Shoot to Kill

Shoot to Kill
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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

Idriess was a trooper with the Light Horse at Gallipoli, all the way to Beersheba, and his diary was published as <i>The Desert Column</i>. Drawing on his military experience, this is one of six manuals written for soldiers and civilians in 1942, when invasion by the Japanese seemed imminent.<br /> <br />Written in his characteristic, colloquial, man-to-man style, Mr Idriess here reveals the secrets of the dead shot. What to do and what not to do are impressed upon the budding rifleman. He brings out clearly the importance of apparently trifling points.<br /><br />No more opportune book could have been published. Australia for the first time in its history has been bombed. Invasion looms on our northern frontier. The imperative need now is for rifles, more rifles, yet more rifles – and riflemen.


Ion Idriess. Shoot to Kill


Отрывок из книги

1. We Must Fight for Life

2. The Rifle


Form your local battalion into sections, platoons, companies. A section approximately numbers 100 men, under a section leader. A platoon numbers 35, under a lieutenant. A company numbers 200 under a major or captain. Four companies go to a battalion which probably numbers 800 men—or thereabouts.

For convenience and efficiency’s sake you may choose that each section of your battalion consists of men living near one another. Thus at a sudden alarm a whole street may turn out and the complete battalion be formed as the men step from their doors. And news, advice, or orders could be passed to the complete battalion without a moment’s loss of time.


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