Cognitive Behavior and Human Computer Interaction Based on Machine Learning Algorithms

Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
Группа авторов. Cognitive Behavior and Human Computer Interaction Based on Machine Learning Algorithms
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Table
Cognitive Behavior and Human Computer Interaction Based on Machine Learning Algorithm
1. Cognitive Behavior: Different Human-Computer Interaction Types
1.1 Introduction: Cognitive Models and Human-Computer User Interface Management Systems
1.1.1 Interactive User Behavior Predicting Systems
1.1.2 Adaptive Interaction Observatory Changing Systems
1.1.3 Group Interaction Model Building Systems
1.1.4 Human-Computer User Interface Management Systems
1.1.5 Different Types of Human-Computer User Interfaces
1.1.6 The Role of User Interface Management Systems
1.1.7 Basic Cognitive Behavioral Elements of Human-Computer User Interface Management Systems
1.2 Cognitive Modeling: Decision Processing User Interacting Device System (DPUIDS)
1.2.1 Cognitive Modeling Automation of Decision Process Interactive Device Example
1.2.2 Cognitive Modeling Process in the Visualization Decision Processing User Interactive Device System
1.3 Cognitive Modeling: Decision Support User Interactive Device Systems (DSUIDS)
1.3.1 The Core Artifacts of the Cognitive Modeling of User Interaction
1.3.2 Supporting Cognitive Model for Interaction Decision Supportive Mechanism
1.3.3 Representational Uses of Cognitive Modeling for Decision Support User Interactive Device Systems
1.4 Cognitive Modeling: Management Information User Interactive Device System (MIUIDS)
1.5 Cognitive Modeling: Environment Role With User Interactive Device Systems
1.6 Conclusion and Scope
2. Classification of HCI and Issues and Challenges in Smart Home HCI Implementation
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Literature Review of Human-Computer Interfaces
2.2.1 Overview of Communication Styles and Interfaces
2.2.2 Input/Output
2.2.3 Older Grown-Ups
2.2.4 Cognitive Incapacities
2.3 Programming: Convenience and Gadget Explicit Substance
2.4 Equipment: BCI and Proxemic Associations. 2.4.1 Brain-Computer Interfaces
2.4.2 Ubiquitous Figuring—Proxemic Cooperations
2.4.3 Other Gadget-Related Angles
2.5 CHI for Current Smart Homes. 2.5.1 Smart Home for Healthcare
2.5.2 Savvy Home for Energy Efficiency
2.5.3 Interface Design and Human-Computer Interaction
2.5.4 A Summary of Status
2.6 Four Approaches to Improve HCI and UX
2.6.1 Productive General Control Panel
2.6.2 Compelling User Interface
2.6.3 Variable Accessibility
2.6.4 Secure Privacy
2.7 Conclusion and Discussion
3. Teaching-Learning Process and Brain-Computer Interaction Using ICT Tools
3.1 The Concept of Teaching
3.2 The Concept of Learning
3.2.1 Deficient Visual Perception in a Student
3.2.2 Proper Eye Care (Vision Management)
3.2.3 Proper Ear Care (Hearing Management)
3.2.4 Proper Mind Care (Psychological Management)
3.3 The Concept of Teaching-Learning Process
3.4 Use of ICT Tools in Teaching-Learning Process
3.4.1 Digital Resources as ICT Tools
3.4.2 Special ICT Tools for Capacity Building of Students and Teachers. CogniFit Brain-Computer Interface
3.5 Conclusion
4. Denoising of Digital Images Using Wavelet-Based Thresholding Techniques: A Comparison
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Literature Survey
4.3 Theoretical Analysis
4.3.1 Wavelet Transform Continuous Wavelet Transform Discrete Wavelet Transform Wavelet Decomposition Wavelet Reconstruction Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform
4.3.2 Types of Thresholding Hard Thresholding Soft Thresholding Thresholding Techniques SURE Shrink Bayes Shrink Neigh Shrink Block Shrink Bivariate Thresholding
4.3.3 Performance Evaluation Parameters Mean Squared Error Peak Signal–to-Noise Ratio Structural Similarity Index Matrix
4.4 Methodology
4.5 Results and Discussion
4.6 Conclusions
5. Smart Virtual Reality–Based Gaze-Perceptive Common Communication System for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
5.1 Need for Focus on Advancement of ASD Intervention Systems
