We live in the 21 century. Computers are everywhere, but our own live neurocomputer is still "a mystery". Not for all. Science collected impressive material and many questions are already answered. The problem is that different schools used their own approach. Interdisciplinary consideration is needed. Revived interest to Artificial Intelligence and Neural Nets brought a new player to the field. Now technical applications use bio terminology but have vague knowledge about real neuro-systems. For useful human-like applications, one homogeneous net is not enough. You need to implement a number of them and link properly. How? Read this book.
Igor Vladimirovitz Volkov. Hardware and software of the brain
Several latin words which are often used in medical literature
Some notes about anatomy
Anatomy of the brain
List of Figures
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Lateral – located at the side.
Medial – located in the middle.
The dorsal part of the midbrain is formed by tectum that is the roof. It consists of the inferior and the superior colliculi (2 pairs of hillocks). The superior colliculus implements low-level visual processing. The inferior colliculus does the same for hearing.
If we need the line which separates peripheral devices from a computer case, it's here. With a few exclusions, what was named previously corresponds to controllers of periphery while the thalamus of diencephalon may be regarded as several expansion cards of PC.