Genetic Analysis of Complex Disease

Genetic Analysis of Complex Disease
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Genetic Analysis of Complex Diseases An up-to-date and complete treatment of the strategies, designs and analysis methods for studying complex genetic disease in human beings In the newly revised Third Edition of Genetic Analysis of Complex Diseases , a team of distinguished geneticists delivers a comprehensive introduction to the most relevant strategies, designs and methods of analysis for the study of complex genetic disease in humans. The book focuses on concepts and designs, thereby offering readers a broad understanding of common problems and solutions in the field based on successful applications in the design and execution of genetic studies. This edited volume contains contributions from some of the leading voices in the area and presents new chapters on high-throughput genomic sequencing, copy-number variant analysis and epigenetic studies. Providing clear and easily referenced overviews of the considerations involved in genetic analysis of complex human genetic disease, including sampling, design, data collection, linkage and association studies and social, legal and ethical issues. Genetic Analysis of Complex Diseases also provides: A thorough introduction to study design for the identification of genes in complex traits Comprehensive explorations of basic concepts in genetics, disease phenotype definition and the determination of the genetic components of disease Practical discussions of modern bioinformatics tools for analysis of genetic data Reflecting on responsible conduct of research in genetic studies, as well as linkage analysis and data management New expanded chapter on complex genetic interactions This latest edition of Genetic Analysis of Complex Diseases is a must-read resource for molecular biologists, human geneticists, genetic epidemiologists and pharmaceutical researchers. It is also invaluable for graduate students taking courses in statistical genetics or genetic epidemiology.


Группа авторов. Genetic Analysis of Complex Disease

Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Illustrations



Genetic Analysis of Complex Diseases

List of Contributors


1 Designing a Study for Identifying Genes in Complex Traits


Components of a Disease Gene Discovery Study

Define Disease Phenotype

Clinical Definition

Determining that a Trait Has a Genetic Component

Identification of Datasets

Develop Study Design

Family‐Based Studies

Population‐Based Studies

Approaches for Gene Discovery

Analysis. Genomic Analysis

Statistical Analysis


Follow‐up. Variant Detection


Functional Studies

Keys to a Successful Study. Foster Interaction of Necessary Expertise

Develop Careful Study Design


2 Basic Concepts in Genetics


Historical Contributions. Segregation and Linkage Analysis

Hardy–Weinberg Equilibrium

DNA, Genes, and Chromosomes. Structure of DNA

Genes and Alleles

Genes and Chromosomes

Genes, Mitosis, and Meiosis

When Genes and Chromosomes Segregate Abnormally

Inheritance Patterns in Mendelian Disease

Autosomal Recessive

Autosomal Dominant

X‐linked Inheritance

Mitochondrial Inheritance


Genetic Changes Associated with Disease/ Trait Phenotypes. Mutations Versus Polymorphisms

Point Mutations

Sickle Cell Anemia


Deletion/Insertion Mutations

Duchenne and Becker Muscular Dystrophy

Cystic Fibrosis

Charcot‐Marie‐Tooth Disease

Nucleotide Repeat Disorders

Susceptibility Versus Causative Genes



3 Determining the Genetic Component of a Disease


Study Design

Selecting a Study Population




Single Affected Individual

Relative Pairs

Extended Families

Healthy or Unaffected Controls

Ascertainment Bias

Approaches to Determining the Genetic Component of a Disease

Co‐segregation with Chromosomal Abnormalities and Other Genetic Disorders

Familial Aggregation

Family History Approach

Example of Calculating Attributable Fraction

Correlation Coefficients

Twin and Adoption Studies

Recurrence Risk in Relatives of Affected Individuals


Example Using Correlation Coefficients to Calculate Heritability

Segregation Analysis



4 Study Design for Genetic Studies


Selecting a Study Population

Family‐Based Studies (Linkage)

Family‐Based Studies (Association)

Studies of Unrelated Individuals (Association)

