This book contains revised transcriptions of 7 Videos of Dr. Jordan Peterson. The videos are as follows: – Dr. Petersons message to Millenials – Reality and the Sacred – Dr. Jordan Peterson at TedX: Potential – What to do with your life – Stumble forward, towards your star! – Don't be a victim and bear your cross! – Bonus Transcription: Unhappy Women and the Japanese customer (5 Parts) The transcriptions are revised, which means that the grammar and the wordsequences got corrected, adding phrases here and there, as well as leaving out other elements that hinder understanding and the joy of reading. All in all there are 48 images in this book.
Hermos Avaca. Dr. Jordan Peterson - Man of Meaning. Part 3. Revised & Illustrated Transcripts
Table of Contents
Dr. Jordan Peterson. Man of Meaning. Revised & Illustrated Transcripts
Chapter 1: Dr. Peterson's message to Millenials
Chapter 2: Reality and the Sacred
Chapter 3: Dr. Jordan Peterson at TedX: Potential
Chapter 4: What to do with your life
Chapter 5: Stumble forward, towards your star!
Chapter 6: Don't be a victim and bear your cross!
Chapter 7 - Bonus Transcription: Unhappy Women & the Japanese customer
Other Revised Transcripts Publications
Appendix. Sources / Imprint
Отрывок из книги
Title Page
Chapter 1: Dr. Peterson's message to Millenials
They're all dressed in black, they're depriving the children and adolescents who are on Pleasure Island of their voice, turning them into brain jackasses and prepare to sell them as slaves to the salt mines. And so, there's an implication in that story that the pursuit of impulsive pleasure is one route to totalitarianism and slavery!
And I believe that! So, perhaps orienting your language towards the gathering of the impulsive pleasure is a misuse of your highest gift, the gift of Logos, the gift of communication. The alternative is to orient yourself towards the highest good, as we already described, and then: Speak the truth!