The Praise of a Godly Woman

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Gamon Hannibal. The Praise of a Godly Woman
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Honovrable Sir,
Saint Mauganthe
Firſt then (that the Obiect may be right) the42 Lord is her feare, who ſhal be praiſed. For if He be not, all exquiſiteneſſes beſides are nothing in compariſon; and if He be, all ſufficiencies (remarkable in that ſex) are improued, and all Duties (obſerueable in the feare of the Lord) are practiſed. To ſee this the better, let vs follow Tertullians43 rule, and oppoſe one againſt another, a veſſell of diſhonour againſt a veſſell of honour, a woman not Fearing, againſt a woman Fearing the Lord.
But on the other ſide what perſonall ſufficiency, what ſingular duty is there requiſite in a Woman, either in reſpect of God, or of her huſband, children, kindred, ſeruants, place, and of Gods people, which the life of Grace, the Grace of the Feare of the Lord doth not animate, aduance, and accompliſh? This godly Feare ennobleth Nobilitie, beautifieth Beautie, enricheth wealth, teacheth wit, wiſdome. She that hath this Feare, dare not for her heart, but be loath to offend her huſband, and deny her inferiority55, but be an example of godlineſſe to her children56, prouide things neceſſary for her ſeruants57 both in health and in ſickneſſe; loue her naturall and legall58 kindred, eſteeme her equals aboue her ſelfe59, countenance and relieue her inferiours60, maintaine the dignitie of her place by all ſuch vertues as may diſcharge the61 ſame; winne the affections of Gods people, to her more and more, by the offices62 of courteſies, ſalutations, gifts, viſitations, inuitations and of helpfulneſſe; yea ſhe that feares God, dare not for her heart but Honour them that feare God, Pſal. 15. 4. but keepe her ſet taskes63 of hearing, reading, faſting, praying, meditating, moderating paſſionate diſtempers, and of all other gracious exerciſes, of Selfe-deniall64; ſo that there is not any knowne65 ſinne which ſhe nouriſheth, alloweth, or goeth on in, but quaketh and trembleth at the very firſt thoughts, yea motions and inclinations thereunto, as being in the ſight66 of an inuiſible God, vnder the perpetuall preſence of his All-ſeeing glorious pure eye, which ſhee will not prouoke to anger by any ſinne, for all the gold that euer the Sunne made, or ſhall make while it ſtands in Heauen67.