The Wife of a Bestselling Author

The Wife of a Bestselling Author
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Описание книги

James Taylor, who joined the ranks of bestselling authors in his 20s has nothing anymore.<br><br>There were two women in his life. The book editor, Elizabeth Spencer controlled his 20s. She called him out in years and gave him an ultimatum. Around that time, by accident, he saw his wife, actress Emily Baker, who dominated his 30s working at a café. While secretly reading her diary, he got to know about her part-time job at the very moment. James followed her and when he got to the studio, young actor, Julien Martin stimulated him until he messed up everything. He apologized to Emily, but she refused.<br><br>James determined to make a comeback with his writing. To say goodbye to Emily, James went to her open rehearsal. Emily was found dead next morning, but nobody brought a charge of that. James concentrated on his writing and successfully released his second novel.<br><br>When he got used to another comfortable life, he found a notebookâthe real diary of Emily.


Henry J. Newman. The Wife of a Bestselling Author

Prolog. Saturday Night

1. Confession of an Author. Monday







Someday: From the Monday

2. Diary of the Wife. Sunday. April 1, 2001

Sunday. May 13, 2001

Sunday. July 29, 2001

Monday. December 24, 2001

Tuesday. September 10, 2002

Tuesday. October 29, 2002

Wednesday. January 14, 2004

Wednesday. April 7, 2004

Wednesday. April 14, 2004

Thursday. August 11, 2005

Thursday. November 24, 2005

Friday. June 26, 2015

Friday. September 4, 2015

Friday. December 4, 2015

Saturday. December 12, 2015

Friday. December 18, 2015

Epilog: Any Other Days

Отрывок из книги

It was an old theater. Quite a lot of the audience gathered and put their blurred hope in the Saturday Night Fever. Most of them looked rather be there for drinks at a pub near the theater. Sometimes a lager lout bothered the play in his cups. However, seemingly quite a young actress led the performance very well, whatever he did. She seemed not to care about it at all since she had already gotten used to such kind of teasing.

A loving family that consisted of a son and a single mother started to break up due to the son’s marriage and bankruptcy. The conflict between the three of them; mother, son and his wife went to the peak. Having such a strict and obsessive personality, the mother drove the daughter-in-law to the death. Only after then, the son followed behind her. All remaining alone on the stage, the mother closed the show with her horrifying scream.


The audience who already started missing the Saturday night kept hanging around the theater. Importunate young girls forced their prince charming to head back on the stage and pictured together arm in arm. A middle-aged man gave a bouquet with a present to the actress at the corner of the lobby. It seemed that she was trying to hide her bored face while he was talking seriously. The regular gadabouts noticed each other and made an appointment on the spot, and then moved to the next destination. It was a Saturday night that everyone was bustling.

At the end of this bout, all the playmakers were scattered in the city night following their own way. A couple of blocks away from the theater, that young lovers met again. They were burning with love like calming down their unsatisfied feelings in the theater. They sat side by side at the corner of an old building just a moment, sipping drinks. They seemed to rather relish each other. They might be talking about the show. When the lights on the street started to disappear, they stood up again. Roaming the glamorous night street, they arrived at a luxury apartment that looked quite different from their appearance at the theater. They strolled into the building taking off their mask on the stage.


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