Economics of G20

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Группа авторов. Economics of G20
About the Editors-in-Chief
Chapter 1. G20 and International Economic Coordination: Lessons from the Inter-War Years
Economic Performance after the 2008 Crisis
The World Economy During the Inter-War Years. Problems for Recovery after the War
Cooperation in Setting Up of Central Banks
Attempts at International Cooperation to Stabilise the Economy. Genoa Conference
Section Cooperation after Genoa
Cooperation after the Onset of the Great Depression: The London Conference
Prospects for Cooperation at the G20
Chapter 2. The Economic Situation of Countries in Sub-Saharan Countries: What Can Be Done by the G20?
African Economic Performance — Growth, Exports and the Current Account
Economic Performance by Export Orientation
Chapter 3. Latin America’s Economic Performance: What Ails It?
Introduction. Latin America’s Comparative Economic Performance
Performance of Individual Countries
Chapter 4. What Realistically Can the G20 Contribute to Development?*
Introduction and Background
What the G20 Has Done Thus Far on Development
Declarations of Purpose and Intent
What Has Been Achieved. Recovery of the World Economy
Implementation of Recommendations
The Future of Development Issues in the G20
Appropriateness as a Forum in the Future for Tackling Development Issues
Development Considerations and the Core G20 Work Stream
The Future of Development and the G20 Work Plan
Chapter 5. The 2008–2009 Crisis and Developing Countries
Literature Survey
Regional Analysis
Individual Country Analysis
Spearman’s Rank Correlation
Comparative Analysis: Correlations
Chapter 6. Argentina, G20 and Beyond: The “Outsider” Saga
A Background
Argentina and the G20: The Beginnings
Argentina, Brazil and Mexico: The Latin American “Caucus”
Argentina and G20 Presidency: Opportunities and Challenges
By Way of a Conclusion
Chapter 7. Indonesia’s Role in the G20: Assessing the Critical Link in the ASEAN Chain
Why Indonesia’s Role is Critical?
Emergence of the G20 and Its Significance to Indonesia
Indonesia’s Transition to Democracy and Political Consolidation
Indonesia’s Contribution and Challenges in the G20
Primus Inter Peres of ASEAN in the G20
Chapter 8. Saudi Arabia and the Millennium Development Goals
Social Development in Saudi Arabia
Poverty and Malnourishment
Universal Primary Education
Child and Maternal Healthcare
Gender Equality and Women Empowerment
Environmental Sustainability and Global Partnership
Analyses and Conclusion
Chapter 9. Turkey, G20 and Global Governance: Aspiration and Limitation
Introduction: A Brief Background to G20 and Turkey’s Entry to the Club
The Interplay of Islam, Turkish Nationalism and Globalisation: Implication for Turkey’s Interest into G20
Turkey’s Evolving Interest in G20 and Its Coordinating Structure
Turkey and G20: Approach, Objectives and Strategies
Limitations of Turkey’s Effective Participation in G20
About the Editors-in-Chief
Chapter 1. Which Way Forward? The Role of Free Trade for the Development of the World Economy
Introduction: Free Trade at a Crossroads
Evolution of the Current World Trade Order: Multilateralism versus Regional Free Trade Agreements
The Growth and Distribution Effects of International Trade
General Growth Effects of International Trade
Key Impacts of International Trade on Industrialised Countries
The Role of Technological Progress
Interim Conclusion for Industrialised Countries
Key Impacts of International Trade on Emerging and Developing Countries
Interim Conclusion for Emerging and Developing Countries
Basic Conditions for Fair World Trade
Removal of Discriminatory Trade Restrictions
Market Transparency
Same Level of Information for All Participants in the Market
Internalisation of Negative External Effects
Free Trade Must Take Account of Market Boundaries
Fair Distribution of Increases in Income between the Participating Countries
Fair Distribution of Increases in Income within the Participating Countries
Compensation for the Loss of Income in Third Countries
No “Race to the Bottom”
Participation in Free Trade Presupposes Corresponding Production Capacity
Concluding Remarks
Chapter 2. China and Global Economic Governance
The Evolution of Global Economic Governance and the Group Rise of Emerging Economy
China’s Participation in Global Economic Governance in Early Period
Recent Progress of China’s Participation in Global Economic Governance. Improve the Idea for China’s Participation in Global Governance
Ways and recent Progress of China’s Participation in Global Economic Governance
Challenges Facing China Participation in Global Economic Governance. Rising Difficulties in Governing Global Issues
Rising Deficits in Global Governance
Insufficient Governance Capability of China
Suggestions on China’s Further Participation in Global Governance. Make Full Use of the two Multilateral Governance Platforms (UN and G20) to Further Improve the Effectiveness of Existing Governance Mechanisms
Establish Diversified Global Governance Actors and Reasonable Governance Structure Guided by New-Type Relations among Major Powers
Deeply Integrate BRI with Agenda of Global Sustainable Development, and Innovate International Development Governance
Promote the Internationalisation of China’s Governance Concepts and Ideas
Strengthen Capacity Building of China in Global Economic Governance
Chapter 3. Prospects for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Progress on MDGs in the Regions and Prospects for the SDGs. Poverty. Progress towards the MDGs
Prospects for achieving the SDGs
Malnutrition. Progress towards the MDGs
Prospects for achieving the SDGs
Mortality Rates. Progress towards the MDGs
Prospects for achieving the SDGs
The Performance of Developing Country Members of the G20
Poverty. Achievement of the poverty MDG
Prospects for achieving the SDGs
Malnutrition. Achievement of the malnutrition MDG
Prospects for achieving the SDG for malnutrition
Mortality Rates: Achievement of the Mortality MDGs and Prospects for Achieving the Mortality SDGs
Chapter 4. Guardian of the Common Good or National Power Projection? What Role for the G20 in the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development?
