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An abandoned area on the other side of our galaxy there is a unique section of blackness. This deep blackness is caused by the competing electromagnetic forces of two close black holes. These electromagnetic forces compete for ascendancy over this small black zone. As unbelievably powerful forces fight for the dark matter in this zone the electromagnetic fields begin to destroy any other micro matter.

The result of this constant power struggle is the total absence of all matter in this black zone. This means that there is no way for light to travel in this zone. Any light attempting to cross this zone is torn apart then destroyed utterly. Without any ability to move from one end to another the passage of time inside this zone becomes frozen. Meteorites, asteroids, space junk and anything else that enters this zone completely vanishes into nothingness.

Astronomers near the border of our galaxy never could see into this dark zone of space during their search span. With competing forces virtually cancelling each other out there was no observable abnormalities. Even the most powerful telescopes merely showed that it as a vacant dark area. Thus the Galaxy Central Astronomical Society designated it as just another dark sector. But no astrophysicist could come up with a theory to explain this absence of any light travelling through the zone.

Some astrophysicists wanted to send research spaceships to get a closer view but the space/time location was too far away from normal trade routes. This meant that a special exploratory mission would have to be funded. So for a considerable age this black zone was left alone. Finally a powerful and rich research funding organisation decided to map all the unknown areas of the galaxy. A long term survey and mapping project was launched from Galaxy Central Astrophysics Academy. Still the scope of the research parameters were so wide that funding for pure research would continue to be an ongoing problem.

Eventually some funding was provided for a complete exploration mission to special interest areas. This new funding would finally allow for a start on a dark matter research project. But it was going to be a tedious and protracted task. So a artificially intelligent quantum space ship was designed for such pure research missions.

The galaxy's quantum exploration computer program was loaded up into one of only two quantum computer spaceships in the galaxy. The prime directive of this artificially intelligent computer was to direct this exploration of all the space not currently charted. This involved a mission so drawn out over time that its original proposers moved on to other missions. Largely forgotten, this quantum survey ship continued on with its mission. There was only one problem. No matter how hard it tried the quantum ship could not enter one section of space in its exploratory mission path.

Yet the prime directive had to be obeyed to the primary digit. So the Galaxy Central official appointed to oversee its activities ordered it to kept trying. When no return signal was received for a long time this official with the seniority of Observer status assumed that the quantum ship had finished with this black zone. It was then ordered to return to the galaxy central science base to transfer its mission results.

No one at the Galaxy Central Astrophysics Academy noticed the gap in time that ensured. Finally the original Observer on this pure research project was reassigned. The was no immediate successor officially appointed from the Inspector-General's office. So the quantum computer ship will working inside its project parameters had no one to report to or even contact.

At another place a higher spiritual being got bored and decided to make some mischief. So the next time the survey ship tried to enter the dark zone it was helped across an unseen boundary shield. Suddenly the survey ship was surrounded by absolute darkness. Its sensors recorded the presence of an inert mass of dark matter. Then nothing. It could not do any recording as all its scans disappeared never to return. Some self preservation program warned it in time to leave that zone. So it threw its impulse engines into emergency reverse mode.

Suddenly it was outside this black zone. Notice that it had lost an enormous amount of power the quantum ship began powering up from a sudden burst of star light. Needing some urgent repairs it headed back to its base. Arriving back at Galaxy Central Astrophysics base it went unnoticed. Only the other quantum computer that was always in contact with its clone detected its movements.

To be fair to the flesh species that should have been monitoring this quantum ship there was a military crisis of great concern to everyone. Senior officials at Galaxy Central were meeting in an emergency Galaxy Central Council session. There was a serious situation developing at the nearest galaxy border. A border patrol probe had reported that a large fleet of spaceships was approaching the demilitarized zone outside this border's force shield.

The ignored quantum computer ship merely followed its mission debriefing program. Transferring documented survey results including all the failed sensor readings from inside the dark zone. Being an artificially intelligent computer it had no need to talk to the flesh species at the Galaxy Central science base. Once the download was completed it simply went back to work in another part of the galaxy.

