Germany's Freefall

Germany's Freefall
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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

German unique «ideas» are described making legal laws from the gut violating the laws of nature (physics). It provides proof with official figures that none of this can work. Several examples with their pitfalls are explained. Some small calculations are made to show all this (1 page). Because all this can only be done with ideology, the psychology behind it is unraveled. Magazine articles are used as examples to show the enormous effort that goes into manipulating the population in Germany. It is a bit like a textbook explaining how to evaluate «innovations» which are shown as a silver bullet to save the world.
In summary, it shows the means by which Germany is systematically being driven to ruin by green ideology. Energy is theorized and education is destroyed. Natural sciences are no longer part of German education. The new democratic censorship is, that journalists modify stories acording their morality. Engineering basics are already missing in all topics.
To show one result: «renewables» cannot work in Germany because of the high population density and because of lack of lossless energy storage. Therefore it makes no sense to compare Germany with other countries with different conditions.


Hermann Dr. Rochholz. Germany's Freefall


Evaluating the System

Opinion versus Facts

The Other Point of View


Statistical Errors and Statistical Abuse



Physics, Technology and Math


The Last Percentages – Cutting Losses

Standards and Guidelines

Technical “Spoilsports”

Wind Turbines

Electric Scooters

Outer Space Transporters

Carbon Fiber Concrete

Elbow Pads and Citybike Frames

Summary of the “Spoilsports”

Perfection Mania

“The Good Old Days”

The Terrible New Times

Fashion – Perfecting the Body

Delusional Causes

Religions of the Modern World

Plastic Waste

Burning (Plastic) Materials


“Side Effects”

Our Luxury Problem: Food and Toxin

Toxins in Food

Meaning and Abuse of Religious Views

Organic – What’s That?

Poison – What’s That?

The “Poison” Glyphosate

Psychological Tricks and Manipulations

DDT – Modern Colonialism Included

The Good German Chlorine Chicken

Gene Food


Measuring and Detecting Poisons


Energy and Supply


Unit of Energy

The Energy Requirement

Origins of Energy

Thermal Energy

Energy Demand of Humans

Society, “Devourer” of Fossil Energies

Germany’s Energy

Power Plant Types

Nuclear Power Plants

Coal and Gas Power Plants

Renewable Energies

Hydroelectric Power Plants

Solar Power Plants (Solar Energy)

Wind Turbines

Installed Power and Load Peaks in Germany

Modern Energy Problems

Storing Energy

Storing Gas

Transporting Energy

Fossil Energy – Unanswered Questions

Population Density


The Efficiency of Internal Combustion Engines

Conflicting Goals


Electric Cars

Comparing Combustion Engines and E-Cars

Ignored Trifles

Additional Power Plant Capacity for E-Cars


Network Overload from Electric Cars?

Charging Stations

Bidirectional Connection of Electric Car Batteries

Pseudo Arguments

Positions of Professor Quaschning

Science and Faith

Conspiracy Theories and Their Parallels

Technical (Il)logic

Methods and Psychology of Conspiracy

Faith or Knowledge


Limits of Knowledge

Knowledge of the Basics


Delusional Believers

Nuclear Power is Cheap. Safety makes it Expensive

The Risk is Small, but Present


Compromises vs. Private Interests

Normal Insanity

Elon Musk

Flight to Mars



Electric Air Taxis

Japanese Trains

“Carbon Dioxide Fans”

Rezo’s “Evidence”

Green Counterproductivity

Nuclear Power Plants

Raccoons, Wolves, Beavers and Other Invasive Species

Dying Bees

Killing Weeds with Heated Steam

Grain, Corn and Organic Potatoes


Australian Bushfires


Kant Sends His Regards


The Modern Trade in Indulgences

Implementing Demands

Anti-Logical Psyche

Cognitive Dissonance

Selective Perception

The Addiction to Conformity

Dunning-Kruger Effect

Backfire Effect

Secondary Effects

Boss Effect

Rochholz Effect

Creating Personal Truth

Opinion, Prejudice and Conviction

Affect Heuristics

Hand-Picked, Universally Valid Standards

“The Normals”

Normal Pathological Traits?

The Addiction to Please





Shortage of Skilled Workers

Real Work


Volkswagen (VW)

Planned or Unplanned Obsolescence

German Press Strategies

Manipulated Unemployment Figures

Expropriating the Elderly

Manipulation Instruments of a Democracy

Pseudo Solutions

“Coffin Nails”

The G36 Rifle

Fire Protection at Berlin Brandenburg Airport (BER)

Soft Skills Are Not Hard Skills

Insider of German politics

Education and Training


The Education-Suicide Society

Official Denigration of Science Education

How Do You Come Up With These Ideas?


Lack of Frustration Tolerance

The Fun and Happiness Society


Assembly Line Work

If You Want It – Then Do It Skillfully!

The Circumstances

Smartphones and Computers

One-Dimensional System Analyses

Results of this Policy

Abuse of Education for Political Purposes

Anxiety-“Education” of the Germans

Germans “Democracy”

The Error Unculture

Politically Opportune Lies

Idealized Frauds?

Intelligence and Profession

Pigeonhole Arguments


Additional Communication Unculture

“Application Example”: A Discussion about CO2

The World of Politicians

The World of Journalists

Framing Manuals

“DER SPIEGEL” News Magazine: Claas Relotius

Another passage from the Framing Manual:

Analysis of Journalistic Opinion Making

Examples of Journalistic Morality

Incompetence at its Finest

The “Fact Finder”s

Democratic Press Censorship







Отрывок из книги

Everything’s just fine in Germany, isn’t it?

Everything’s being converted to organic. People want to live healthy, long lives. That’s why all herbicides are being banned from our farmlands. Somehow we’ll manage without them. The fields are being “re-naturalized” through reforestation. Moreover, corn is being planted in order to produce biodiesel. Food will surely come from somewhere.


Normal Insanity

Elon Musk


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