The Secret Garden / Таинственный сад

The Secret Garden / Таинственный сад
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Фрэнсис Элиза Бёрнетт. The Secret Garden / Таинственный сад

Chapter I. There Is No One Left

Chapter II. Mistress Mary Quite Contrary

Chapter III. Across The Moor

Chapter IV. Martha

Chapter V. The Cry In The Corridor

Chapter VI “There Was Some One Crying-There Was!”

Chapter VII. The Key To The Garden

Chapter VIII. The Robin Who Showed The Way

Chapter IX. The Strangest House Any One Ever Lived In

Chapter X. Dickon

Chapter XI. The Nest Of The Missel Thrush

Chapter XII “Might I Have A Bit Of Earth?”

Chapter XIII “I Am Colin”

Chapter XIV. A Young Rajah

Chapter XV. Nest Building

Chapter XVI “I Won't!” Said Mary

Chapter XVII. A Tantrum

Chapter XVIII “Tha' Munnot Waste No Time”

Chapter XIX “It Has Come!”

Chapter XX “I Shall Live Forever-And Ever-And Ever!”

Chapter XXI. Ben Weatherstaff

Chapter XXII. When The Sun Went Down

Chapter XXIII. Magic

Chapter XXIV “Let Them Laugh”

Chapter XXV. The Curtain

Chapter XXVI “It's Mother!”

Chapter XXVII. In The Garden

Отрывок из книги

There was something mysterious in the air that morning. Nothing was done in its regular order and several of the native servants seemed missing, while those whom Mary saw slink [4]or hurried about with ashy and scared faces. But no one would tell her anything and her Ayah did not come. She was actually left alone as the morning went on, and at last she wandered out into the garden and began to play by herself under a tree near the veranda. She pretended that she was making a flowerbed, and she stuck big scarlet hibiscus blossoms into little heaps of earth [5], all the time growing more and more angry and muttering to herself the things she would say and the names she would call Saidie when she returned.

At that very moment such a loud sound of wailing [6] broke out from the servants' quarters that she clutched [7] the young man's arm, and Mary stood shivering from head to foot. The wailing grew wilder and wilder. “What is it? What is it?” Mrs. Lennox gasped.


Mary gave a little involuntary jump.

“Oh! did she die!” she exclaimed, quite without meaning to. She had just remembered a French fairy story she had once read called “Riquet a la Houppe.” It had been about a poor hunchback and a beautiful princess and it had made her suddenly sorry for Mr. Archibald Craven.


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