Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage

Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
James Bèyor. Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage
Axiom: We spend years imprinting the human mind with symbols, calling it an education
Axiom: That we have ignored or substituted both Genesis knowing and bio-Genesis feeling for want of symbols control and feeling abatement is very sad, indeed
Axiom: Man is proud of his binary symbols, so proud that he is willing to die for them
Axiom: The human biological mind is asphyxiating in a sea of pretense as the living truth in man suffers genetic extinction
Axiom: All symbols came from a make-believe naming of things
Axiom: We are always in some kind of all or nothing conciliatory rage
Axiom: The emotional corridor holds all the residual off-set Genesis warnings set into the innate ocean of our living life energy flow
Axiom: Imagine a car with two steering wheels, one for each hand, and two gas pedals, one for each foot. Our brain in bio-stasis is like that. It cannot go both where it wants to go and in the opposite direction where it is told to go, so it shuts down
Axiom: We only appear to be right when we agree. What therefore is Biblical sin?
Axiom: The science of man names dissected parts easily, but he has no idea what their biological purpose is in the interconnected reality of our Genesis function
Axiom: If you learn nothing in your life, learn this. Once you know the cause of evil you are automatically placed in the arms of God, cursed and blessed with the desire and the obligation to stop it
Axiom: What we now call emotion, is not our symbolic pretend binary love or hate, but the early warnings of the malfunction of our biological warning system. The friendly fear that we feel before real biological fear sets in
Axiom: There is no willing audience for what must be said, only an urgency of necessity to say it
Axiom: Those who have no desire to use their own mind, agree most often
Axiom: In a binary symbols quagmire we have agreed our way into insanity
Axiom: The word “intent” is a noose around the neck of any concept of freedom. Fear is the henchman
Axiom: Ask not, want not, for Genesis life has not forsaken you in the least
Axiom: The living truth will find YOU quickly if you open your eyes. You will hear, if you listen from the inside, the soft in-dwelling sound of your own life giving voice
Axiom: The study we call divinity, is actually a human fear-based biological study
Axiom: A world out of balance is a contracted state of mind
Axiom: To deny your own bio-living truth: feeling, is to commit suicide
Axiom: Our real lives devolve as symbols evolve
Axiom: The living truth will not be governed by any government or any symbols held over for holy replication
Axiom: Suffering is the name of our game and pain is our gain
Axiom: In theory, our binary symbols truth is twice a lie. Once when we make it up and again when we agree to it
Axiom: We are how many agreements away from full blown insanity?
Axiom: The living truth is as available as our conscious ability to receive it
Axiom: For precious seconds, you can see it all, clearly, right in front of you, then you go back to not being able to see at all
Axiom: Intentions are the beginning of compromise
Axiom: Institutionally threatened is what we would have to be, to continue to allow this very known, very salable economic misery
Axiom: Tomorrow will never come, for it will still be today
Axiom: The Omega empowered man, whose job it is to insure symbols compliance, wants full control over all human beings on earth
Axiom: The body suffers for what the mind has misunderstood
Axiom: If we didn’t name the outside world, we would be one with it
Axiom: Symbols deceive us as we also, in-turn, deceive ourselves with them
Axiom: Unless you possess a personal living truth you merely process symbols
Axiom: Symbols are the messages to the eyes and the ears that block the heart of the Genesis human mind
Axiom: How many fools does it take to agree to make all of them idiots?
Axiom: If I have to agree with you, our truth is merely an intent, for the living truth does not have to agree
Axiom: In word form we base one fault upon another fault until we become the fault itself
Axiom: The sub-conscious word implants are merely entertainment for the real human brain function, which is unending and dimensional
Axiom: From one divisive symbol to the next, we are always searching for the stability of the feeling we knew as a child
Axiom: Man created a binary motivated symbolic fear as compensation for an irresponsible pretend social good
Axiom: Our Genesis Biology forbids deception at the expense of its own innate biological purpose
Axiom: Lesser fears create greater fears as we try to agree them away
Axiom: We toy with human life and think it must be okay because we get away with it
Axiom: Occupy symbols and you will never be offended at the truth of Genesis feeling energy flowing in your veins
Axiom: How many fools does it take to make a fully functional mind?
Axiom: Do you assume real to be what you get away with, or what you cannot get away with?
Axiom: Could the biblical commandment, “let there be no strange Gods before me,” mean, in effect, let no symbols become a substitute for our feelings?
