Читать книгу The Fox Skin - Ира Шилова - Страница 1

Lelya girl


There was once a girl, named Lelya. Lelya was neither charming nor ugly-looking, neither stubborn nor weak-willed. She lived quietly among three clamorous sisters and three strong brothers, with a mother but without a dad, in an oval hut in the middle of a forest.

Lelya rarely spoke. While her sisters were learning the Song, she gazed silently at their dark-red lips. When her brothers ran into the thicket to catch hares, Lelya waited for the boys near the hut motionless. After all, she enjoyed not only silence but also restraint and peace. When the mother put on her a fox coat and drove the children out of the hut, the girl sat under the window to listen, to comprehend, to ponder her own thoughts in peace; because Lelya treasured wisdom most of all. And this wisdom whispered to the girl that her family was fierce and changeable, like the autumn weather.

The Fox Skin

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