Cohort Studies

Cross‐Sectional Studies

Case–Control Studies

Other Study Designs


Other Biobanks

Biospecimens for Biobanks



5 Responsible Conduct of Research in Genetic Studies


Research Regulations and Genetics Research

Addressing Pertinent ELSI in Genetic Research. Genetic Discrimination

Privacy and Confidentiality

Certificate of Confidentiality

Coding Data and Samples

Secondary Subjects

Future Use of Samples/Data Sharing

Handling of Research Results

CLIA Regulations: Separation of Research and Clinical Laboratories

Releasing Children's Genetic Research Results

DNA Ownership

DNA Banking

Family Coercion

Practical Methods for Efficient High‐Quality Genetic Research Services

The Investigator as the Genetic Study Coordinator

Time Spent


Support Groups and Organizations

Referrals from Health Care Providers

Research Databases and the Internet

Institution Databases

Medical Clinics

Recruitment by Family Members

Informed Consent

Vulnerable Populations


Persons with Cognitive Impairment

Data and Sample Collection. Sample Collection

Confirmation of Diagnosis

The Art of Field Studies

Referring for Additional Medical Services

Maintaining Contact with Participants

Future Considerations



6 Linkage Analysis

Disease Gene Discovery

Example 1 Parametric Linkage Analysis in Pedigree with Unlinked Marker

Example 2 Linkage Analysis in Pedigree with Linked Marker

Example 3 Linkage Phase Unknown

Ability to Detect Linkage

Real World Example of LOD Score Calculation and Interpretation

Disease Gene Localization

Multipoint Analysis

Effects of Misspecified Model Parameters in LOD Score Analysis

Impact of Incorrect Disease Allele Frequency

Impact of Incorrect Mode of Inheritance

Impact of Incorrect Disease Penetrance

Impact of Incorrect Marker Allele Frequency

Control of Scoring Errors

Genetic Heterogeneity

Practical Approach for Model‐Based Linkage Analysis of Complex Traits

Nonparametric Linkage Analysis

Identity by State and Identity by Descent

Methods for Nonparametric Linkage Analysis

Tests for Linkage Using Affected Sibling Pairs (ASP) Test Based on Identity by State

Tests Based on Identity by Descent in ASPs. Simple Tests

Tests Applicable When IBD Status Cannot Be Determined

Multipoint Affected Sib‐Pair Methods

Handling Sibships with More Than 2 Affected Siblings

Methods Incorporating Affected Relative Pairs

NPL Analysis

Fitting Population Parameters

Power Analysis and Experimental Design Considerations for Qualitative Traits. Factors Influencing Power of Sib‐pair Methods

The Example of Testicular Cancer

Examples of Sib‐Pair Methods for Mapping Complex Traits

Mapping Quantitative Traits

Measuring Genetic Effects in Quantitative Traits

Study Design for Quantitative Trait Linkage Analysis

Haseman–Elston Regression

Variance Components Linkage Analysis

Nonparametric Methods

The Future

Software Available



7 Data Management

Developing a Data Organization Strategy. A Brief Overview of Data Normalization

Database Management System (DBMS) and Structured Query Language (SQL)

Partitioning Data by Type

Sequence‐Level Data

Sample‐Level Data

Database Implementation. Hardware and Software Requirements

Implementation and Performance Tuning

Interacting with the Database Directly


Other Tools for Data Management and Manipulation




Workflow Management and Cloud Computing



8 Linkage Disequilibrium and Association Analysis


Linkage Disequilibrium

Measures of Allelic Association

Causes of Allelic Association

Mapping Genes Using Linkage Disequilibrium

Tests of Association

Case–Control Tests. Test Statistics

Measures of Disease Association and Impact

Assessing Confounding Bias

Family‐Based Tests of Association

The Transmission/Disequilibrium Test

Tests Using Unaffected Sibling Controls

Tests Using Extended Pedigrees

Regression and Likelihood‐Based Methods

Association Tests with Quantitative Traits

Analysis of Haplotype Data

Genome‐Wide Association Studies (GWAS)

