Goforth Rosalind. Chinese Diamonds for the King of Kings
SKETCH I. As Silver Is Refined
SKETCH II. Characters From One Village
SKETCH III. The Man Who Proved God
SKETCH IV. Opening a New Station
SKETCH V. Testing God
SKETCH VI. A Christian General
SKETCH VII. A Chinese Nobleman
SKETCH IX. Heathenism As I Have Known It
SKETCH X. The Blind Famine Refugee
SKETCH XI. Links in a Living Chain
SKETCH XII. Our First Woman Convert
SKETCH XIII. Two "Rice" Christians
SKETCH XIV. Daybreak in One Home
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The following sketches are as photographically true as my knowledge of Chinese life and people can make them. They are written primarily as an answer to the oft met questions, "Do missions pay?" and, "After all, are there any real Christians in China?"
We missionaries are frequently told that the average church member at home has come to think of missionaries' letters as "too dry to read." Wherefore, my attempt to give missionary facts in a different, possibly more readable, form. With what success remains to be seen. The little book is sent forth with the earnest hope and prayer that those who read these sketches may come to see the truth of what Paul said: "God hath made of ONE BLOOD all men under heaven."
"My friend," replied the missionary, drawing his chair nearer to the other and speaking from the depths of a full heart, "It is like this, Jesus Christ left His home in heaven to suffer and die for us – for me. The love that made Him do that He has given to me and those with me. It is this LOVE that makes us do all this for your people."
"You mean then that you are just following in Jesus Christ's steps – just doing as He did?"