Western Philosophy

Western Philosophy
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The new edition of this celebrated anthology surveys the Western philosophical tradition from its origins in ancient Greece to the work of today’s leading philosophers  Western Philosophy: An Anthology  provides an authoritative guided tour through the great tradition of Western philosophical thought. The seminal writings of the great philosophers along with more recent readings of contemporary interest are explored in 144 substantial and carefully chosen extracts, each preceded by a lucid introduction, guiding readers through the history of a diverse range of key arguments, and explaining how important theories fit into the unfolding story of Western philosophical inquiry. Broad in scope, the anthology covers all the main branches of philosophy: theory of knowledge and metaphysics, logic and language, philosophy of mind, the self and freedom, religion and science, moral philosophy, political theory, aesthetics, and the meaning of life, all in self-contained parts which can be worked on by students and instructors independently.  The third edition of the Anthology contains newly incorporated classic texts from thinkers such as Aquinas, Machiavelli, Descartes, William James, and Wittgenstein. Each of the 144 individual extracts is now followed by sample questions focusing on the key philosophical problems raised by the excerpt, and accompanied by detailed further reading suggestions that include up-to-date links to online resources. Also new to this edition is an introductory essay written by John Cottingham, which offers advice to students on how to read and write about a philosophical text.  Part of th e Blackwell Philosophy Anthologies  series,  Western Philosophy: An Anthology, Third Edition  remains an indispensable collection of classic source materials and expert insights for both beginning and advanced university students in a wide range of philosophy courses.


Группа авторов. Western Philosophy


Western Philosophy An Anthology

John Cottingham’s Western Philosophy: An Anthology Praise for the first edition





Preface to the Second Edition

Preface to the Third Edition


Part I Knowledge and Certainty

Part II Being and Reality

Part III Language and Meaning

Part IV Mind and Body

Part V The Self and Freedom

Part VI God and Religion

Part VII Science and Method

Part VIII Morality and the Good Life

Part IX Problems in Ethics

Part X Authority and the State

Part XI Beauty and Art

Part XII Human Life and its Meaning

Guidance for Readers and Format of the Volume

Introductory Essay: How to Read a Philosophical Text and How to Write about It. What Is Philosophical Inquiry?

Exegesis and Criticism

Assessing the Argument

An Example from Berkeley

Making the Subject Your Own

Give It Time


PART I Knowledge and Certainty. Knowledge and Certainty Introduction

1 Innate Knowledge: Plato, Meno*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


2 knowledge versus opinion: plato, Republic*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


3 Demonstrative Knowledge and Its Starting Points: Aristotle, Posterior Analytics*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


4 New Foundations for Knowledge: René Descartes, Meditations*

What can be called into doubt

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


5 The Senses as the Basis of Knowledge: John Locke, Essay Concerning Human Understanding*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


6 Innate Knowledge Defended: Gottfried Leibniz, New Essays on Human Understanding*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


7 Scepticism versus Human Nature: David Hume, Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


8 Experience and Understanding: Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason*

The distinction between pure and empirical knowledge

We are in possession of certain modes of a priori knowledge, and even the common understanding is never without them

The idea of a transcendental logic

Transition to the transcendental deduction of the categories

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


9 From Sense-certainty to Self-consciousness: Georg Hegel, Phenomenology of Spirit*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


10 Beliefs Judged by Their Practical Effects: William James, What Pragmatism Means*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


11 Against Scepticism: G. E. Moore, A Defence of Common Sense*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


12 Does Empirical Knowledge Have a Foundation? Wilfrid Sellars, The Myth of the Given*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


PART II Being and Reality. Introduction

1 The Allegory of the Cave: Plato, Republic*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


2 Individual Substance: Aristotle, Categories*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


3 Supreme Being and Created Things: René Descartes, Principles of Philosophy*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


4 Qualities and Ideas: John Locke, Essay Concerning Human Understanding*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


5 Substance, Life and Activity: Gottfried Leibniz, New System*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


6 Nothing Outside the Mind: George Berkeley, Principles of Human Knowledge*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


7 The Limits of Metaphysical Speculation: David Hume, Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


8 Metaphysics, Old and New: Immanuel Kant, Prolegomena*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


9 Reality as Flux: Alfred Whitehead, Process and Reality, and Science and the Modern World*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


10 Being and Involvement: Martin Heidegger, Being and Time*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


11 The End of Metaphysics? Rudolf Carnap, The Elimination of Metaphysics*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


12 The Problem of Ontology: W. V. O. Quine, On What There Is*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


PART III Language and Meaning. Language and Meaning Introduction


1 The Meanings of Words: Plato, Cratylus*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Online Resources)


2 Language and Its Acquisition: Augustine, Confessions*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Online Resources)