5.2 Computer and Virtual Reality–Based Intervention Systems
5.3 Why Eye Physiology and Viewing Pattern Pose Advantage for Affect Recognition of Children With ASD
5.4 Potential Advantages of Applying the Proposed Adaptive Response Technology to Autism Intervention
5.5 Issue
5.6 Global Status
5.7 VR and Adaptive Skills
5.8 VR for Empowering Play Skills
5.9 VR for Encouraging Social Skills
5.10 Public Status
5.11 Importance
5.12 Achievability of VR-Based Social Interaction to Cause Variation in Viewing Pattern of Youngsters With ASD
5.13 Achievability of VR-Based Social Interaction to Cause Variety in Eye Physiological Indices for Kids With ASD
5.14 Possibility of VR-Based Social Interaction to Cause Variations in the Anxiety Level for Youngsters With ASD
6. Construction and Reconstruction of 3D Facial and Wireframe Model Using Syntactic Pattern Recognition
6.1 Introduction
6.1.1 Contribution
6.2 Literature Survey
6.3 Proposed Methodology
6.3.1 Face Detection
6.3.2 Feature Extraction Facial Feature Extraction Syntactic Pattern Recognition Dense Feature Extraction
6.3.3 Enhanced Features
6.3.4 Creation of 3D Model
6.4 Datasets and Experiment Setup
6.5 Results
6.6 Conclusion
7. Attack Detection Using Deep Learning-Based Multimodal Biometric Authentication System
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Proposed Methodology
7.2.1 Expert One
7.2.2 Expert Two
7.2.3 Decision Level Fusion
7.3 Experimental Analysis
7.3.1 Datasets
7.3.2 Setup
7.3.3 Results
7.4 Conclusion and Future Scope
8. Feature Optimized Machine Learning Framework for Unbalanced Bioassays
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Related Work
8.3 Proposed Work
8.3.1 Class Balancing Using Class Balancer
8.3.2 Feature Selection
8.3.3 Ensemble Classification
8.4 Experimental
8.4.1 Dataset Description
8.4.2 Experimental Setting
8.5 Result and Discussion
8.5.1 Performance Evaluation
8.6 Conclusion
9. Predictive Model and Theory of Interaction
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Related Work
9.3 Predictive Analytics Process
9.3.1 Requirement Collection
9.3.2 Data Collection
9.3.3 Data Analysis and Massaging
9.3.4 Statistics and Machine Learning
9.3.5 Predictive Modeling
9.3.6 Prediction and Monitoring
9.4 Predictive Analytics Opportunities
9.5 Classes of Predictive Analytics Models
9.6 Predictive Analytics Techniques
9.6.1 Decision Tree
9.6.2 Regression Model
9.6.3 Artificial Neural Network
9.6.4 Bayesian Statistics
9.6.5 Ensemble Learning
9.6.6 Gradient Boost Model
9.6.7 Support Vector Machine
9.6.8 Time Series Analysis
9.6.9 k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN)
9.6.10 Principle Component Analysis
9.7 Dataset Used in Our Research
9.8 Methodology
9.8.1 Comparing Link-Level Features
9.8.2 Comparing Feature Models
9.9 Results
9.10 Discussion
9.11 Use of Predictive Analytics
9.11.1 Banking and Financial Services
9.11.2 Retail
9.11.3 Well-Being and Insurance
9.11.4 Oil Gas and Utilities
9.11.5 Government and Public Sector
9.12 Conclusion and Future Work
10. Advancement in Augmented and Virtual Reality
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Proposed Methodology
10.2.1 Classification of Data/Information Extracted
10.2.2 The Phase of Searching of Data/Information
10.3 Results
10.3.1 Original Copy Publication Evolution
10.3.2 General Information/Data Analysis Nations ’Themes R&D Innovative Work Medical Services Training and Education Industries
10.4 Conclusion
11. Computer Vision and Image Processing for Precision Agriculture
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Computer Vision
11.3 Machine Learning
11.3.1 Support Vector Machine
11.3.2 Neural Networks
11.3.3 Deep Learning
11.4 Computer Vision and Image Processing in Agriculture
11.4.1 Plant/Fruit Detection
11.4.2 Harvesting Support
11.4.3 Plant Health Monitoring Along With Disease Detection
11.4.4 Vision-Based Vehicle Navigation System for Precision Agriculture
11.4.5 Vision-Based Mobile Robots for Agriculture Applications
11.5 Conclusion
12. A Novel Approach for Low-Quality Fingerprint Image Enhancement Using Spatial and Frequency Domain Filtering Techniques