Axiom: Politics placate the biological fears of the deficient symbols brain of the binary man. Fear is his bio-truth removed. Insanity is setting in
Axiom: Who you think you are during the linear sleep-walking day, is being undone in the dynamics of the Genesis Night where the biological light is transmitted throughout your being
Axiom: What we take for granted the most, is our self
Axiom: Religion is the sale of our own biological fear sold back to us, disguised as a belief in a symbols absolution
Axiom: The Inquisition came and symbols occupation was a tantamount get-away with murder proposition
Axiom: The analytical Christ made it very clear that he came to save us from our own lack of self-awareness
Axiom: Yesterday’s failures were written down without question, which will become the prototype of tomorrow’s failures
Axiom: We pass on bio-stigma like any contagions infection
Axiom: We cannot and will not agree our fears away, for our agreeing has brought them into being
Axiom: It is a good thing the heart and mind were separated bio-logically or else the heart might have ceased functioning long ago, as did the mind
Axiom: Just pretend that symbols will make it all go away
Axiom: Why do we wait for bad times to show us our symbols stupidity? Even then we use reasons to excuse our failures. In pretend good times we don’t pay attention as long as everything appears to be working
Axiom: By the time we desire to trust our feelings as a knowing, the proverbial bull is already out of the gate
Axiom: If you feel and the feeling of that knowing gives the satisfaction of growth, not justification of symbolic doing, it is direct knowing and can remove bio-stigma
Axiom: The bulk of man’s fear is unresolved innate biological Genesis fear. Nothing more!
Axiom: The individual must have the right to be armed, with guns if necessary, to overthrow symbols dominance
Axiom: Pretend symbols will make everyone look like a fool sooner or later, so keep agreeing with them and be twice fooled
Axiom: The secret formula of the biological logical self God is this: Intend not that you are and you will be and are always
Axiom: Symbols/words are never based in the living truth of what that word implies nor are we aware of what it does in the way of biological harm
Axiom: We live in two worlds that came from the one we understand least
Axiom: Jesus knew people by the symbols they occupied, thus he knew not only who they were by pretense, but also who they were not as a living truth
Axiom: As you coincide with your Genesis feelings, the synthetic binary symbols word creates two realms, one sets you free, the other condemns you
Axiom: Intellectual property is attempt to privatize symbols for exclusive use and function
Axiom: Hell is a binary directives agreement; a biological infectious fact
Axiom: How many of you agree out of fear, and make believe, because you agree, that you know the truth?
Axiom: The Genesis bio-energy flow is the bread and butter staple of the human mind
Axiom: Binary word agreements will not bring us to the truth, because the human misery caused by agreements and blame are worth a fortune
Axiom: Let those who are willing to see, open their eyes forever. Let them never be closed again by fear
Axiom: Herald the arrival, as we approach the entrance to the corridor of the soul
Axiom: If you can feel, you can doubt your binary doing, then you will feel the energy and the message will expand
Axiom: Outside the bio-stasis state of symbolic binary doing, being one with self and others will not pose a threat, for it will not hold any capital advantage over others
Axiom: Who you think you are during the linear profile of the sleep walking day is undone in the dynamic of the Genesis Night where the biological light is transmitted everywhere throughout your being
Axiom: Words mean nothing until we are taught to put them on, fit into them, wear them as an identity and to enforce them as our subservient truth
Axiom: Feeling, the function sensed as a disturbing mover, comes only after the biological fact of our Genesis disruption. Thus it is an incomprehensible feeling of being alone and lost which makes us sad
Axiom: Do we understand our bio-neurosis is just a simple matter of our binary malfunction trying to pretend real into names, labels and words, pushed into a deadly agreement and empowered legally to destroy?
Axiom: The binary pretend word agreement is in a subversive peril. We can feel it
Axiom: If you didn’t have to agree and were never taught binary word agreements, would you need reason justification or the guilt/innocent empowered playing field? What would happen to our human condition, our miserable bio-neurosis existence?
Axiom: If you say you believe in God, do you also believe in a God who protected you with a mandatory preemptive warning fear that will not go away until you confront the disturbance that provokes you to feel it? How many of you are able to hear that?
Axiom: How many of you will think you can agree your way out of fear?
Axiom: How many of you will agree that you know the truth?