3 Thought, Language and Its Components: William of Ockham, Writings on Logic*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Online Resources)


4 Language, Reason and Animal Utterance: René Descartes, Discourse on the Method*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Online Resources)


5 Abstract General Ideas: John Locke, Essay Concerning Human Understanding*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Online Resources)


6 Particular Ideas and General Meaning: George Berkeley, Principles of Human Knowledge*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Online Resources)


7 Denotation versus Connotation John Stuart Mill, A System of Logic*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Online Resources)


8 Names and Their Meaning: Gottlob Frege, Sense and Reference*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Online Resources)


9 Definite and Indefinite Descriptions: Bertrand Russell, Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Online Resources)


10 Meaning and Use: Ludwig Wittgenstein, The Blue and Brown Books*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Online Resources)


11 Non-descriptive Uses of Language J. L. Austin, Performative Utterances*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Online Resources)


12 How the Reference of Terms is Fixed: Saul Kripke, Naming and Necessity*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Online Resources)


PART IV Mind and Body. Mind and Body Introduction

1 The Immortal Soul: Plato, Phaedo*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Online Resources)


2 Soul and Body, Form and Matter: Aristotle, De Anima*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Online Resources)


3 The Human Soul: Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae*

Is the soul a body?

Is the human soul something subsistent?

Are the souls of brute animals subsistent?

Is the soul man?

Is the soul composed of matter and form?

Whether the human soul is corruptible

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Online Resources)


4 The Non-material Mind or Soul and Its Relation to the Body: René Descartes, Discourse and Meditations*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Online Resources)


5 The Identity of Mind and Body: Benedict Spinoza, Ethics*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Online Resources)


6 Mind–Body Correlations: Nicolas Malebranche, Dialogues on Metaphysics*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Online Resources)


7 Body and Mind as Manifestations of Will: Arthur Schopenhauer, The World as Will and Idea*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Online Resources)


8 The Problem of Other Minds: John Stuart Mill, An Examination of Sir William Hamilton’s Philosophy*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Online Resources)


9 The Hallmarks of Mental Phenomena: Franz Brentano, Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Online Resources)


10 The Myth of the ‘Ghost in the Machine’: Gilbert Ryle, The Concept of Mind*

The official doctrine

The absurdity of the official doctrine

Origin of the category-mistake

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Online Resources)


11 Mental States as Functional States: Hilary Putnam, Psychological Predicates*

1 Identity questions

2 Is pain a brain state?

3 Functional state versus brain state

4 Functional state versus behaviour-disposition

5 Methodological considerations

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Online Resources)


12 The Subjective Dimension of Consciousness: Thomas Nagel, What is it Like to be a Bat?*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Online Resources)


PART V The Self and Freedom. The Self and Freedom Introduction

(a) The Self 1 The Self and Consciousness: John Locke, Essay Concerning Human Understanding*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


2 The Self as Primitive Concept: Joseph Butler, Of Personal Identity*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


3 The Self as Bundle: David Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


4 The Partly Hidden Self: Sigmund Freud, Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


5 Liberation from the Self: Derek Parfit, Reasons and Persons*

Whyour identity is not what matters

Liberation from the self

The continuity of the body

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


6 Selfhood and Narrative Understanding: Charles Taylor, Sources of the Self*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


(b) Freedom. 7 Human Freedom and Divine Providence: Augustine, The City of God*

Theforeknowledge of God, and the free will of man (in opposition to the opinion of Cicero)

Are our wills ruled by necessity?

The universal providence of God, in the laws of which all things are included

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


8 Freedom to Do What We Want: Thomas Hobbes, Liberty, Necessity and Chance*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


9 Free Will as the Power of Rational Agency: Thomas Reid, Essays on the Active Powers of Man*

Thenotions of Moral Liberty and Necessity stated

Of the influence of motives

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


10 Absolute Determinism: Pierre-Simon de Laplace, Philosophical Essay on Probability*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


11 Condemned to Be Free: Jean-Paul Sartre, Being and Nothingness*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


12 Freedom, Responsibility and the Ability to Do Otherwise: Harry G. Frankfurt, Alternate Possibilities and Moral Responsibility*






Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


PART VI God and Religion. Introduction

1 God Cannot Be Thought Not to Exist: Anselm of Canterbury, Proslogion*

Themind stirred up to the contemplation of God

God truly exists

God cannot be thought not to exist

How the fool said in his heart what cannot be thought

God is whatever is better to be than not to be; he alone, existing through himself, makes all other things from nothing

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


2 The Five Proofs of God: Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae*

Theexistence of God can be proved in five ways

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


3 God as Source of My Idea of the Infinite: René Descartes, Meditations*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


