Marketing in the New Media

Marketing in the New Media
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Marketing in the New Media shows business owners and marketing professionals how to combine traditional advertising with Internet and mobile marketing to deliver an effective marketing message anytime, anywhere!
Companies today can no longer ignore elements of new media in their marketing campaigns. Combining new media is absolutely essential to “close the sale” and get the consumer to take action in a measurable way.
Many small-business owners and marketing professionals are entering into new, unfamiliar territory, and the thought of stepping out of their comfort zones and diving into the fast-moving world of new media marketing is intimidating. This book explains marketing with the new media in easy-to-understand terms.
This new second edition includes more information on social networking. The book also outlines the elements of successful website design and how to analyze web traffic reports and online customer behaviors on a deeper level, so readers can make informed decisions about how their campaigns are performing and how customers are responding.


Holly Berkley. Marketing in the New Media



What Defines Traditional versus New Media Advertising Methods?

1. An Overview of New Media Marketing

Internet Marketing in a Nutshell

The Radio Industry’s Movement toward New Media

Make Your Website the Center of All Your Marketing

Combine Traditional Ads with Keyword Buys for Maximum Impact

Maximize the effectiveness of keyword phrases

Use every opportunity to generate buzz

Rock Star Marketing: Effectively Combining Traditional and New Media

Take advantage of co-branding for maximum exposure

Use message boards and blogs to generate new content

Encourage audience participation

Keep selling

Don’t let visitors ignore your advertisers

Use mobile marketing


2. The Digital Lifestyle

Internet Usage by Age, Education, and Income Level

What are people doing online?

Using the Internet at work

Using the Internet strictly for fun

The Importance of Social Networking Channels

The Growth of Blogs

Promotion through RSS Advertising

Online Gaming Is Also on the Rise

Who Is Watching Online Video?

A Look at Podcasting

Partnerships in podcasting

Engage Consumers in Your Brand


3. Joining the Conversation — Exploring Opportunities on the Social Web

Who is Using Social Networking Sites?

Determining the Right Social Networking Approach for Your Business

Engaging the Consumer, Not Selling

Leveraging the Influence of Blogs

Promoting Your Company through Facebook

Choosing between a Facebook Profile, Fan Page, or Group

Buying Social Ads on Facebook

Finding and Managing Your Friends on Facebook

Six Easy Steps for Self-Promotion on Facebook

Getting Your Video Seen on YouTube

Making Friends on MySpace

Getting down to Business on LinkedIn

Brand Ambassadors


Find out Who is Talking about You

Final Notes on Social Marketing Optimization Strategies


4. Why Using Mobile Marketing Now Is Important

Entering the Mobile Marketing Medium

Leaders in Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing and sporting events

Other industries get on board

GIS and Mobile Marketing

Mobile TV

Free Minutes for Mobile Ads


Using Mobile Marketing to Boost Retail Sales

Steps for Starting a Mobile Marketing Campaign

Customer Respect in Mobile Marketing

The Future of Mobile Marketing


5. Using New Media to Enhance Customer Service, Trust, and Brand Loyalty

Creating a Trusted, Branded Personality for Your Site

Building Loyalty through Expert Web Content

Generating Consumer Trust by Letting Others Do Your Talking

Offering Excellent Online Customer Support

Staying in the Forefront of Consumers’ Minds

Using Targeted, Brand-Building Ad Buys

Making Your Marketing Message Matter to Your Audience

Creating Great Content That Keeps Consumers Coming Back

Creating custom content


6. Developing New Media Campaigns by Target Audience and Industry

Defining Your Target Audience

What Women Look For on the Web

Getting to Know Generation Y

Targeting Teens and Young Men through Online and Mobile Gaming

Reaching College Students through Online Social Networks

Finding Generation X

Internet Use by Seniors Is Changing Dramatically

Singles Have More Control of Their Time Spent Online

Using “Life Stages” to Find New Customers

New Media Technology Use by the Auto Industry

New Media Marketing in the Travel Industry

Nonprofits and Charities: Building a Trustworthy Web Presence

Local Marketing Strategies with Search Engines

When New Media Marketing Is a Must


7. Controlling Your Brand Image and Public Relations through Internet Marketing

The Benefits of Online Press Releases

Creating buzz around your press release

Optimizing your press release for RSS feeds

Your Brand, Your Trademark, and the Search Engines

Strengthening Your Online Brand through New Media Partnerships

Co-branding works when there is synergy

Co-branding guidelines

New Branded Television Content

Creating Television Shows and Commercials Exclusively for New Media Use

Making Brand-Building Campaigns Viral


8. Is Your Website Ready?

Remember the Basics of Good Web Design

E-commerce Strategies from

The Importance of Easy, Safe Checkout

Consider your audience when providing payment options

The Right Way to Cross-Sell Online

Optimizing Your Website for Search Engines

Search engines read text, not graphics

Choose the right keywords

Your home page and your tags

Title tag

Meta tag

Alt tag

Redirects, pop-ups, and pop-unders

Back buttons

Text links

Site maps


Flash pages, image maps, and heavy graphics

Link Popularity

Is Your Website Ready?

How Long Does Getting to the Top Take?

Paying for Positioning

Using landing pages

Writing effective ad copy


9. Fine-Tuning Your Email Marketing Strategies

Permission-Based Email Marketing

Focus on Content

Timing Is Important

Write a Great Subject Line

Six Easy Steps for Complying with the CAN-SPAM Act

The State of Email Marketing


10. Measuring the Results

Web Traffic Reports

Looking at Averages

Tracking Delayed or Offline Conversions

Can Online Branding Be Measured?

Measuring the Success of Search Engine Marketing

Measuring the Success of Online PR Efforts

Measuring the Success of Mobile Marketing Campaigns

Tracking Online Video Results

Modifying Your Marketing Campaign Based on Your Results


11. Next Steps: Pulling It All Together

Understand Your Target Audience

Identify How You Will Measure the Success of the Campaign

Align Your Company Goals and Values to Help Build a Stronger Online Brand

Take Time to Plan Your Website

Typical Costs for Implementing a New Media Campaign

Invest in a Professional Website

Search Engine Marketing

Testing the Keywords before You Optimize

Upselling to Existing Customers through Email Marketing

Strategic Partnership Development (Co-Branding)

Connecting with the Customer

About the Author

Notice to Readers

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Отрывок из книги

When this book was originally written only a few years ago, business owners and marketing executives were only just starting to realize the power new media marketing strategies could bring to their business. CEOs and company executives were just beginning to step outside their corner offices, take down the corporate walls, and open themselves up to the public on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social media channels. Customer service teams were just starting to leverage new media channels like text messaging, blogs, and live chat to remedy consumer complaints and provide real-time solutions. And marketing directors and creative teams bravely opened the door to their world by allowing actual consumers to create television commercials, submit ideas, and even become brand ambassadors on sites like YouTube.

At the very core, marketing in the new media revolves around catering to today’s consumer’s demand for control. Control over the information they receive. Control over when they receive that information. And control over how they can respond to it.


If you go to the Grey’s Anatomy website (through ABC at http://, you will notice that like most television shows, they are taking advantage of new media opportunities such as ringtones, music downloads, DVD sales, blogs, and other interactive content to really get their audience hooked. They even have a list of all the diseases and medical problems mentioned on the show — with links to related sources.

Although the site is professionally designed and employs some cutting-edge design technology (for example, clicking on the character bios lets you actually flip through their files on a clipboard), it can feel like information overload. Even to someone like me, who is a fan of the show and Internet technology, there is simply too much information on this site. It seems they added all the new media elements for the sake of adding them. I consider this overkill — and not very effective.


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