Fish and Fisheries in Estuaries

Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
Группа авторов. Fish and Fisheries in Estuaries
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Illustrations
Fish and Fisheries in Estuaries. A Global Perspective
List of Contributors
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Scope of the book
1.2 Reasons why this synthesis is important
Box 1.1
1.3 Estuary definition and types
1.4 Chapter descriptions
1.5 Conclusions
1.6 References
Chapter 2 Fish Assemblages and Functional Groups
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Zoogeography, salinity and estuarine fish assemblages
2.3 Estuarine typology and fish assemblages
2.4 Fish guilds and functional groups
2.4.1 Estuarine Use Functional Group (EUFG)
2.4.2 Feeding Mode Functional Group (FMFG)
2.4.3 Reproductive Mode Functional Group (RMFG)
2.5 Do functional groups drive fish assemblage structure?
2.6 Fish functional groups and guild analyses
2.7 Acknowledgements
2.8 References
Chapter 3 Reproduction, Ontogeny and Recruitment
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Scope of the chapter
3.2 Estuarine support of reproduction and recruitment. 3.2.1 Replenishment: modes and patterns Modes of reproduction Early‐life stages and nurseries
3.2.2 Sources of variability in reproductive success and recruitment Habitat and water quality Hydrography and physics Foods of early‐life stages Predators Weather, climate and estuarine change
3.3 Early‐life stages and recruitment dynamics
Key processes contributing to variable survival of early‐life stages of estuary‐dependent/associated fishes
3.3.1 Dispersal, transport and retention Offshore to estuary transport processes Swimming as a transport mechanism Near‐ and within‐estuary transport processes Retention: estuarine features and processes
Estuarine residence time and export/retention of fish larvae
3.3.2 Settlement
3.3.3 Larval and juvenile production processes Larval feeding
Ontogenetic shifts and feeding success
Nutritional considerations
3.3.4 Larval and juvenile production: growth and mortality Rates and variability
Stage durations Predation Environmental factors
3.4 Adults and recruitment
3.4.1 Adult stock Stock structure, contingents and cohorts Maternal effects
3.4.2 Scales and patterns of variability in reproductive success Recruitment levels and variability Adult stock and recruitment Predicting and forecasting recruitment
3.4.3 Recruitment: an integrated, evolved process
3.5 Threats to reproduction and recruitment in estuaries
3.5.1 Excessive fishing: depletion of adults and by‐catch of juveniles
3.5.2 Habitat destruction and degradation
3.5.3 Impoundments and flow regulation
3.5.4 Power plants
3.5.5 Estuary contaminants: water quality degradation
3.5.6 Eutrophication
3.5.7 Climate change
3.5.8 Catastrophic events
3.6 Case studies
3.6.1 Pleuronectiformes
3.6.2 Sciaenidae
3.6.3 Anchoa mitchilli (Engraulidae)
3.6.4 Brevoortia tyrannus and Brevoortia spp. (Clupeidae)
3.6.5 Morone saxatilis (Moronidae)
3.6.6 Gadidae and Clupeidae (Baltic Sea)
3.6.7 Lateolabrax japonicus (Lateolabracidae)
3.6.8 Fundulus heteroclitus (Fundulidae)
3.7 Summary and conclusions
3.8 Acknowledgements
3.9 References
Chapter 4 Habitat Use and Connectivity
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Habitat diversity
4.2.1 Water column habitat
4.2.2 Unstructured shallow habitats
4.2.3 Structured benthic habitats Salt marshes Submerged aquatic vegetation Mangroves Shellfish beds Woody debris Rocky and gravel bottoms
4.3 Geomorphological and hydrological variables
4.4 Physico‐chemical variables
4.5 Dynamics of juvenile habitat use
4.5.1 Temperature effects
4.5.2 Salinity effects
4.5.3 Settlement habitats
4.5.4 Connectivity among estuarine habitats
4.5.5 Alien species
4.6 Adult habitat use
4.7 Habitat fidelity by juveniles and adult fishes
4.8 Ecological context
4.9 Connectivity between estuarine, freshwater and marine ecosystems
4.9.1 Migrations into estuaries
4.9.2 Migrations out of estuaries
4.9.3 Migrations between estuaries
4.10 Conclusions
4.11 Acknowledgements
4.12 References
Chapter 5 Feeding Ecology and Trophic Dynamics
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Fish foraging behaviour and food intake. 5.2.1 Prey detection
5.2.2 Feeding periodicity
5.2.3 Food intake
