON: Obtaining Well-Structured Data

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 7.4 Read Data From a JSON File

Taxi Trip Example Using JSON

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 7.5 Read JSON Data Using SOCRATA

REST API Queries: A Standardized Way to Access Well-Structured Data

SoQL Parameters

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 7.6 Use REST Query

Another API: The Open Library API

Chapter Summary


Discussion Questions

End-of-Chapter Exercises


Descriptions of Images and Figures

8 Statistical Calculations Using Python. Learning Objectives


Ethical Issues: Considerations When Working With Statistics and Building Models

Basic Statistics

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 8.1 Use Basic Statistics

Using Statistical Modules

Pandas Features

Correlation Matrix

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 8.2 Use Pandas Correlation

SciPy Stats Module

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 8.3 Use SciPy

statsmodels Module for Multiple Regression

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 8.4 Use statsmodels for Multiple Regression

statsmodels Module for Logistic Regression

Obtaining Data

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 8.5 Use statsmodels for Logistic Regression

Python Insight

Chapter Summary


End-of-Chapter Exercises


Descriptions of Images and Figures

9 Data Visualization Using Python. Learning Objectives


Data Visualization

matplotlib: A Python Library to Visualize Your Data

Basic Structure of matplotlib

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 9.1 Create Histogram

Bar Charts

Preparing Data for a Bar Chart

Bar Chart Specific Code Instructions

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 9.2 Create Bar Chart


Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 9.3 Create Scatterplot

Customizing matplotlib Plots

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 9.4 Use Custom matplotlib Features

matplotlib Styles

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 9.5 Use matplotlib Style

Creating 3D Plots

Interactively Viewing Graphs to Explore a Visualization

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 9.6 Create 3D Plot

Using seaborn Package for Statistical Data Visualization

Python Insight

Commonly Used seaborn Functions

seaborn lmplot Function

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 9.7 Use seaborn lmplot Function

seaborn distplot Function

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 9.8 Use seaborn displot Function

seaborn FacetGrid Function

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 9.9 Use seaborn FacetGrid Function

seaborn countplot Function

seaborn heatmap Function

Transforming Data Into Required Formats

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 9.10 Customize a Heatmap

Chapter Summary


End-of-Chapter Exercises


Descriptions of Images and Figures

10 Machine Learning and Text Mining. Learning Objectives


Machine Learning

Using the Python scikit-learn Package for Machine Learning

Python Insight

Supervised Learning

Developing Training and Testing Data Sets

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 10.1 Create Training/Testing Data Sets

Using Logistic Regression for Classification

Predicting If a Respondent Is Unhappy Based on Marital Status

Using Logistic Regression to Predict If a Respondent Is Widowed

Interpretation of Results

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 10.2 Use Logistic Regression for Prediction

Using Neural Networks for Classification

Using a Neural Network Model to Predict If Respondents Are Widowed

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 10.3 Use Neural Network for Prediction

Unsupervised Learning

Using k-Means Clustering to Identify Distinct Groups

Scaling Variable Values

Determining the Number of Clusters

k-Means Clustering Example With Taxi Trips Data Set

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 10.4 Elbow Method for k-Means

Examining Cluster Information

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 10.5 Examining Results From k-Means Clustering

Using Python for Text Mining. Working With Nonnumeric Data

Natural Language Toolkit (nltk)

Language/Sentiment Analysis Using nltk

Sentiment Analysis of Questions in the General Social Survey

Aggregate Analysis of Longer Questions

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 10.6 Text Mining

Chapter Summary


End-of-Chapter Exercises


Descriptions of Images and Figures

11 Developing Graphical User Interfaces With tkinter. Learning Objectives


tkinter Background

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 11.1 tkinter Main Window

tkinter Widgets

tkinter Layout Manager

Python Insight

Examples Placing Different Widgets

Grid Layout Manager: Configuring Columns and Rows

Creating Widgets

Locating Label Widgets

Locating Entry Widgets

Locating Listbox Widgets

Locating Frame Widgets

Locating Radiobutton Widgets

Locating Button Widgets

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 11.2 Place Widget in Main Window

Writing Python Code to Work With tkinter Widgets

Button Widgets

Entry Widgets

Radiobutton Widgets

Listboxes and How to Populate Them

Result When Submit Button Is Clicked

Stop, Code, and Understand! SCU 11.3 Python Code to Work With a Widget

Example Program Using Three tkinter Windows

GUI-Based Database Application

Chapter Summary


End-of-Chapter Exercises


Descriptions of Images and Figures

Appendix A: Links to Other Resources

Appendix B: Debugging Using IDLE Debug Mode. Debug Mode

Stepping Through Code Statements

Setting Breakpoints


Descriptions of Images and Figures

Appendix C: Timing Code Execution



Descriptions of Images and Figures

Appendix D: Solutions to Stop, Code, and Understand! Exercises

Descriptions of Images and Figures


Отрывок из книги

F.K: To my coauthor Paul for all your creative ideas and dedication. It was truly a pleasure working with you. To Jeanne, Stephanie, Matthew, and Conor, for all your love and support.

P.K.: To my coauthor F.K., for your persistence and thoughtful discussion. To Ryan, for your support and distraction when I needed a break.


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