Getting Things Done When You Are Not in Charge

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Geoffrey M Bellman. Getting Things Done When You Are Not in Charge
What This New Edition Is About
Why I Wrote This Book
Who Is This Book For?
How to Read This Book
INTRODUCTION. You Are Not In Charge
The Illusion: Someone Is in Charge
The Life Game
CHAPTER ONE. A Model for Getting Things Done
AN EXERCISE. Drawing Your Life
What to Read Next
CHAPTER TWO. Why Is That Important?
AN EXERCISE1. What Is Important
CHAPTER THREE. Pursuing Your Aspirations
Know What You Want
Know Why You Want What You Want
Wants Are Linked to Life Purpose
Alignment of Wants Builds Power
Figure Out What You Want Before Talking About It
Each Day Remind Yourself What Is Important
Lead Your Own Life
Immediate Fulfillment Requires Immediate Action
Distant Fulfillment Requires Persistence
Know How You Want to Work with Others
CHAPTER FOUR. Discovering Dreams
Wants Always Exist
Express the Dream
Discover What They Want That You Want
Build Commitment to Wants
Reinvent the Wheel
Help Them Know That You Know
Collaboration and Negotiation: Your Best Options
Competition and Avoidance: Not Your Best Options
CHAPTER FIVE. What Is Really Happening?
Five Steps to Discovering Reality
AN EXERCISE. Organizational Reality
Love of the Bumps
CHAPTER SIX. Build Common Understanding
Help Others Find and Face the Truth
The Organizational Village
Building Understanding in Organizations
CHAPTER SEVEN. Face the Politics
Politics Are Real and Inescapable
My Kind of Politics
Your Mix of Politics and Values
Building a Positive Political Climate
Working Through Negative Political Situations
CHAPTER EIGHT. Seek the Priorities
Follow the Money
Trace the Time
Find Your Power
AN EXERCISE. Building Formal Power
CHAPTER NINE. Who Makes a Difference?
AN EXERCISE. Successful Work Relationships
Help Those Whom You Would Have Help You
Respect the Past
Deal Openly
Create Your Relationship Web
CHAPTER TEN. Enlist Able Partners
The Parts in Partnership
Anticipating Success
Contracts and Contracting
Your Unique Value-Added Contribution
Partnership Begins with You
Build a Pattern of Accomplishments
Pass the Word on Your Success
Expect Less Appreciation
Accept Others’ Lack of Knowledge
Ask About What They Care About
Risk Seeing It Their Way
Say Yes… and Say No
Long-Term Partnerships
CHAPTER ELEVEN. Controlling Work Dynamics
A Model for Working with You
Our Need to Control
CHAPTER TWELVE. Dealing with Decision Makers
Show and Earn Respect
AN EXERCISE. Building Respect
They Don’t Understand Your Work
Understand Their Purpose and Viewpoint
Do Not Wait: Initiate!
Link Your Work to Key Systems
Seek Reviews of Your Work
Find Ways to Offer Feedback
AN EXERCISE. Self Discovery
I vs. They
Out There vs. In Here
Learning the Truth About Yourself
Knowledge of Your Self
CHAPTER FOURTEEN. Find the Courage to Risk
The Risks of Stepping Forward
Putting Fears in Perspective
What If I Get Fired?
What If I Lose What I’ve Got?
What If I Am Found Out?
What If I Get It Wrong?
Expect to Miss the Mark
Building Your Courage: Three Exercises
EXERCISE ONE. Willingness to Risk
EXERCISE TWO. Sorting Risk Responsibilities
EXERCISE THREE. Courageous Consequences
CHAPTER FIFTEEN. Making Your Work Rewarding
Reaction and Reward
The Rewards of Membership
Making Your Work Rewarding
Praise Fixation Breeds Dependence
AN EXERCISE. Rewards from Your Work
Stability Meets Instability
The Need for Change Must Be Compelling
Leading Change Is Demanding
Change Is Rooted in Respect
Help Others Hear Your Ideas
Resistance Reveals Power
Perseverance Required
Ideas Must Find Their Time
The Dangers of Rapid Change
Change in Changing Organizations
Succeed on Their Terms as Well as Your Own
Expect the Change to Allow You to be Yourself
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN. Actions That Get Things Done
Twenty Actions to Get Things Done
Building on and Beyond This Book
CONCLUSION. A Life Perspective on Leading Change
About the Author
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You are not in charge. You may not be clear who is in charge, but you know that you are not. In spite of this, you want to do your work well, you want to contribute to the organization, and you want to succeed personally. These wants often cause conflict, as you are challenged to support others’ goals while working toward your own. You feel irritated by the difficulty of trying to get something done and not having the power to do it. You feel constrained by the formal and informal boundaries of the organization. You try to do your best, but keep running up against the rules of play in the organization you are trying to help. You may work in the profit or not-for-profit sector. You may give your time or work for money. You may be a manager, a director, a salaried or an hourly worker. It does not matter. You share with many others the desire to do good work, the need for recognition, and the frustration of having your efforts blocked by the very organization you are trying to serve.
You are not as powerless as you sometimes feel: that is the main premise of this book. This book explores the many ways you can get things done, support the work of others, and find greater life fulfillment through your work. There are ways of dealing with the issues inherent in working for an organization. I know the issues well after thirty-five years in and around organizations. I have lived with the dilemmas of working from the middle of large corporations, government agencies, school systems, hospitals, foundations, and not-for-profit organizations. I have had amazing success and sobering failure, and I have learned. This book builds on my learning, and on the learning of others with whom I have worked, and it can be a guide to your learning as well. It is my answer to the question “How can you feel good about your work and make a difference when you have little formal power?”
In the fifteen years since book one, the organization world has been chaotic. Reading over my earlier versions reminded me of how much the organizational world has changed in less than a generation. Information technology and systems, cyberspace, mergers, acquisitions and divestitures, virtual teams, global marketplace, generation X, politics, prosperity, recession, dot.coms, shifting demography, aging population, health care, education, and you could add to the list. Change is in the air. It is disrupting everything and everyone who tries to remain static, and it looks as if this unpredictable untidiness will continue indefinitely. All of this external change profoundly affects the ways we get things done, and makes working successfully from the middle even more important than ever before.
I have added fifteen years to my work experience, and I have added years of not-for-profit experience to my years with for-profits. I’ve had more time to watch for patterns. I’ve learned more about what allows people to thrive in the middle of organizations, and I am more encouraged than ever about the opportunities present in today’s emerging organizations for the able, invested individual. This new book might better be called an adaptation than a new edition. Not a paragraph has gone untouched; much of it is brand new. The entire book has been refocused, rewritten, and reordered.