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Existing Works for the Fingerprint Ehancement
12.2.1 Spatial Domain
12.2.2 Frequency Domain
12.2.3 Hybrid Approach
12.3 Design and Implementation of the Proposed Algorithm
12.3.1 Enhancement in the Spatial Domain
12.3.2 Enhancement in the Frequency Domain
12.4 Results and Discussion
12.4.1 Visual Analysis
12.4.2 Texture Descriptor Analysis
12.4.3 Minutiae Ratio Analysis
12.4.4 Analysis Based on Various Input Modalities
12.5 Conclusion and Future Scope
13. Elevate Primary Tumor Detection Using Machine Learning
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Related Works
13.3 Proposed Work
13.3.1 Class Balancing
13.3.2 Classification
13.3.3 Eliminating Using Ranker Algorithm
13.4 Experimental Investigation
13.4.1 Dataset Description
13.4.2 Experimental Settings
13.5 Result and Discussion
13.5.1 Performance Evaluation
13.5.2 Analytical Estimation of Selected Attributes
13.6 Conclusion
13.7 Future Work
14. Comparative Sentiment Analysis Through Traditional and Machine Learning-Based Approach
14.1 Introduction to Sentiment Analysis
14.1.1 Sentiment Definition
14.1.2 Challenges of Sentiment Analysis Tasks
14.2 Four Types of Sentiment Analyses
14.3 Working of SA System
14.4 Challenges Associated With SA System
14.5 Real-Life Applications of SA
14.6 Machine Learning Methods Used for SA
14.7 A Proposed Method
14.8 Results and Discussions
14.9 Conclusion
15. Application of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision to Identify Edible Bird’s Nest
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Prior Work. 15.2.1 Low-Dimensional Color Features
15.2.2 Image Processing for Automated Grading
15.2.3 Automated Classification
15.3 Auto Grading of Edible Birds Nest
15.3.1 Feature Extraction
15.3.2 Curvature as a Feature
15.3.3 Amount of Impurities
15.3.4 Color of EBNs
15.3.5 Size—Total Area
15.4 Experimental Results
15.4.1 Data Pre-Processing
15.4.2 Auto Grading
15.4.3 Auto Grading of EBNs
15.5 Conclusion
16. Enhancement of Satellite and Underwater Image Utilizing Luminance Model by Color Correction Method
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Related Work
16.3 Proposed Methodology
16.3.1 Color Correction
16.3.2 Contrast Enhancement
16.3.3 Multi-Fusion Method
16.4 Investigational Findings and Evaluation
16.4.1 Mean Square Error
16.4.2 Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio
16.4.3 Entropy
16.5 Conclusion
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Scrivener Publishing 100 Cummings Center, Suite 541J Beverly, MA 01915-6106
For a typical discussion, if anyone of the person, energy is low from any number of tasks or processes or over successive or meetings or engaging intensive concentration, his or her mental energy will be going to be decreased to the point that point the automatic system needs to take over the carry out next task. Where cognitive decision processing user interface device systems are designed and developed with algorithmic prediction, there can begin to identify policymakers’ characteristics, factors, and like benefit and appropriately target the interacting people.
The paramedical structure describes the business intelligence user community decision processing system. Data analytics is a process of monitoring, the inception of inspection, cleaning of data like imbalances, identifying skewness, external noise, transforming the data and information through online analytical process and online transaction process, and modeling data to extract useful information through supporting decision-making. Data analysis process has multiple facets and strategic approaches, encompassing diverse techniques under a variety of cubes, names, under a different business, science, and social science domains. Suppose a typical user does not have the expertise or the resources to employ dedicated information technology resources to develop reports, tools, or customization applications. He or she can take the help of software tools, and the visualization of events will help make decisions. In this respect, automatic interactive visualizations are helped on behalf of users.