My bipolar brethren: Communicating the feeling of bipolar to our loved ones is impossible. They can't walk in our shoes. They don't «get» us. But for the sake of our mental health, we need them to better symphathize with us. Talking only get us so far! I use painting, prose and poetry to express my moods. When the three are experienced together, compassion follows. They «feel» me. My process has had a profound impact on my relationships with loved ones and myself! Since we're kindred spirits, I want to share it with you. The doctors have a prescription pad and a couch. I'm hawking paint brushes in their lobby!!! Art is the conversation. Herein are many examples. Let's go!!! Jack
Jack Larson. Feeling Bipolar
My bipolar brethren:
1.) Open
2.) Inception
Aware of my Mood
The 3 P’s
3.) Sympathy Ladder
Compassion – They are “all in”
4.) Co-Conspirators
5.) Nassau, Bahamas
6.) Transpolar Theory
7.) Containment
8.) Miami Night. Dinner
Baru Nightclub
9.) Mania
Elementary School
High School
Graduate School
Adult Life
10.) Employment
11.) Bipolar Artists
12.) South Beach
13.) Buddhism
Living in the Moment
14.) Pets
15.) A Poet and a Painter
My Favorite Poet: Dr. Maya Angelou
My Favorite Painter: Fernando Botero
16). Nature/Nurture
Nature Mania – Nurture Mania
Nature Mania – Nurture Depression
Nature Depression – Nurture Mania
Nature Depression – Nurture Depression
17.) Minneapolis
18.) Creativity
19.) Relationships. Dating
20.) Suicide
21.) Close. Embrace Art
Know Yourself
Others Knowing You
Отрывок из книги
Are you frustrated like me? Communicating the feeling of bipolar to our loved ones is impossible. They can’t walk in our shoes. They don’t “get” us. But for the sake of our mental health, we need them to better understand us and throw more sympathy our way.
Talking only get us so far!
Screaming at the mandrills, the tamarins make me irate. Jumping with the chimps, I get angry at these primates!
I have no composure when the spider monkey’s bobbing! They whip their tails. My cranium can’t stop nodding!