Special Populations


1000 Genomes Project



9 Genome‐Wide Association Studies


Definition of GWAS

Purpose of GWAS


Technologies for High‐Density Genotyping

Discrete and Quantitative Trait Analysis

Case–Control, Family‐Based, and Cohort Study Designs

Statistical Power for Association and Correction for Testing Multiple Hypotheses

Data Analysis. Quality Control on Genotyping Call Data

Initial Genotyping Quality Control

Sample‐Level Quality Control

SNP‐Level Quality Control

Software Programs for Quality Control

Population Structure


Genetic Association Testing

Meta‐Analysis and “Mega‐Analysis”

Whole‐Genome Regression‐Based GWAS



10 Bioinformatics of Human Genetic Disease Studies


Common Threads Genome Analysis. A Brief Note on Study Design

Data Format Manipulation

Planning for Adequate Computational Resources


Processing and Memory


Genomics in the Cloud

Processing and Analysis of Genomic Data

Array‐Based Data. DNA Arrays and High‐Throughput Genotyping

Preprocessing and Initial Quality Control

Genotype Calling

Call Efficiency

Data Cleaning and Additional Quality Control

Inferring Structural Variation From SNP‐based Array Data

A Note on Statistical Analysis and Interpretation of Results

Array‐Based Analysis of Gene Expression

Preprocessing and Quality Control

Batch Effects and Data Normalization

Differential Expression

Classification and Clustering Methods

Visualization of Expression Data

Pathway and Network Analyses

Direct Counting and Other Expression Assay Procedures

Additional Uses for Oligonucleotide Arrays



Site‐specific Methylation Arrays

High‐Throughput Sequencing Methods for Genomics. Introduction

High‐Throughput Sequencing for Genotype Inference

Base Calling

Base Quality Recalibration


Variant Detection and Local Realignment Around Insertion/Deletions

Genotype Calling

Indel Calling

Quality Assessment of Genotypes

Sequence Annotation

Structural Variation Inference from High‐Throughput Sequencing Data

A Brief Note on Whole‐Genome Assembly

Expression Analysis from High‐Throughput Sequencing Data – RNA‐Seq

Base‐Calling and Foundational Preprocessing Steps


Reconstructing the Units of Transcription

Counting Sequence Reads and Normalization

Differential Expression Analysis

Classification, Clustering, and Tertiary Analyses

Additional Assays and Analysis based on High‐Throughput Sequencing Data

ChIP‐Seq and Methylation‐based Sequences. ChIP‐seq and MeDip‐seq


Bioinformatics Resources

Annotation of Genomic Data

Genome Browsers as Versatile Tools

Bioinformatics Frameworks and Workflows

Crowdsourcing and Troubleshooting

Data Sharing


11 Complex Genetic Interactions/Data Mining/Dimensionality Reduction

Human Diseases Are Complex

Complexity of Biological Systems

Genetic Heterogeneity

Statistical and Mathematical Concepts of Complex Genetic Models

Analytic Approaches to the Detection of Complex Interactions. Linkage Analysis/Genomic Sharing

Association Analysis

Genome‐Wide Association Analysis



12 Sample Size, Power, and Data Simulation


Sample Size and Power

Power Calculations and Simulation

Power Studies for Association Analysis

Software for Calculating Power for Association Studies, Family‐ or Population‐Based

PGA: Power for Genetic Association Analyses (Menashe et al. 2008)

Fine‐Mapping Power Calculator (Udler et al. 2010)

Quanto (Gauderman 2002, 2003)

PAWE: Power for Association with Errors (Gordon et al. 2002, 2003)

PAWE‐3D (Gordon et al. 2005)

GPC: Genetic Power Calculator (Purcell et al. 2003)

CaTS (Skol et al. 2006)

INPower (Park et al. 2010)

Software for Calculating Power for Transmission Disequilibrium Testing (TDT) and Affected Sib‐Pair Testing (ASP) GPC: Genetic Power Calculator (Purcell et al. 2003)

TDT‐PC: Transmission Disequilibrium Test Power Calculator (Chen and Deng 2001)

TDTASP (Brown 2004)

TDTPOWER (Ferreira et al. 2007)


Simulation Software for Association Study Power Assessment

Backward and Forward Model Simulations

Coalescent Model Simulation – Short Genetic Sequences. ms (Hudson 2002)

SimCoal (Laval and Excoffier2004)