Axiom: We self-deceive at the alarming rate of our symbols degradations agreements
Axiom: Those who have eyes to see and ears to hear waken from the binary sleep
Axiom: What do you really know that did not come to you through a symbolic agreement?
Axiom: You were born with feelings, not with symbolic intention
Axiom: Suffer not lest you suffer in the darkness of symbols degradation
Axiom: You were not meant to control Genesis bio-feeling, that is why you feel emotion
Axiom: Educated feeling comes about as we stop pretending, stop using symbols to debase, over-power and indoctrinate humanity as chattel
Axiom: No one can be taught to directly know and directly see and directly feel what is already obvious to a Genesis child
Axiom: Being afraid of being afraid is on the backside of the legalization of symbols payoff. How many are paid not to see?
Alpha-Omega Hub
Axiom: If you cannot feel it, you do not really know it
Axiom: Emotions represent our bio-stasis store of dynamic energy, our binary pretend symbols cemetery awaiting anxious recognition
Axiom: Stop trying to give your biological Genesis feeling process a reason for being, just listen and learn from it and you will see who you are and what you are doing
Axiom: If we do not doubt we have absolutely no real thought at all
Axiom: Are you not told to agree, and then told that if you do not agree, you will be shunned or punished, but in the end, made to agree one way or the other? Stop agreeing and watch the look on people’s faces
Axiom: Laws, like nails in our coffin, define the fears where man-made agreed symbols ignorance rules the heart of man. Nail by nail the heart of the biological living truth in man, dies
Axiom: Paradise is always knocking on our cerebral door, always, but we do not hear the sound. What we hear instead is the static of word confusion
Axiom: We are forced to agree to be who we are not
Axiom: We do as we are told to do in a binary word play, the broken record of broken dreams and broken promises
Axiom: Not trusting one’s innate fully developed direct knowing bio-feeling is like being up the creek without a paddle. You can’t go anywhere
Axiom: Forged by tools of binary symbols conformity, children quickly learn to trust single word motivators, which then become their reality. Is this where we become retrograde humans and disconnect from our biological direct knowing feelings?
Axiom: We cannot teach people to feel, because they already know innately how to feel. The empowered Omega must teach people how to avoid their feelings, through fear and agreement, which, long-term, will destroy people from that allegiance alone
Axiom: The biological voice of Genesis human awareness is the ability to trust one’s own feelings always, as direct knowing reveals itself as a living truth
Axiom: We live in a mental bio-stasis symbols debilitation. Feeling, our Genesis immunity, has been shut down and allowed an epidemic of symbolic evil into the world
Axiom: All groups sell some kind of hell, so they can sell some kind of escape from it back to us
Axiom: Why were we gifted with the ability to feel, if we are not supposed to trust our feelings?
Axiom: How many faithful followers realize that any symbols worship is a biologically deadly act which places the human mind in a manipulated comatose state?
Axiom: Are we not meant to be binary aphasic sleepwalkers, pretending our way through life?
Axiom: God, the biblical symbolic version of our bio-Genesis feeling creation, did not fail us. We failed to use all that we were given, failed to be who we were made to be. When you grasp this, the living truth will forever be on your doorstep
Axiom: The word “future” defies the Genesis real of the living now
Axiom: Genesis, turned wrong side out, spells biological fear beyond our wildest imagination
Axiom: We blame because of reasons, so, would absence of reasons remove blame?
Axiom: We have witnessed the horrors of man-made symbolic divisiveness
Axiom: No serious answer will ever come without serious question
Axiom: To say that our agreed “binary knowledge system” is at fault, is to hit the nail square on the head. But the nail is so bent, it can no longer be hit on the head
Axiom: In bio-stasis we are merely binary on/off, either/or symbols puppets headed for an all or nothing biological Genesis sabotage
Axiom: We are heady-clever little apes once we agree we know something by repeating it. Imagine that whole institutions are based on this
Axiom: Who will want this direct knowing as a feeling, when it cannot self-deceive?
Axiom: In binary word directives we are an “after the fact creature” of the lost tomorrow
Axiom: We cannot teach people to feel. Either you can feel, or you can’t. Either you want to or you don’t
Axiom: Biological self ignorance is the pure lack of self trust. The will is traded for the sloth and disdain invested in the word
Axiom: The agreement process is the greatest deceptive device ever offered to the ignorance and fear of the masses
Axiom: We each have our own genetically gifted life. Our mystery is our personal question in a Genesis mind and it moves us to the living truth
Axiom: Why didn’t Christ write anything down? Did he know that the written, agreed word sabotages the biology of the brain?