5.2.4 Feeding movements and migrations
5.3 Factors influencing feeding ecology
5.3.1 Environmental factors Water temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen Tidal regime and substratum composition
5.3.2 Biological factors. Body size Ontogenetic changes in fish diets
5.3.3 Foraging specialisations
5.3.4 Opportunistic versus specialised feeding
5.4 Ecotrophomorphology
5.5 Trophic categorization
5.5.1 Herbivorous species
5.5.2 Detritivorous species
5.5.3 Zoobenthivorous species
5.5.4 Zooplankivorous species
5.5.5 Piscivorous species Cannibalism
5.6 Competition, resource partitioning, energy flow and connectivity. 5.6.1 Intra‐specific and inter‐specific competition
5.6.2 Resource partitioning
5.6.3 Energy flow and connectivity
5.7 FishBase approach to Functional Feeding Groups
5.7.1 Example of an FFG analysis
5.8 Fish food sources in estuaries
5.8.1 Submerged macrophyte habitats
5.8.2 Emergent macrophyte habitats
5.9 Food web complexity
5.9.1 Vertical and horizontal feeding patterns by fishes
5.10 Predators of fish in estuaries
5.10.1 Invertebrates
5.10.2 Birds
5.10.3 Reptiles
5.10.4 Mammals
5.11 Effects of natural and anthropogenic perturbations on food webs
5.12 Acknowledgements
5.13 References
Chapter 6 Fishes and Estuarine Environmental Health
6.1 Estuarine environmental health: concepts, definitions and assessment
6.2 Anthropogenic pressures impacting estuarine fish assemblages
6.2.1 Habitat loss and physical degradation
6.2.2 Pollution
6.2.3 River flow regulation
6.2.4 Fisheries and aquaculture
6.2.5 Non‐indigenous species
6.2.6 Climate change
6.2.7 Integration of human pressures: the global change context
6.3 Fish biomarkers responding to human pressures
6.3.1 Bioaccumulation and biomagnification
6.3.2 Biomarkers of exposure
6.4 Fishes as biological indicators
6.5 Main methodological approaches to assess estuarine health using fish as indicators. 6.5.1 Historical data and reference conditions
6.5.2 Experimental approaches
6.5.3 Environmental impact assessment and other risk assessment methods
6.5.4 Qualitative methods
6.5.5 Quantitative indicators
6.5.6 Models
6.6 Environmental health fish‐based indices
6.7 Disentangling fish responses in the multi‐stress context of global changes
6.7.1 Univariate approaches
6.7.2 Multivariate approaches
6.8 Future research directions
6.9 References
Chapter 7 Climate Change and Fishes in Estuaries
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Global, regional and local patterns
7.2.1 Predictors of fish taxonomic diversity at global and regional scales
7.2.2 Predictors of fish taxonomic diversity at local scales
7.2.3 Predictors of fish functional diversity at global, regional and local scales
7.3 Potential impacts of environmental/climate stressors on estuarine fish
7.3.1 Salinity and freshwater flow impacts
7.3.2 Temperature impacts
7.3.3 Dissolved oxygen impacts
7.3.4 Impacts of elevated CO2
7.3.5 Sea level rise
7.3.6 Estuary entrance channel openings and fish access
7.3.7 Disease
7.4 Climate change and fisheries in estuaries
7.4.1 Links to fisheries catches
7.4.2 Socio‐economic effects and management implications
7.5 Case studies
7.5.1 Arctic
7.5.2 Temperate northern Atlantic
7.5.3 Temperate northern Pacific
7.5.4 Tropical Atlantic
7.5.5 Indo‐Pacific
7.5.6 Temperate South America
7.5.7 Temperate southern Africa
7.5.8 Temperate Australia
7.6 Gaps in knowledge and future research directions
7.7 Acknowledgements
7.8 References
Chapter 8 Estuarine Degradation and Rehabilitation
8.1 Introduction
8.1.1 Hazards and risks to estuarine fish and fisheries and their habitats
8.1.2 Effects of climate change on estuarine fish and fisheries
8.1.3 Effects of estuarine degradation on ecosystem services
8.1.4 Effects of estuarine degradation on water quality and impacts on fish
8.1.5 Heavy metals
8.1.6 Organic pollutants
8.1.7 Pharmaceutical and personal care products
8.1.8 Nutrients
8.1.9 Effects on water quantity, hydropeak and flow alteration on fish
8.1.10 Effects of fishing
8.2 Estuarine restoration and habitat creation
Box 8.1 Estuarine ecohydrology
Box 8.2 Estuarine Ecological Engineering
Box 8.3 Ecohydrology with Ecoengineering
8.3 Current practices
8.4 Ecological engineering
Box 8.4 (a) Principles and (b) criteria for ecological engineering projects. (Modified from Elliott et al. 2016 and references therein.)
