Sustainable Solutions for Environmental Pollution, Volume 2

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Группа авторов. Sustainable Solutions for Environmental Pollution, Volume 2
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Illustrations
Sustainable Solutions for Environmental Pollution
Air, Water and Soil Reclamation
1. Natural-Based Solutions for Bioremediation in Water Environment
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Basic Principles. 1.2.1 Bioremediation
1.2.2 Self-Purification Redox Processes Photo-Degradation
1.3 Aquatic Bioremediation Structures
1.4 Constructed Porous Ramps
1.5 Bank Filtration for Water Treatment
1.6 Constructed Wetlands (CWs)
1.6.1 Water Flow
1.6.2 Aquatic Vegetation
1.7 Phytoremediation and Constructed Wetlands
1.7.1 Phytoremediation Techniques
1.7.2 Aquatic Phytobiome
1.7.3 Various Aquatic Plants Used
1.7.4 Emergent Aquatic Plants
1.7.5 Floating Leaved Aquatic Plants
1.7.6 Floating Aquatic Plants
1.7.7 Submerged Aquatic Plants
1.7.8 Mixture of Macrophytes and Microalgae
1.8 Phycoremediation
1.8.1 Carbon and Nutrients (N and P) Removal
1.8.2 Micropollutant Removal
1.9 Phytoremediation
1.9.1 Carbon and Nutrients (N and P) Removal
1.9.2 Metals Removal
1.9.3 Organic Micropollutant Removal
1.10 Improving Bioremediation Systems. 1.10.1 Introduction
1.10.2 Floating Treatment Constructed Wetlands
1.10.3 Electro-Bioremediation
1.10.4 Bench Tests
1.10.5 Pilot Tests
1.10.6 Field Implementations
1.10.7 Maintenance of Aquatic Bioremediation Systems
1.10.8 Biomass Management
1.10.9 Sediment Management
1.11 Animal Biodiversity
1.11.1 Biodiversity Management
1.12 Nuisances. 1.12.1 Greenhouse Gases (GHG)
1.12.2 Noxious Gases
1.12.3 Mosquitoes
1.12.4 Burrowing Animals
1.12.5 Algal Blooms
1.13 Wetland Monitoring. 1.13.1 Monitoring Large-Scale CWs
1.13.2 Vegetation Monitoring
1.14 Wetland Modeling
1.14.1 Aquatic Plant Development Models Submerged Aquatic Plants Duckweed
1.14.2 Micropollutants Sorption
1.14.3 Organic Micropollutant Photolysis
1.14.4 Global CW Modeling
1.15 Social Acceptance
1.15.1 Yzeron Watershed Case Study (France)
1.15.2 South Africa Case Study
1.16 Ecohydrology, an Integrative NBS Implementation
1.16.1 Three Nested Logics for Innovative NBS Implementation
1.16.2 Ecohydrology on Small Watersheds
1.17 Conclusion
2. Removal of Heavy Metals From the Environment by Phytoremediation and Microbial Remediation
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Linking Heavy Metals Toxicity With Their Discharge and Removal From the Environmental Compartments
2.3 Bio-Alternative Approaches Used for Heavy Metals Removal and/or Recovery From the Environment. 2.3.1 Biosorption and Bioaccumulation
2.3.2 Phytoremediation Limitation and Challenges of Phytoremediation
2.4 Interactions of Heavy Metals With Biological Systems and Toxicity Threats
2.4.1 Some Expressions of Metal Toxicity in Living Organisms
2.4.2 Heavy Metals, Free Radicals, Antioxidants and Oxidative Stress
2.4.3 Some Effects of Humans’ Exposure to Heavy Metals Toxicity
2.4.4 Effects of Plants Exposure to Heavy Metals Toxicity
2.4.5 Effects of Microbes Exposure to Heavy Metals Toxicity
2.5 Synergistic Use of Plants and Bacteria for Cleaning Up the Environment Polluted With Heavy Metals
2.6 Conclusions
3. Bioremediation as a Sustainable Solution for Environmental Contamination by Petroleum Hydrocarbons
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Principles of Bioremediation
3.3 Bioremediation and Biodegradation
3.3.1 Natural Bioremediation Mechanism
3.3.2 Traditional Bioremediation Methods
3.3.3 Enhanced Bioremediation Treatment
3.4 Mechanism of Biodegradation
3.4.1 Chemical Reactions
3.5 Bioremediation of Land Ecosystems
3.5.1 Soil Evaluation Chemical Properties Biological Properties Effect of Temperature Effect of pH Effect of Salinity
3.6 Bioremediation of Water Ecosystems
3.6.1 Biodegradation
3.6.2 Bioremediation Temperature Effect of Oxygen Nutrients Effect of Petroleum Characteristics Effect of Prior Exposure Effect of Dispersants Effect of Flowing Water Effect of Deep-Sea Environments