Axiom: The word future defies the Genesis real of the living now
Axiom: Those who blame do not like it when they get blamed. Why is that?
Axiom: This is not just a test of the biological broadcasting system. Take heed
Axiom: What is a self induced sleep, except an extreme where the mind is fixated on holding the majority of the active senses hostage while one or two senses are used to over-ride the cognizant being’s Genesis feeling epi-center?
Axiom: The future is a mistake made in the past, relived. History is a memory of what we failed at, not an examination of how or why
Axiom: Our concept of God is calling for the return of what has been on loan to us, but not appreciated, the living grace embedded in the feeling matrix
Axiom: How many fools believe that laws protect them? What are you really protected from?
Axiom: Our agreed symbols will take the biological creature to the knees of insanity
Axiom: Feelings can not be controlled, but they can be damned. The incoming and the outgoing energy of the Genesis constant can be blocked which will influence the bio-meta-physical being
Axiom: We would rather pretend with tags and names, than to know what is real, which is so much more
Axiom: We actually live off the blood shed by others, who hoped, through their sacrifice, we would feel what this work is asking you to face
Axiom: It is difficult to agree with someone who doesn’t expect it or need it, isn’t it? And it is more difficult to disagree with someone who expects it and needs it
Axiom: The group who agrees together, that their agreements should be the truth, form the basis of the biblical word: evil
Axiom: Part of our symbols vanity is that our biological fear is suspended in a psycho disregard and made to fit a profitable emotional bubble
Axiom: Do you judge people or ideas based on their word labels? You know you do. Then you are idolizing the word as a God, for are we not taught judgment belongs to God alone?
Axiom: In words of all or nothing, we forfeit personal decision, in favor of a life of legality where the highly paid others tell us what to do and what not to do
Axiom: The symbols believer is a sad and lost mental hitchhiker
Axiom: There is no such thing as a non-believer. We believe in ourselves or we believe in others
Axiom: Our very fated destination can be changed by our Genesis mind alone. It was the lack of it that brought us into our bio-stasis black sleep. The presence of this living truth can wake us up. Spread the word!
Axiom: Cancer is merely nature’s recycling or replacement process. Lack of purpose and energy will trigger the elimination of nonfunctional biological components
Axiom: Does it surprise you just how much you really know, or just how little you know? Which is it?
Axiom: Intent carries no living truth, only a cause. The end does NOT justify the means
Axiom: Agreement colors all feathers the same and birds of the same colored feather, flock together. Let doubt and clarity show you the true color of your feathers
Axiom: It is cruel to refer to a civilized man as evil. He is only accepting the evil practices taught to him
Axiom: What prevents people from seeing that they are participants in self—sabotage and diabolical genocide?
Axiom: Genesis protocol speaks louder than all of your excuses
Axiom: The love of a human for his animal or of an animal for his human is pure and it is not based on symbols. Why can’t man’s love for himself or for other men be as pure?
Axiom: Even love, especially paper love, has become a symbol and is exploited as a salable commodity
Axiom: It is only our continued distrust in our personal bio-genetic voice that keeps the agreement process viable
Axiom: Binary truth is a cannibal, that feeds on its own brain-dead cells
Axiom: Knowing oneself takes a lifetime of todays. You can never find yourself if you are always looking for yourself in the past or a wayward tomorrow
Axiom: What would you believe in if you weren’t taught anything?
Axiom: It is easy for a statistician to find an academic flaw, a misspelled or misconstrued word as an excuse to trash an entire work. Those who spell well are often symbols perfectionists devoted to rules, codes and laws. Therefore, a work such as this, is always left to a symbols misfit
Axiom: Do not say too early on in this work that you do or don’t get it. This work will be very demanding, given most attention spans. More than that, this work is revealing, which will make you want to close your eyes and cover your ears
Axiom: The concept of enlightenment is nothing more than an encompassing of the resolute serenity of the biological logical, clarified, feeling voice
Axiom: Freedom touted is never about what it takes to be free, only the rights over the words and symbols said to represent the pretense of an empowered all or nothing version of fear-based freedom
Axiom: What if the Biblical Heaven resides in the biological Genesis feeling paradise, which is THE EVER PRESENT NOW?
Axiom: If you ask someone, anyone you trust, what is going on, does anyone have a sincere, honest answer?