4 God’s Existence Derived from His Nature or Essence: René Descartes, Meditations*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


5 The Wager: Blaise Pascal, Pensées*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


6 The problem of Evil: Gottfried Leibniz, Theodicy*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


7 The Argument from Design: David Hume, Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


8 Against Miracles: David Hume, Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)

9 Faith and Subjectivity: Søren Kierkegaard, Concluding Unscientific Postscript*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


10 Reason, Passion and the Religious Hypothesis: William James, The Will to Believe*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


11 The Meaning of Religious Language: John Wisdom, Gods*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


12 Many Paths to the Same Ultimate Reality? John Hick, Problems of Religious Pluralism*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


PART VII Science and Method. Science and MethodIntroduction

1 Four Types of Explanation: Aristotle, Physics*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


2 Experimental Methods and True Causes: Francis Bacon, Novum Organum*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


3 Mathematical Science and the Control of Nature: René Descartes, Discourse on the Method*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


4 The Limits of Scientific Explanation: George Berkeley, On Motion*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


5 The Problem of Induction: David Hume, Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


6 The Relation Between Cause and Effect: David Hume, Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


7 Causality and our Experience of Events: Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


8 The Uniformity of Nature: John Stuart Mill, System of Logic*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


9 Science and Falsifiability: Karl Popper, Conjectures and Refutations*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


10 How Explaining Works: Carl G. Hempel, Explanation in Science and History*

Elliptical and partial explanations: explanation sketches

Nomological explanation in history

Genetic explanation in history

Explanation by motivating reasons

Concluding remarks

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


11 Scientific Realism Versus Instrumentalism: Grover Maxwell, The Ontological Status of Theoretical Entities*

The problem

The observational–theoretical dichotomy

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


12 Change and Crisis in Science: Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


PART VIII Morality and the Good Life. Morality and the Good Life Introduction

1 Morality and Happiness: Plato, Republic*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


2 Ethical Virtue: Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


3 Morality and Natural Law: Aquinas, Summa Theologiae*

Is there an eternal law?

Is there in us a natural law?

Human law

The precepts of the natural law

Are all acts of virtue prescribed by the natural law?

Is the natural law the same in all people?

Can the natural law be changed?

Can the law of nature be eradicated from the human heart?

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


4 Virtue, Reason and the Passions: Benedict Spinoza, Ethics*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


5 Human Feeling as the Source of Ethics: David Hume, Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


6 Duty and Reason as the Ultimate Principle: Immanuel Kant, Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


7 Happiness as the Foundation of Morality: John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


8 Utility and Common-sense Morality: Henry Sidgwick, Methods of Ethics*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


9 Against Conventional Morality: Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


10 Duty and Intuition: W. D. Ross, The Right and the Good*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


11 Ethics as Rooted in History and Culture: Alasdair MacIntyre, After Virtue*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


12 Could Ethics Be Objective? Bernard Williams, Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


PART IX Problems in Ethics. Problems in Ethics Introduction


1 Inequality, Freedom and Slavery: Aristotle, Politics*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


2 War and Justice: Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae*

Is making war always a sin?

Is it permissible to kill a human being in self-defence?

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


3 Taking One’s Own Life: David Hume, On Suicide*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


4 Gender, Liberty and Equality: Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Women*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


5 Partiality and Favouritism: William Godwin, Enquiry Concerning Political Justice*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


6 The Status of Non-human Animals: Immanuel Kant, Lectures on Ethics*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


7 The Purpose of Punishment: Jeremy Bentham, Principles of Morals and Legislation*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


8 Our Relationship to the Environment: Aldo Leopold, The Land Ethic*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


9 Abortion and Rights: Judith Jarvis Thomson, A Defense of Abortion, and Patrick Lee & Robert P. George, The Wrong of Abortion*

[Response to] the argument that abortion is justified as non-intentional killing

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


10 The Relief of Global Suffering: Peter Singer, Famine, Affluence and Morality*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


11 Medical Ethics and the Termination of Life: James Rachels, Active and Passive Euthanasia*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


12 Cloning, Sexual Reproduction and Genetic Engineering: Leon R. Kass, The Wisdom of Repugnance*

The wisdom of repugnance

The profundity of sex

The perversities of cloning

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


PART X Authority and the State. Introduction


1 Our Obligation to Respect the Laws of the State: Plato, Crito*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


2 The Just Ruler: Thomas Aquinas, On Princely Government*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


3 Power and Control: Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince*

Concerning hereditary principles

Concerning those who have obtained a principality by wickedness

Concerning liberality and meanness

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


4 Sovereignty and Security: Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan*

Of the natural condition of mankind

Of the first and second natural laws, and of contracts

Of the causes, generation and definition of a commonwealth

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


5 Consent and Political Obligation: John Locke, Second Treatise of Civil Government*

The state of nature

The state of war


The beginning of political societies

The ends of political society and government

The subordination of the powers of the commonwealth

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


6 Against Contractarianism: David Hume, Of the Original Contract*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


7 Society and the Individual: Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract*

The social compact

The sovereign

The civil state

That sovereignty is inalienable

Whether the general will is fallible

The limits of the sovereign power


Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


8 The Unified State – From Individual Desire to Rational Self-determination: Georg Hegel, The Philosophy of Right*

Ethical life

The family

Civil society

The state

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


9 Property, Labour and Alienation: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The German Ideology*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