3.7 Challenges and Opportunities
4. Pollution Protection Using Novel Membrane Catalytic Reactors
Greek Letters
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Autothermal Systems. 4.2.1 Dehydrogenation (Dehydro) and Hydrogenation (Hydro) Reactions
4.2.2 Dehydrogenation (Dehydro) Definition
4.2.3 Dehydro Reaction and the Generated Hydrogen Consumption
4.2.4 Endothermic (Endo) Dehydro Coupled With Exothermic (Exo) Reactions
4.3 The Thermal Coupling and the Autothermal (Auto) Reactors
4.3.1 Recuperative Coupling Reactor Recuperative Coupling Reactors Design Examples of Recuperative Reactions Coupling
4.3.2 Regenerative Coupling Reactor
4.3.3 Direct Coupling Reactor
4.4 The Membrane Reactor
4.5 Development Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
4.5.1 Gas-to-Liquid Fuel
4.5.2 High-Temperature Fisher-Tropsch (HTFT) Processes
4.6 HTFT Reactor Type and Developments
4.6.1 Fixed-Bed Reactor
4.6.2 Fluidized-Bed Reactor The Fluidization Principle Classification of Fluidized Reactor
4.6.3 Bubble Column Reactors
4.6.4 Dual-Type Membrane Reactor
4.7 Membrane Reactors Classification
4.8 Rate Expressions
4.8.1 Modeling of the Dehydro Process in Membrane Reactor
4.9 Industrial Applications
4.9.1 Heterogeneous Catalytic Gas-Phase Reactions. Catalytic Cracking Synthesis of Acrylonitrile Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Other Processes
4.9.2 Homogeneous Gas-Phase Reactions
4.9.3 Gas-Solid Reactions
4.9.4 Applications in Biotechnology
4.10 Catalytic Membrane Reactors Coupling Dehydro of EB to S With Hydro NB to A as a Case Study
4.10.1 Introduction
4.10.2 Reactor Configuration
4.10.3 Reactor Model
4.11 Case Study of Use the Membranes in Fischer-Tropsch Reactors. 4.11.1 Introduction
4.11.2 Use of Semi-Permeable Membranes in FTS
4.11.3 Water-Selective Semi-Permeable Membranes for Water Removal
4.11.4 The Use of Non-Selective Porous Membranes in FTS. Concept of the Plug-Through Contactor Membranes Using the Permeable Composite Monolith (PCM) Preparation of PCM, the Possibility to Control the Porous Structure Parameters at the Preparation Stage. Preparation Procedure Characterization of PCM Samples
4.11.5 Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis in a PCM Membrane Reactor. Dry Mode of Operation Flooded Mode of Operation, the Effect of the Pore Structure and Membrane Geometry on the Magnitude of the Mass-Transfer Constrains
4.12 Biofuel and Sustainability
4.13 Conclusions
5. Removal of Microbial Contaminants From Polluted Water Using Combined Biosand Filters Techniques
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Slow Sand Filtration
5.2.1 Sand Filters and Removal of Pollutants Effect of Sand Grain Size on Removal of Pollutants Effect of Sand Bed Depth on Removal of Pollutants Effect of Retention Time on Removal of Pollutants
5.3 Wetlands
5.3.1 Natural Wetlands
5.3.2 Constructed Wetlands Types of Macrophytes in Constructed Wetlands Constructed Wetlands and Removal of Pollutants Combined Macrophyte Species in Constructed Wetlands Advantages of Constructed Wetlands
5.4 Combination of Sand Filters With Constructed Wetlands Systems
5.5 Conclusions
6. Biosurfactants: Promising Biomolecules for Environmental Cleanup
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Biosurfactants Types
6.3 Biosurfactants Mechanism of Remediation
6.4 Bioremediation of Petro-Hydrocarbon Contaminants
6.5 Microbial Enhance Oil Recovery (MEOR)
6.5.1 Mechanism of MEOR
6.6 Biosurfactants and Agro-Ecosystem Pollutants
6.7 Heavy Metals Removal
6.8 Biosurfactants for Sustainability
6.8.1 Low-Cost Substrates
6.9 Production Processes
6.10 Concluding Remarks
6.11 Future Aspects
7. Metal Hyperaccumulation in Plants: Phytotechnologies
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Phytotechnologies and Terminologies. 7.2.1 Phytoaccumulation/Phytoextraction
7.2.2 Rhizofiltration
7.2.3 Phytovolatilization
7.2.4 Rhizodegradation
7.2.5 Phytodegradation/Phytotransformation
7.2.6 Phytostabilization
7.3 Biological Mechanisms