Axiom: Anyone who attempts to trace the origin of the error that permeates all thinking must first ask if his or her own conceptual perspective is fool-proof
Axiom: Symbols may have put us all on the same page, but one page does not make a holy book. Our mind that occupies that single, binary written page will be thrown directly into the path of Hell’s fury
Axiom: When does the negative psychological symbols implication outweigh the pretended value of our symbols/word promise?
Axiom: Do we really figure our symbols made us intelligent or was it the ability to know how to use the symbols for us and against others? Are we intelligent because we can pretend more and better than the next guy?
Axiom: There are a few people with extraordinary fortitude whose un-chosen task it is to tell the biological living truth
Axiom: You have ceased to be human, if you have become one with your symbols
Axiom: You believe you are a thinking person, when in biological fact, you are only processing symbols. You can only think when your mind is free from symbols
Axiom: We each become our own divine oracles when we can see with our own Genesis light
Axiom: We chose to be blind if we agree to use only our eyes to see
Axiom: Your Genesis voice is not only meant for extreme situations. It is more like a biological snooze alarm. Just when you return to what seems like the pleasant dream of your agreed life, your Genesis voice wakes you up and says, pay attention
Axiom: Our biological fire burns hotter with every stick of binary symbols fuel that is thrown on it
Axiom: How do you expect to make-up a mind that you have no control over?
Axiom: The concept of enlightenment is nothing more than ongoing communication with the resolute serenity of the bio-logical, clarified, direct feeling voice
Axiom: Genesis supplies the essence of life that is the truth of what we become. What is obvious was never a mystery, but we pretend it is, so we don’t have to face it
Axiom: What you are capable of seeing and what you actually see, are worlds apart
Axiom: Real needs no agreement now or ever. Everything else is a Genesis sabotage
Axiom: If you feel you are dying inside ask yourself, what was the last agreement you made and why did you do it
Axiom: We transgress the true laws of our nature and so we fail to be the dynamic creatures we were meant to be
Axiom: Isn’t it Biblically touted that we are all born in the image and likeness of God? Then how can we be flawed? Why are we so cruel to our fellow creatures? Why are we constantly throwing rocks at our fellow human beings?
Axiom: We have made a world where an agreed excuse is more highly valued than a clarified truth. Do you see why, the religious icon, the Christ, didn’t stand a chance?
Axiom: How can we claim that the human species is an intelligent animal, when it can be so easily trapped in the confounding reality of its own teaching process?
Axiom: Genesis fear will follow our every step, trying to make sense of the binary replacement symbols cast about by our capital gains binary education, saddened by our efforts to fit square pegs in round holes
Axiom: The analytical Christ made it very clear that saving oneself was a matter of variance. One has to literally forsake the madness of symbols insanity to be saved
Axiom: Who are you, according to what the words that are used by you and about you? Are you what words cannot ever say about you? Do you want to become what words can or will say about you? Ever thought about it?
Axiom: Words became symbolic excuses and memorized reasons and trained seals were given control over the world
Axiom: Imagine there is the one real you, the original, Genesis you, that you do not know, that you were told to hide away in a closet. Then you made many other pretend yous, that don’t even know there is a real you. No wonder we are insane
Axiom: Because we have occupied so many symbols for so many reasons for so long, it may require a daily desire and effort to get to know what you already know
Axiom: Can you see the leaders of the insanity parade, all dressed up in hats, badges, stripes and robes?
Axiom: The living truth is all you feel and all you know, but are not aware of
Axiom: The advent of a temporary awakening will always be called a God presence, but when we arrive at the biological gates of our Genesis child, the symbol for God will no longer stand out as separate from the constant living now
Axiom: Nature is one with all of us, why would we not want to be one with it?
