H. C. "Sapper" McNeile. The Dinner Club (H. C. "Sapper" McNeile) (Literary Thoughts Edition)
The Dinner Club, by “Sapper” (H. C. McNeile)
CHAPTER I – The Actor’s Story, being The Patch on the Quilt
CHAPTER II – The Barrister’s Story, being The Decision of Sir Edward Shoreham
CHAPTER III – The Doctor’s Story, being Sentence of Death
CHAPTER IV – The Ordinary Man’s Story, being The Pipes of Death
CHAPTER V – The Soldier’s Story, being A Bit of Orange Peel
CHAPTER VI – The Writer’s Story, being The House at Appledore
CHAPTER VII – The Old Dining-Room
CHAPTER VIII – When Greek meets Greek
CHAPTER IX – Jimmy Lethbridge’s Temptation
CHAPTER X – Lady Cynthia and the Hermit
CHAPTER XI – A Glass of Whisky
CHAPTER XII – The Man Who Could Not Get Drunk
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Literary Thoughts Edition presents
And the only penalty of the club was that if the story was not of sufficient interest to keep the audience awake, the offending member should pay a sum of ten pounds to a deserving charity.
“ ‘Then will you sit there.’ She took off her hat and coat as I sat down on the only available chair, and from underneath his pillow the man produced a paper-covered book.
“ ‘You’ll forgive me if I read my lines, Mr. Trayne,’ he said. ‘I find I can’t learn them—I can’t concentrate.’ He passed a thin, emaciated hand over his forehead. ‘And it’s her you want to see.’