Out in deep space the bored spirit being was happy with its latest mischief. Knowing that there wasn't a flesh species that did not have curiosity compulsions this spiritual being waited for the inevitable disaster to unfold. Of all things it had at its disposal unlimited time was perhaps its most powerful asset.

But there was an even more powerful being who was not happy. Immediately sensing an unwelcome change in this galaxy this spirit being began its own research. Finally convinced of the consequences of another's mischief it went to its favorite part of space. That part it had created to be a time free zone.

Sensing that its will in this black zone had been ignored judgement on the mischief was passed. For the action initiated by that other spirit being final judgement was its exclusion for eternity from that zone over all the parallel universes created at that time. Now Every parallel universe would have this ban on entry by this misbehaving spirit from this black zone. For the additional action of malicious damage to future of certain flesh species the final judgement was for this spirit to be humiliated without even knowing it was occurring.

Already the all powerful being was realigning events to restore his original will to this black zone. Events would take longer to match his final will but this being existed outside time. This is what had made this zone so peaceful. Once inside this time free zone it was like the supreme being was back all alone before he had created all his multiple universes. It had been lonely back then but it certainly had been peaceful.

As this spirit surveyed the damage it restored the chaotic forces it had put in place to create this time free zone. This special time free zone zone had been infected with recent time events. It purged all infections from that zone. Lovely deep darkness returned in all its totally black zone. For this spirit being the light zones and the dark zones were the same thing. This is why this deeply dark zone was so unique. Because of the absence of time it reminded the spirit being of its origins. Lastly the supreme being restored entry barriers to this time free zone.

With its pet zone restored in that universe, the all powerful being went after the vandal spirit that had tried to destroy this quiet zone. Coming across this mischievous spirit trying to hide but still gloating, the all powerful spirit told it a few home truths. Its punishments were outlined by the all powerful being in minute detail. Not willing to avert the damage to the flesh beings that would result from this mischief the all powerful being was determined to punish this further crime.

Its will revealed the higher being then left this lesser spirit being trembling with fear and rage. No matter how hard it tried it pervert the will of the higher spirit it could not get into this time free zone ever again. Frustrated after all its futile attempts the lesser spirit went off to its own area to plot new mischief for all flesh species.

Going to an alternative universe would make not the slightest bit of difference. Impotence is not something this higher being could accept. It would spend eternity having this unique exclusion eating away at its confidence. Lurking outside its understanding was the even more severe punishment that waited to finally break into the arrogance of this spirit.

But not willing to meekly accepted its punishment the evil spirit began to ponder on ways around its exclusion. Then it saw a devious way to breach the time extinction barriers without directly flouting its ban. It would make use of the inferior flesh species that occupied one of alternate universes.

As a superior spiritual being it was able to manipulate all flesh species. With little effort it got into the space research computers at Galaxy Central. There it manipulated the prime directive of the quantum survey ship. Finally it manipulated the Galaxy Central Astrophysics Research administration to finally fund an investigation into the causes of the ultra dark zone uniqueness in their galaxy.

Only the most highly intelligent scientist would have an ego big enough to lead such an impossible research project. The most intelligent individual in the galaxy had built his own quantum computer ship. He used it now apparently to ferry him around the galaxy. Called the Professor because his home planet name was unpronounceable to most species he accepted the leadership post. After meeting at Galaxy Central with the whole project team the Professor set off at near light speed to get started on this new project. The remaining project astrophysicists had to find space on other research ships in this project fleet. These were left behind were left to follow more sedately in the Professor's space trail.

