When their Tokyo plane is grounded in Sydney, due to cabin mist, the Frequent Flyer Twins become involved in an oriental antique mystery. What is being artnapped? Why are security guards watching the Rembrandt? And why is the dealer so interested in Amy's phone card collection?<br /> <br />There's a mix up with photos. What has happened to photographs of the newly married Japanese wedding tourist group? What about Tess, the art student who is working her way around the world? She can draw very well. Is she what she seems or is she a fake? Why is there a silver container in her luggage? Where is the missing Ming dynasty vase from the ancestral shrine? What is the courier carrying in the briefcase chained to his arm and where do the R.P.G. group fit in?<br /> <br />En route for Tokyo, the Frequent Flyer Twins solve a mystery.
Hazel Edwards. Artnapping
Wrong Shots
Misty Emergency
Missing Ming Vase
The Mysterious Mr Ng
Undercover Gloria
Return of the Samurai Sword
On Board
Tokyo Airport
Отрывок из книги
A Frequent Flyer Twins mystery
Written by Hazel Edwards.
William smiled. “We’re flying over a lot of water. But we won’t crash. All the crew have to do safety courses regularly.’ Aunty Viv would say the need for safety courses proved flying was dangerous.
Amy moved to her proper seat, still thinking about artnapping. ‘How would the thief would know which painting to take? And where to sell it?’ ‘Put it this way.’ William looked at Amy. ‘Ever heard of the Mona Lisa? It’s the painting of that lady with a strange smile.’