7.4 Present Gaps and Prospects
7.5 Conclusion
8. Microbial Remediation Approaches for PAH Degradation
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Biogeochemical Properties and Sources of PAH
8.3 Fate of PAH
8.4 PAH: Soil and Air Pollution
8.5 Harmful Effects of PAH
8.6 Microbe Assisted Biodegradation
8.6.1 Bacterial Assisted PAH Degradation
8.6.2 Mechanism
8.6.3 Mycoremediation Mechanism
8.6.4 Algae Assisted PAH Degradation
8.7 Genes and Enzymes Involved in Microbial Degradation
8.8 Factors Affecting Microbial Biodegradation
8.9 Bioremediation and Genetic Engineering
8.10 Conclusion and Future Prospects
9. Biomorphic Synthesis of Nanosized Zinc Oxide for Water Purification
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Properties of ZnO NPs
9.2.1 Structure and Lattice Parameters of ZnO
9.2.2 Mechanical Properties
9.2.3 Electronic Properties
9.2.4 Optical Properties
9.3 Protocol for the Biosynthesis of ZnO NPs. 9.3.1 Natural Extract–Based ZnO Nanostructure
9.3.2 Microorganism-Based ZnO Nanostructures
9.3.3 Solvent System-Based “Green” Synthesis
9.4 Factors Affecting the Synthesis of ZnO Nanoparticles
9.4.1 pH
9.4.2 Temperature
9.4.3 Influence of the Reactant
9.4.4 Effect of Metabolites
9.5 Applications of Biologically Synthesized NPs. 9.5.1 Antibacterial Effect of ZnO-NPs
9.5.2 Photocatalytic Activity
9.5.3 ZnO NPs and ROS Production
9.6 Mechanism of Biogenic Synthesis of ZnO NPs
9.7 Cytotoxicity of Nanoparticles
9.8 Conclusions and Future Outlook
10. Pollution Dynamics of Urban Catchments
10.1 Introduction. 10.1.1 Environmental Protection for Sustainable Development
10.1.2 Sustainability in Industrial Wastewater Treatment
10.1.3 Sustainability in Organic Solid Waste Management
10.2 Sustainability in Domestic Wastewater Treatment. 10.2.1 Centralized Sanitation and Sustainability
10.2.2 Decentralized Sanitation and Sustainability
10.2.3 Merits of Centralized Over Decentralized Sanitation
10.3 Source Area Pollutant Generation Processes
10.3.1 Automotive Activities
10.3.2 Atmospheric Depositions
10.4 Polluting Activities. 10.4.1 Industrial
10.5 Characterization of Urban Pollutants. 10.5.1 Air Pollution Measurements Used in Estimating Annual Average Concentrations
10.5.2 Comparative Quantification of Health Risks
10.6 The Fate and Transport of Urban Pollutants
10.7 Spatial Distribution of Urbans Pollutants. 10.7.1 Tools for Monitoring the Spatial Distribution. Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing Shetran Modeling Catchment Flow Modeling Structure of SHETRAN
10.8 Case Study: City of Harare
10.9 Conclusions, Challenges, Opportunities, and/or Future Aspects
11. Bioupgrading of Crude Oil and Crude Oil Fractions
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery
11.3 Biotransformation of Heavy Crude Oil
11.4 Biorefining of Crude Oil
11.4.1 Biodesulfurization
11.4.2 Biodenitrogenation
11.4.3 Biodemetallization
11.5 The Future of Biotechnology in the Refinery
12. Recyclable Porous Adsorbents as Environmentally Approach for Greenhouse Gas Capture
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Classification of Porous Materials
12.3 Recyclability Routes of Biomass to Porous Carbons
12.4 Activation Routes Processes. 12.4.1 Physical Activation
12.4.2 Chemical Activation
12.5 CO2 Capture in Recyclable Porous Carbon Materials
12.6 CO2 Capture Mechanism in Porous Carbons
12.7 Prospects and Outlooks
12.8 Conclusion
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Scrivener Publishing
Daghio, M., Aulenta, F., Vaiopoulou, E., Franzetti, A., Arends, J.B.A., Sherry, A., Suarez-Suarez, A., Head, I.M., Bestetti, G., Rabaey, K., Electrobioremediation of oil spills. Water Res., 114, 351–370, 2017, doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2017.02.030.
Daghio, M., Vaiopoulou, E., Patil, S.A., Suarez-Suarez, A., Head, I.M., Franzetti, A., Rabaey, K., Anodes stimulate anaerobic toluene degradation via sulfur cycling in marine sediments. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 82, 1, 297–307, 2016, doi: 10.1128/aem.02250-15.