CoaSIM (Mailund et al. 2005)

Larger Coalescent Simulated Models. SNPSim (Posada and Wiuf 2003)

MaCS: Markovian Coalescent Simulator (Chen et al. 2009)

Forward Model Simulations – Short Genetic Sequences. FreGene (Chadeau‐Hyam et al. 2008)

SimCoal2 (Laval and Excoffier 2004)

Forward Model Simulations – Large Genetic Sequences. EASYPOP (Balloux 2001)

SIMUPOP (Peng and Amos 2008; Peng and Kimmel 2005)

ForSim (Lambert et al. 2008)

GenomeSimla (Edwards et al. 2008)

Nemo 2.2 (Guillaume and Rougemont 2006)

Resampling Simulation Tools

HAP‐SAMPLE (Wright et al. 2007)

HAPSIMU (Zhang et al. 2008)

GWAsimulator (Li and Li 2008)

HAPGEN2 (Spencer et al. 2009; Su et al. 2011)

Software for Simulation of Phenotypic Data. Phenosim (Günther et al. 2011)

Power Simulations for Linkage Analysis

Definitions for Power Assessments for Linkage Analysis

Computer Simulation Methods for Linkage Analysis of Mendelian Disease

SIMLINK (Boehnke and Ploughman 1997)

SLINK: Simulation Program for Linkage Analysis (Ott 1989)

SUP: Slink Utility Program (Lemire 2006; Schäffer et al. 2011)

ALLEGRO (Gudbjartsson et al. 2000, 2005)

MERLIN: Multipoint Engine for Rapid Likelihood Inference (Cook Jr 2002)

SimPED (Leal et al. 2005)

Power Studies for Linkage Analysis – Complex Disease

Inclusion of Unaffected Siblings

Affected Relative Pairs of Other Types

Other Considerations

Genomic Screening Strategies: One‐Stage versus Two‐Stage Designs

Software for Designing Linkage Analysis Studies of Complex Disease. SIMLA (Bass et al. 2004; Schmidt et al. 2005)

Quantitative Traits

Extreme Discordant Pairs

Sampling Consideration for the Variance Component Method

Software for Designing Linkage Analysis Studies for Quantitative Traits. SOLAR: Sequential Oligogenic Linkage Analysis Routines (Almasy and Blangero 1998)

MERLIN: Multipoint Engine for Rapid Likelihood Inference (Cook Jr 2002)

SimuPOP (Peng and Amos 2008; Peng and Kimmel 2005)































Отрывок из книги

Third Edition


Meiosis consists of two parts: meiosis I and meiosis II. In meiosis I, which is called the reduction division stage, each chromosome in a cell is replicated to yield two sets of duplicated homologous chromosomes. During meiosis I, physical contact between chromatids may occur, resulting in the formation of chiasmata. Chiasmata are thought to represent the process of crossing over or recombination, in which an exchange of DNA between two (of the four) chromatids occurs (Figure 2.8). A chiasma occurs at least once per chromosome pair; thus, each chromosome pair undergoes at least one recombination event per meiotic division. Despite being physically linked, or syntenic, loci on the same chromosome may segregate independently from each other. When two loci are unlinked to one another, the recombination fraction (θ) between them is 0.50. The upper limit for observed recombination between two unlinked loci is set at 50% because the frequency with which odd numbers of recombination events between a pair of loci occur should equal the frequency with which even numbers of recombination events occur; when an even number of recombination events occurs between two loci, the resultant gametes appear to be nonrecombinant and hence these recombination events are unobserved. However, two loci that are located closely on the same chromosome have a low likelihood of experiencing a recombination event between them and nearly always segregate together. These loci are considered to be genetically linked (Figure 2.9). Linkage analysis (Chapter 6) is a method of determining whether two loci are genetically linked when passed on from one generation to the next through measuring the recombination fraction (θ) between loci.

Figure 2.8 Genetic results of crossing over: (a) no crossover: A and B remain together after meiosis; (b) crossover between A and B results in a recombination (A and B are inherited together on a chromosome, and A and B are inherited together on another chromosome); (c) double crossover between A and B results in no recombination of alleles.


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