This book about life and death, about life strategy and death strategy. Is it not the same? Try to find the answers in this book. What is the best diet for life and for death? How to stay connected with life and death everyday? What is the best relations for life and for death? How to find the “happy ending” and enjoy the life-path for 100%. Funny, surprising, practical. As all Belbooks are. Enjoy
Irina Bjørnø. Guidance to happy death
1. Meaning of death
2. Best diet for dying person
3. Day plan for dying person
4. Physical exercises for dying body
5. Breathing exercises for dying person. “Dead man” exercise
6. Holidays for dying person
7. Work/business for dying person
8. Love and relationship for dying person
9. Sex for dying person. Orgasm as a open door to meet death
10. Death and creativity
11. Death and spiritual growth
12. Death is beautiful – memento more
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“Why do you look for the living among the dead?”
Can you recognise this situation? Life is a chain of small “necessary” actions, which create the illusion of daily activities. But who demands these actions? Society? You? Culture? Religion? That is why I would like to present to you the first concept about the truth of life. If someone tries to convince you to do something, simply ask 2 questions:
Modern medicine knows a lot about the reason for death but no one knows what death really is. One day you will experience your own death. We think that death is happening to others, not with us. The biggest mystery of death is that it has clear meaning: death is necessary for the everlasting creation chain. Death is part of the creation process. Without death the new creative process will suffer.
Everything has their own circle of death: things, trees, molecules, atoms, societies, planets, and living creatures. We know a lot about it. And still we try to avoid the threat of death. We would like to live, even when a person’s life is difficult and meaningless. Why? Because we have deep in us the natural instinct of survival and making a new generation – that is what nature needs. But you? What do you need?