Читать книгу Экономические правонарушения: Вопросы юридической оценки и ответственности - И. В. Шишко - Страница 1
Theory and Practice of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
I.V. Shishko
Saint Petersburg Yuridichesky
Center Press
Редакционная коллегия серии «Теория и практика уголовного права и уголовного процесса»
R М. Асланов (отв. ред.), А. И. Бойцов (отв. ред.), Н. И. Мацнев(отв. ред.), Б. В. Волженкин, Ю. Н. Волков, Ю. В. Голик, И. Э. Звечаровский, В. С. Комиссаров, В. П. Коняхин, А. И. Коробеев, Л. Л. Кругликов, С. Ф. Милюков, М. Г. Миненок, А. Н. Попов, М. Н. Становский, А. П. Стуканов, А. Н. Тарбагаев, А. В. Федоров, А. А. Эксархопуло
Л. В. Лобанова, доктор юридических наук, профессор
Кафедра уголовного права Алтайского государственного университета
Editorial Board of the Series
“Theory and Practice of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure”
R. M. Aslanov (managing editor), A. I. Boitsov (managing editor), N. I. Matsnev (managing editor), В. V. Volzhenkin, Yu. N. Volkov, Yu. V. Golik, I. E. Zvecharovsky, V. S. Komissarov, V. P. Konyakhin, A. I. Korobeev, L. L. Kruglikov, S. F. Milyukov, M. G. Minenok, A. N. Popov, M. N. Stanovsky, A. P. Stukanov, A. N. Tarbagaev, A. V. Fedorov, A. A. Eksarkhopoulo
Doctor of Law, professor L. V. Lobanova
Department of Criminal Law of Altai State University
The work is a research of a number of common issues for the right estimation of violations of legislation in sphere of economy, which are solved in different ways in legal science and in practice: to what level of normative legal acts one can apply when interpreting “economic” norms of CrC RF and CAO RF, whether the repeal of prohibitions or duties, prescribed regulating rules, decriminalization of acts committed when such prohibitions (duties) existed, whether uniform interpretation of one and the same term is reasonable in different “economic” norms of CrC, what consequences the discordance of dispositions of “economic” norms of CrC and CAO with regulating rules secured by them involves and why, and many others.
The book is recommended for researchers, professors, post-graduates, and students of law schools. It can be also used in their practical activity by judges, procurators, investigators, agencies of inquiry, etc.
© I. V. Shishko, 2004 © Yuridichesky Center Press, 2004