10 The Limits of Majority Rule: John Stuart Mill, On Liberty*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


11 Rational Choice and Fairness: John Rawls, A Theory of Justice*

The main idea of the theory of justice

The original position and justification

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


12 The Minimal State: Robert Nozick, Anarchy, State and Utopia*

The entitlement theory

Historical principles and end-result principles


How liberty upsets patterns

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading


PART XI Beauty and Art. Beauty and Art Introduction

1 Art and Imitation: Plato, Republic*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


2 The Nature and Function of Dramatic Art: Aristotle, Poetics*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


3 The Idea of Beauty: Francis Hutcheson, Inquiry Concerning Beauty, Order, Harmony, Design*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


4 Aesthetic Appreciation: David Hume, Of the Standard of Taste*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


5 The Concept of the Beautiful: Immanuel Kant, Critique of Judgement*

The judgement of taste is aesthetic

The delight which determines the judgement of taste is independent of all interest

Delight in the agreeable is coupled with interest

Delight in the good is coupled with interest

Comparison of three specifically different kinds of delight

Definition of the beautiful derived from [the foregoing]

The beautiful is that which apart from concepts is represented as the object of a universal delight

Comparison of the beautiful with the agreeable and the good by means of the above characteristic

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


6 The Metaphysics of Beauty: Arthur Schopenhauer, On Aesthetics*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


7 The Two Faces of Art: Friedrich Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


8 The Value of Art: Leo Tolstoy, What Is Art?*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


9 Imagination and Art: Jean-Paul Sartre, The Psychology of Imagination*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


10 What Is Aesthetics? Ludwig Wittgenstein, Lectures on Aesthetics*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


11 The Meaning of a Literary Work: W. K. Wimsatt Jr. and M. C. Beardsley, The Intentional Fallacy*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


12 The Basis of Judgements of Taste: Frank Sibley, Aesthetic Concepts*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading


PART XII Human Life and Its Meaning. Human Life and Its Meaning Introduction


1 How to Accept Reality and Avoid Fear: Lucretius, On the Nature of the Universe*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


2 Life Guided by Stoic Philosophy: Seneca, Moral Letters*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


3 Meaning through Service to Others: Augustine, Confessions*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


4 Contentment with the Human Lot: Michel de Montaigne, On Experience*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


5 The Human Condition, Wretched yet Redeemable: Blaise Pascal, Pensées*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


6 Human Life as a Meaningless Struggle: Arthur Schopenhauer, On the Vanity of Existence*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


7 The Death of God and the Ascendancy of the Will: Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra*

The three metamorphoses

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


8 Idealism in a Godless Universe: Bertrand Russell, A Free Man’s Worship*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


9 Futility and Defiance: Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


10 Involvement versus Detachment: Thomas Nagel, The Absurd*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


11 Religious Belief as Necessary for Meaning: William Lane Craig, The Absurdity of Life without God*

The necessity of God and immortality

The absurdity of life without God and immortality

No ultimate meaning without immortality and God

No ultimate value without immortality and God

No ultimate purpose without immortality and God

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


12 Seeing Our Lives as Part of the Process: Robert Nozick, Philosophy’s Life*

Specimen Questions

Suggestions for Further Reading (Including Internet Resources)


Background Reading and Reference

Part I: Knowledge and Certainty

Part II: Being and Reality

Part III: Language and Meaning

Part IV: Mind and Body

Part V: The Self and Freedom

Part VI: God and Religion

Part VII: Science and Method

Parts VIII and IX: Morality and the Good Life and Problems in Ethics

Part X: Authority and the State

Part XI: Beauty and Art

Part XII: The Meaning of Life

Notes on the Philosophers



Отрывок из книги

Each volume in this outstanding series provides an authoritative and comprehensive collection of the essential primary readings from philosophy’s main fields of study. Designed to complement the Blackwell Companions to Philosophy series, each volume represents an unparalleled resource in its own right, and will provide the ideal platform for course use.

Edited by


An excellent answer, proving, I said, that we are quite conscious of a distinction between them.

Then knowledge and opinion having distinct powers have also distinct spheres or subject-matters?


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