8.5 Contribution of modelling tools to more process‐based restoration objectives. 8.5.1 Introduction
8.5.2 Framework. Towards a more process‐oriented approach Towards integrated objectives
8.6 Why modelling processes? 8.6.1 Physical phenomena
8.6.2 Species use of the estuarine environment and compartmental interactions
8.6.3 Overview
8.7 Modelling tools. 8.7.1 Biogeochemical modelling
8.7.2 Hydromorphological sedimentary modelling Modelling vegetation–sediment interactions Modelling formation and dynamics of tidal channels Modelling biological impacts on sedimentary dynamics
8.8 Life‐cycle modelling
8.8.1 ‘Static’ approaches: statistical habitat suitability
8.8.2 Dynamic approach: the probability to attain suitable habitats
8.9 Food web modelling
8.10 The path to effective ecological restoration
8.11 From theory to practice. 8.11.1 A case study of restoration in the Scheldt Estuary
8.11.2 Ecological restoration by opportunity: an example from the Gironde Estuary Gironde restoration summary
8.11.3 Case study – restoration of former salt hay farms
8.11.4 Case study – habitat alteration and restoration linked to a common reed invasion
8.11.5 Restoration of whole estuaries and wetland systems
8.12 Concluding comments
8.13 Acknowledgements
8.14 References
Fish and Fisheries in Estuaries. A Global Perspective
List of Contributors
Chapter 9 Estuarine Fisheries
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Estuarine fishery sectors
9.3 Problems and issues in estuarine fisheries
9.4 Fishery yields
9.5 Estuarine fisheries: a selection of case studies
9.5.1 Asian fisheries The Hilsa fishery, South Asia
Fishing methods
Types of exploitation and changes in the fishery The Lake Chilika fishery, India The Pichavaram fishery, India The Larut‐Matang fishery, Malaysia
9.5.2 African fisheries The Kosi Bay Lakes fishery, South Africa The Sundays Estuary fishery, South Africa The Ébrié Lagoon fishery, Ivory Coast
9.5.3 South and Central American fisheries The Gulf of Nicoya fishery, Costa Rica The Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta fishery, Colombia The fisheries of Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela The Valenca Delta fishery, Brazil
9.5.4 Australasian fisheries Lates calcarifer fisheries of Australia and Papua New Guinea
9.5.5 European and North American fisheries
9.6 The main fishery species in Europe and North America
9.6.1 Diadromous species. Anguilla anguilla Anguilla rostrata Platichthys flesus Alosa sapidissima Alosa pseudoharengus Alosa fallax Osmerus eperlanus Morone saxatilis Salmo salar
9.6.2 Marine seasonal migrants as adults. Brevoortia tyrannus Pseudopleuronectes americanus Paralichthys dentatus Cynoscion regalis Sprattus sprattus Mugilidae
9.6.3 Marine migrants as juveniles. Clupea harengus Dicentrarchus labrax Tautoga onitis Trisopterus luscus Merlangius merlangus Gadus morhua Limanda limanda Pleuronectes platessa Solea solea
9.6.4 Estuarine‐resident species. Morone americana
9.7 Connectivity
9.8 Concluding remarks
9.9 Acknowledgements
9.10 References
Chapter 10 Conservation of Estuarine Fishes
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Analysis of threats to estuarine fish conservation
10.2.1 Fisheries
10.2.2 Habitat alteration or loss
10.2.3 Water quality and quantity alterations
10.2.4 Climate change Changes in salinity regime Changes in water temperature Synergistic effects of climate change and eutrophication Influence of habitat Vulnerability of microtidal estuaries in Mediterranean climates to climate change
10.2.5 Non‐native species
10.3 Conservation interventions and instruments. 10.3.1 Legislative frameworks International initiatives. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
Convention on Biological Diversity
Ramsar Convention
International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List
