Massa's Back but Now He's Black?

Massa's Back but Now He's Black?
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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

A Massa spirit is an invisible but real influence, which shackles people thru various forms of bondage. A controlling spirit assigned to all races, every sector of humanity receives a disguised invitation for a limited partnership. Churches, civic groups & individuals are among the solicited. Governments are also infiltrated to facilitate the removal of liberties thru the exchange of assistance programs. The Massa’s strategy is so flawless it is defended and celebrated by the very people it limits. The Massa spirit is never satisfied with its territory & is always hungry for new recruits. And once the rational looking & the victim minded train on ways to conceal the footprints to bondage, truth-avoidance is taught. Massa has contempt for personal liberties and uses “initiatives” to control and fuse servitude with dependence.
Historically, the Massa spirit in America pit two races against each other. Today, even foreigners are snared. Pens replaced chains, popularity displaced substance & instability now rules patriotism.
Many don’t recognize the Massa spirit’s messages that masquerade as personally thought & agreement. His power-grabs are swift, the manipulation of truth… decisive. “Party-Loyalty” is so requiring, its members side with political parties over relationship with God & common sense.
Lies and deception give the Massa its strength, but truth disarms this evil power. It took several decades to establish error as truth’s replacement, but it’s done; therefore, economic & moral decline can be accelerated.
At the judgment mankind will stand before God. Some will rely on the blood of Jesus as their sin substitute others will desperately explain their good works & best intentions. Very similar to the lamb’s blood over the doorposts & lintel during the exodus, (Ex. 12:23) those in relationship with Christ will be exempt from wrath.
The significance within your spirit is a treasure the planet now needs. Don’t minimize your worth, nor ignore the turbulence in the world. Your gifting is now required because America is starting to wake up to God’s call to repentance.
Once we connect the dots between departure from God & America’s decline, the crumbling sectors of society can be restored. Meanwhile, the obscure Massa spirit will no longer be able to hide behind political, religious, & racial camouflage.
Through Christ, Satan’s attempts at subtle-slavery will fail, our God-breathed sensibility will restore the seriousness of our walk and help us self-correct when we stray.
In the end, our lives will be judged as either supportive of or antagonistic toward God's plan. Before then; however, take time to discover the destiny God assigned you. Christ-likeness is emerging so that we can illuminate the darkness & stabilize those shaken by current events. Isaiah 60:1 (ESV) Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you.


J. Calvin Tibbs. Massa's Back but Now He's Black?

Massa’s Back but Now He’s Black? The Spirit of Slavery has Returned to America. J. Calvin Tibbs




A Brief History

The Culture and the Kingdom

The Power of Un-Forgiveness

What’s Really Going On?

Have You Ever Noticed?

Spiritual Influences

Pray for the President

Why Write this Book?


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This book is graciously dedicated to those who want to follow Jesus Christ, but find it difficult because of all the noise and shifting shadows. To the prayer warriors who travail in prayer, and to my loving family who took a deep breath with me as this project unfolded. Lastly, and most importantly, I dedicate this work to the Holy Spirit whose leadership provided the courage to keep stepping beyond the fear man.

Spiritual forces play a powerful yet unsuspecting role in all of our lives, but some have trouble expressing belief in an unseen realm. There is no denying the visible representation of things that don’t make sense. For example, what rational explanation can be given to a lone gunman who shoots and kills innocent people at a movie theater? A less daunting expression of spiritual activity can be found in those moments when someone you’ve been thinking about suddenly calls, or contacts you. As simplistic as this may sound, thoughts, motivations, and interests are all spiritual in nature.


Where states are united under God, rather than under government, the greatness of a diverse people emerges. Let’s make no mistake about it, God made us great. He extended an opportunity to come into relationship with Israel and our historic commitments to each other have caused both nations to prosper.

Until the people of this nation return to their most vital relationship, our restoration will be delayed. Today, right now, we must awaken, be revived and pursue God with all our strength. The Lord should again become the source of our input. The success of our nation depends on it; when we fail as a nation, check the input source.


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