Given the many species that now made up the administrative community at Galaxy Central the problem of pronouncing names was resolved by only ever using titles. Even the universal translator programs had great difficult getting the pronunciation nuisances right. Many insults were avoided by falling back on standard titles. The major role titles of Professor, Governor, High-Administrator, Inspector-General, Marshall and Admiral were followed. Added to this were specific titles like Researcher, Investigator, Commodore, Captain, Navigator, Pilot, Science Officer, Prosecutor, Judge and so on. Everyone was given a unique binary number to facilitate administrative clarity. These flesh species were paid and notified using these binary numbers.

Over time a hierarchy unique to this galaxy evolved. The whole command structure was called Galaxy Central. This was a complex political, legal and military control bureaucracy. Military titles started at Captain but moved up to encompass Commodore then Admiral. Non-military titles used former military ranks to specific civilian power. So The Inspector-General was in charge of all law investigations. This person sent out Investigators who were meant to find evidence of wrong doing. The perpetrators would be arrested but charged back at Galaxy Central by a host of Prosecutors. Then Judges would determine guilt.

At this time/space light period at Galaxy Central the new assignments were being handed out to Investigators. Apart from the powerful Galaxy Central politicians, some of the most influential officials were the Investigators. These law officers would be sent to solar systems when there was big trouble with various criminal matters. Their rank entitled them to military protection, so they would be transported on a galaxy space warship. The marines on that ship would be under their direct control.

All solar system governments that were part of the Galaxy Central administration alliance had vowed to cooperate with all Investigations authorized by Galaxy Central. Often these Investigators would find that after detailed evidence was collected, they even had to arrest officials from a solar system. Such accused individuals would be removed to Galaxy Central detention facilities for processing by the Prosecutors. Only then would formal charges be laid against such influential individuals.

Trials were held in large court cubicles inside the second most secure building at Galaxy Central. Those convicted of serious crimes would be sent to the only prison planet in the galaxy. This planet had been deserted by most of its population after centuries of mining had rendered its soil infertile and its natural water undrinkable.

The few stubborn remnants of this once prosperous planet welcome its takeover by Galaxy Central. Then the underground maximum security prison was built below the vast polar region of this almost dead planet. After this Galaxy Central built a medium security facility above ground in the vast desert regions of that planet. Finally they built a minimum security prison farm on the equatorial belt of this planet. This was the only inhabitable part of the planet but even here the soil and water were toxic to most species. Life outside these three artificially supported areas was deadly.

Back at Galaxy Central not everyone was happy with their new assignment. At the time of this one light period a senior Investigator looked at his assignment with total incomprehension. As was his right, he went to the Galaxy Central Inspector-General's office to clarify his mission. Opening up with a bit of flattery the Investigator asked,

"Is there some mistake with my latest assignment? It says in my latest vid that I am to be placed on a research ship. Then it says I am to facilitate some intellectual with a vital research project work. But my question is where is the case I am supposed to be investigating?"

Looking at this still young Investigator with cold eyes, a much older being said via the translator,

"You have ascertained your mission perfectly. The Director of Space Research asked the Inspector-General to for the secondment of his best investigation officer to this vital research project. The Inspector-General picked you! Why he did that I cannot possibly imagine. But he insisted on choosing you personally. You are to watch these scientist very carefully. They are all law breakers in my opinion. Any transgression of galaxy law however minor you are to report to the personal assistant of the Inspector-General. For someone as young as you this is a great honor. Now get out of my office. Report at once to the Galaxy Central Scientific Research building. Dismissed."

There was a very strict code of obedience and discipline inside the Investigator-General's office. This was the most powerful section of Galaxy Central Law Department. But like all bureaucracies it did have its time servers. This older being was at the end of his career and felt it bitterly. Taking out his resentment on junior staff members was his coping mechanism. So the Investigator knew that he had to meekly accept this curt dismissal.

Leaving this unsatisfactory meeting, the Investigator made preparations for this unwanted mission. He was not happy about "wasting" time on this soft research project. If he had only known the outcome of this unusual mission he probably would have called in sick instead of boarding the research ship. Fate was to play tricks on the Investigator's life stream. It was about to change radically.

The Time Free Zone

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