Food and Agriculture Organisation Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries
Other relevant international interventions Regional initiatives
The North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization
Directive on the Protection of Habitats and Species (European Union) National initiatives Environmental non‐government organisations
10.3.2 Role of protected areas
10.3.3 Rehabilitation and habitat restoration
10.3.4 Catchment conservation
10.3.5 Captive breeding and stocking
10.4 Threatened species and extinction risk: some case studies
10.4.1 Estuarine pipefish Syngnathus watermeyeri
10.4.2 Ganges shark Glyphis gangeticus
10.4.3 Totoaba Totoaba macdonaldi
10.4.4 European eel Anguilla anguilla
10.4.5 Cape stumpnose Rhabdosargus holubi
10.5 Current and future challenges
10.6 Conclusions
10.7 Acknowledgements and dedication
10.8 References
Chapter 11 Non‐native Fishes in Estuaries
11.1 Introduction
Box 11.1 Terminology
11.2 What conditions favor non‐native species in estuaries? 11.2.1 Overview
11.2.2 San Francisco Estuary
11.2.3 Baltic Sea
11.2.4 Chesapeake Bay
11.2.5 Tagus Estuary
11.2.6 South African estuaries
11.2.7 Overview
11.3 What are the characteristics of successful non‐native estuarine fishes? 11.3.1 General characteristics
11.3.2 Taxonomy
11.3.3 Mode of introduction
11.4 Do non‐native species become integrated into the biota of estuaries? 11.4.1 Alternatives for invaders
11.4.2 Novel species, novel ecosystems
11.4.3 Overview
11.5 How should non‐native species in estuaries be managed?
11.6 How do non‐native fishes fit into estuarine ecosystems?
11.7 Conclusions
11.8 Acknowledgements
11.9 References
Chapter 12 Management of Fishes and Fisheries in Estuaries
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Management background, aims and philosophies. 12.2.1 Background and basis for management
12.2.2 Environmental Quality Objectives and sustainable management Indicators and monitoring as tools in management
12.2.3 Information for estuarine management. Information needs and communicating management issues Information and data production, use and dissemination
12.2.4 Case studies of priority issues for estuarine management. Australia Humber Estuary (UK) United States of America
12.3 Management of activities and habitats, monitoring and surveillance. 12.3.1 Estuarine environmental management
12.3.2 Monitoring of activities for management
12.3.3 Licensing of plans and projects
12.3.4 Cumulative effects assessment
Box 12.1 Approaches to Cumulative Effects Assessment (modified from Lonsdale et al. 2020)
12.3.5 Management of recreational fishing
12.3.6 Management of habitats. Management of loss and gain of estuarine habitats
12.4 Management approaches at whole catchment and estuary level. 12.4.1 Management of catchments
12.4.2 Whole estuary management approaches
12.4.3 Determining if estuarine management is successful
12.4.4 Estuarine management: holistic case studies. New Zealand Japan South Africa Eastern United States of America Western United States of America Eastern England, United Kingdom
12.5 Management of species and stocks/fisheries. 12.5.1 Background
12.5.2 Management of fishing technologies
12.5.3 Management of species and stocks case studies United Kingdom Baltic Sea Australia United States of America
12.6 Administrative and legal aspects of managing estuarine fish ecology and fisheries. 12.6.1 Governance background
12.6.2 European legislation The Water Framework Directive Habitats and Species Directive
12.6.3 Administrative bodies Management authorities: the Humber Estuary, UK example Laws and administration: the US example
12.7 Main messages and recommendations for management
12.8 Future research into management methods
12.9 Acknowledgements
12.10 References
Chapter 13 Fish and Fisheries in Estuaries: Global Synthesis and Future Research Directions