G20 and the 2030 Agenda
T20 Policy Briefs
Additional Proposals
BRICS Commitment
G20 Support to Developing Countries
International Development Cooperation
Partnership with Africa
Conclusions and Way Forward
Development Cooperation for SDG 17
Cross-border Spillovers
Chapter 5. The G20 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
The 2030 Agenda: Origins and Main Features
Challenges of Implementation
The G20 and the 2030 Agenda
Chapter 6. The Potential of SDG-3 for Reducing Health Inequities: Across and Within Nations
The MDGs and the SDGs with Respect to Health Goals
Health Inequities Across Nations
Social Determinants and Health Inequities
Policy Implications of the Acceptance of the SDG Health Goals
The Indian Road Map to Achieving SDG Health Goals
The Ayushman Bharat Proposal — New Expectations and New Concerns
Action at the Community, Family and Individual Level
Measuring Progress towards SDGs on Health
Chapter 7. Universal Healthcare and Africa: Key Policy Challenges and the Role of G20
Sustainable Development Goals
Health: Current Status
Maternal Mortality
New Born and Child Mortality
Epidemics and Communicable Diseases
Non-communicable Diseases
Challenges and Responses
Universal Healthcare
Health Expenses
Critical Areas
Innovation and access to new technologies
Related Sectors
Way Forward
Special Focus Sectors and Areas
Africa: Health Status
Africa: Disease Burden
Africa: Health Workforce
G20 and Health
G20 and Africa
Policies and Strategies
Chapter 8. The Goals Concealed in the Goal Revealed: Taking Forward Global Education from SDG 4
The SDG Vision of an Educated World
SDG 4 and Previous International Goals on Education
Indicators to Achieve Only What We Can Measure
The Financial Prioritisation and Legal Status of Education
The Goals Concealed in the Goal Revealed: The Challenges of Setting an Agenda for the Whole World
Chapter 9. Public Investment in Education and Out of School Children: The Case of India in South Asia
Importance of Education and the Role of Public Investment
Education in Developing Country Regions
Public Investment in Education and Out of School Children in South Asia
Out of School Children in India
Public Expenditure on Education in India: Ups and Downs and Consequences8
Development of the Education System in India after Independence
Developments in Education Since 1980
Concluding Comments
Data sources
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To our students with their questioning spirit that has kept us fresh and interested
Professor Manmohan Agarwal is the Reserve Bank Chair at the Centre for Development Studies at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. Earlier, he had retired as a professor from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, where he taught for almost 30 years. Subsequently, he was a senior fellow at the CIGI at Waterloo, Canada, where he worked on issues of the world economy including the G20 and South–South cooperation. He is also a Senior Fellow at Research and Information Systems for Developing Countries, New Delhi, and an Adjunct Senior Fellow with the Institute of Chinese Studies. He also worked for a number of years at the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. His research has been mainly in the area of International Economics and Development Economics.
The main role we envisage for the G20 is for leaders to exchange views about how they see their economies evolving. In particular, they can inform their peers how policy in their country is likely to be so that other countries can base their policies on a proper assessment of policies in other countries and would not be faced by surprises. A recovery of the world economy would have to depend on what is the right model of the world economy and what role there is in it for policy.
Agarwal, M. (2017). The Operation of the Gold Standard in the Core and the Periphery Before the First World War, Centre for Development Studies WP 473, Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.