13.1 Introduction – changing estuarine landscapes: habitats, research and society
13.2 What fishes are in estuaries and why?
13.3 Estuarine fish recruitment and habitats – connectivity across space and time
13.3.1 Gaps in knowledge and future research directions
13.4 How much do we really understand about the role of fish in an estuarine food web? 13.4.1 Background
13.4.2 Fish food resources in estuaries
13.4.3 Factors influencing feeding ecology, foraging movements and migrations
13.4.4 Trophic categorization
13.4.5 Resource partitioning, energy flow and food web complexity
13.4.6 Gaps in knowledge and future research directions
13.5 Fishes – good indicators of estuarine environmental change? 13.5.1 Background to the integration of human pressures
13.5.2 Fishes as biological indicators
13.5.3 Environmental health fish‐based indices
13.5.4 Disentangling fish responses in the multi‐stress context of global changes
13.5.5 Gaps in knowledge and future research directions
13.6 Climate change and habitat degradation – a double whammy for fish in estuaries? 13.6.1 Background
13.6.2 Climate change Salinity regime and freshwater‐tidal balance Temperature increases Sea level rise Estuary connectivity
13.6.3 Habitat degradation Physical habitat loss Pollution River flow regulation
13.6.4 Gaps in knowledge and future research directions
13.7 Estuarine species are invading and shifting their distributions
13.7.1 Invasions of non‐native species
13.7.2 The ebb and flow: geographical expansion and contraction of species
13.7.3 Gaps in knowledge and future research directions
13.8 The importance and future of fisheries in estuaries – estuarine goods and benefits?
13.8.1 Fisheries management in the future
13.9 Estuarine fish conservation for the future
13.9.1 Gaps in knowledge and future research directions
13.10 Restoring and managing estuaries for fish, fisheries and habitats. 13.10.1 Management actions for restoring and rehabilitating estuaries
13.10.2 Gaps in knowledge and future research directions
13.11 Science‐for‐policy and policy‐for‐science – the current and future role of estuarine ichthyologists?
13.12 Fish and fisheries research in estuaries – the way forward
13.13 Acknowledgements
13.14 References
Appendix A Study Methods: Field Equipment, Sampling and Methods
A.1 Introduction
A.2 Sampling methods
A.2.1 ‘Traditional’ sampling (nets and traps)
A.2.1.1 Trawl nets
Beam trawl
Otter trawl
Pelagic trawl
Other trawls
A.2.1.2 Seine nets
Beach seine
Other seine nets
A.2.1.3 Fixed nets and traps
Fyke net
Fixed net/trap (e.g. salmon and eel traps)
Stow net
Entangling nets (gill and trammel nets)
Drop net and drop traps
Pop net and pull‐up traps
Other fixed nets and traps
A.2.1.4 Fishing lines
Long lines
Hand line
A.2.1.5 Ichthyoplankton samplers
Vertical and horizontal plankton nets
Bongo net
Gulf sampler
Larval light traps
A.2.1.6 Power station screens
A.2.1.7 Hand gathering methods
Glass eel tow net and elver dip net
Push net
Kick sampling
A.2.2 Visual and acoustic techniques. A.2.2.1 Visual detection
Underwater video
A.2.2.2 Acoustic detection
Acoustic cameras
Acoustic telemetry
A.2.2.3 Other observation techniques
A.2.3 Environmental DNA methods
A.2.3.1 DNA analysis. DNA and eDNA methods
Targeted PCR methods
High‐throughput sequencing
A.2.3.2 Strengths and disadvantages of DNA‐based methods. Feasibility and costs
eDNA and the possible presence of an organism in that environment
Can eDNA provide quantitative information?
DNA techniques for environmental monitoring
A.3 Factors influencing the design of fish monitoring programmes
A.3.1 Monitoring techniques
A.3.2 Spatial considerations
A.3.3 Temporal considerations
A.3.4 A decision tree for monitoring, surveillance and survey design
A.3.4.1 Decision level 1: definition of main questions and hypotheses
A.3.4.2 Decision level 2: monitoring definition
A.3.4.3 Decision level 3: types of survey required/desired
A.3.4.4 Decision level 4: associated parameters/integrated monitoring
A.3.4.5 Decision level 5: methods to be used in monitoring
A.4 Acknowledgements
Appendix B Study Methods: Data Processing, Analysis and Interpretation
B.1 Introduction
Box B.1 Sample questions regarding data analysis and interpretation:
B.2 Individual level. B.2.1 Size
B.2.2 Growth / age determination (otoliths/scales)
B.2.2.1 Case studies
B.2.3 Diet and stomach analyses
B.2.3.1 Prey selectivity and prey importance
B.2.3.2 Case studies
B.2.4 Sex/gonad development/GSI (Gonadosomatic Index)
B.2.5 External body abnormalities and fish health
Case studies
B.2.6 Toxins and bioaccumulation
B.3 Population level
B.3.1 Abundance
B.3.2 Biomass
Case studies
B.3.3 Condition, disease, parasitism and liver somatic index
B.3.4 Genetic structure
B.3.5 Cohort analysis
B.3.6 Growth, mortality rates and models
B.3.7 Production
B.3.7.1 Biological production
B.3.7.2 Fisheries production
B.3.8 Yield models
B.3.9 Use of fishery statistics
B.4 Community level. B.4.1 Community structure
B.4.2 Multimetric fish‐based indices
B.5 General analysis methods and the role of models
B.5.1 The types and roles of numerical models
Case studies
B.6 Precision versus accuracy – Analytical Quality Control/Quality Assurance
B.7 Concluding comments
B.8 Acknowledgements
Taxonomic Index
Geographical Index
Subject Index
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Volume 1
During ontogeny, niche breadth (defined here as the relative variability of prey sizes in the diet) may increase or remain constant, or even decline in some cases (Pepin & Penney 1997, Llopiz 2013). If niche breadth expands, in theory this signals a wider range and greater availability of suitable prey to benefit survival and growth of fish larvae in a prey‐limited environment. In one example, larvae of the moronid Morone americana in the Patuxent tidal sub‐estuary of Chesapeake Bay consumed larger prey as length increased but niche breadth did not change significantly during the larval stage (Figure 3.13). In contrast, size of prey and variability in prey sizes (i.e. niche breadth) did increase in a gobiid Gobiosoma bosc (Campfield 2004, Campfield & Houde 2011). In the estuary‐associated pleuronectid Pseudopleuronectes americanus, niche breadth did not increase as larvae grew (Pepin & Penney 1997), but it did increase for 6 of 10 other species (all continental shelf species) that were examined.
An increase in niche breadth was clearly observed in the gut analysis of larvae of the clupeid Sprattus sprattus in the Baltic Sea (Peck et al. 2012a and references therein). As larval size increased, prey size also increased and, based on analysis of combined data from different studies (Voss et al. 2003, Dickmann et al. 2007), prey size in S. sprattus increased most rapidly between 10 and 15 mm SL. At lengths >15 mm SL, mean and maximum prey sizes eaten by S. sprattus larvae changed relatively little (Last 1987, Bernreuther 2007), but the high variance in prey sizes indicated continued inclusion of small prey in the diet, evidence of an increase in niche breadth that is potentially important to insure fast growth. Similarly, Costa & Elliott (1991) demonstrated that with growth inside the Forth Estuary (Scotland) there was an increase in size of prey and the change from small‐to‐medium crustaceans and then to small fishes in diets of the juvenile gadoids Gadus morhua and Merlangius merlangus.