Axiom: Opening to your Direct Knowing is the most life changing act you will ever perform, without being able to control its full potential
Axiom: To err is not human, but human subversion
Axiom: It began with only a few of us, now it is up to all of us
Axiom: If you misuse your gift, you forfeit your mystery and the life it wants to bring to you, a logical conclusion to the constant of Genesis real
Axiom: Pretend thoughts will torment you. Real biological inquiry will make you very tired. Be, do and rest. Then there will be the moment when you can easily merge the coming and going of all information in your mind. It is all part of the gift
Axiom: Ignorance always operates under and enforces itself with an “or/else” clause
Axiom: The cornerstone of all war is the failure of our binary symbols agreement process
Axiom: The word “good” is merely the economic grease for the gears of the machine of a false sense of progress. Groups eat this word up with spoons in both hands
Axiom: If all institutional, political and religious pundits went to clown school before they entered the word/sell marketplace, then at least we could laugh at them for entertainment
Axiom: The human flaw is not a fault, but a self-doubting, agreement parody
Axiom: The foundation of our life is biological feeling, built in and built to last and made up of energy combinations not regulated by the men of this planet exclusively. Our senses, like the atom, once separated, can destroy the human race
Axiom: Nothing in nature is static, lest it be hardened by the armoring of symbolic time. Yet, we have been taught that once true, always true, without question
Axiom: So you want to know? If you do, you will never be able to go back. Back where? Back inside your decorated trap
Axiom: The Jesus movement was all about not agreeing, not going along and not being a participant in the legalizing of agreement. Why don’t we get that?
Axiom: The historical records about man’s made-up binary truths are always based on the last reason held and failed. The basis of insanity is when all our efforts are invested in the continuation of the same failures
Axiom: A marble in a box, rolls around always held to the floor by gravity. Gravity can make the walls into floors. So, are there any true floors or walls inside a turning box?
Axiom: There is no prayer greater than our willingness to see our inner visions
Axiom: You are the recipient of a very unique and very resonating gift, a new sense of dynamic information, the mystery of Human Feeling. Do you know who you are? Do you know what you have access to?
Axiom: Genesis truth is exacting in the human being connected to its biological nature. The educated man moves further away from his true Genesis nature as he struggles in the quicksand of reason based hope
Axiom: God giveth unconditionally and man taketh away condition by condition
Axiom: Biological doubt has an innate logic to it. It is merely trying to disperse, to deduce, mono-dimensional tags and labels into bio-dimensional clarity for intrinsic understanding and use
Axiom: We are trapped in a symbols stasis mind, but our genetics are trying to free us
Axiom: The greatest anathema man ever created was his version of The Holy Word and The Word Truth
Axiom: The human mind is an inner universe which contains entire galaxies of biological workings for use in the natural world
Axiom: Groups, amassed in fear and puffed up with agreement, will not hesitate to enforce their words at the point of a gun
Axiom: Saying no when you feel yes, or yes when you feel no, is self-sabotage
Axiom: Now and forever are the same, if no binary mistakes are made
Axiom: “I” becomes “we” becomes “they” and therefore you lose. You were born to be a “me.” Me is one of the few words with no real definition, for a self aware child sees itself in unity with all that is
Axiom: “They” come as a group, stay as a group, think like a group. If the one mind falters, “they” swarm to prevent questions or changes of mind so that there will be no crack in the all or nothing cement casing of armored agreement
Axiom: All creatures on earth are designed to feel in some unique way. What you do to destroy this special reward is up to you
Axiom: If you can’t think for yourself—don’t bother to think
Axiom: After pretend reason is lost, peace of mind can be found
Axiom: Reason grows angry at the prominence of the irrevocable error of its own ways and means
Axiom: Binary agreed symbols belong to the commercial word fabricated world. The bio-feeling dynamics matrix belongs to a universal parallel not of this world
Axiom: Stare in wonder as you were made to do. We must get out of oblivion
Axiom: Two senses equal either/or doing. Five senses equal free will and choice and being
Axiom: Wars fought outside the being, are merely distractions from the more threatening war that is being fought within us; the mind’s struggle to decompose reason failure, not legalize it
Axiom: There is a spiritual rift closing in upon us, throughout the world
Axiom: The slave only seeks to be free from bondage—but never understands what bound him, therefore, a freed slave is just waiting for another form of slavery
Axiom: Our false knowledge of the world as we know it came into being through human error, not because of it
Axiom: What we think we want to know, we agree we know. All we do not want to know we agree we do not need to know. That is our sin
Axiom: There is a key out of the abyss and the key is before you. Memory locks the door behind you. Self-awareness is the key that opens the doors before you
Axiom: We have, for want of control of the human mind, systematically infected everyone with a binary disease. Those who seek a self-cure, are punished. Living with the disease has become the norm. Stay diseased if you want to stay safe
Axiom: There are two man-made ways to conform to symbols. Be a victim of the biological binary infraction or be a perpetrator. Use it to create a befuddled mental advantage or have it used against you
Axiom: The biological truth will emerge despite all agreeable and disagreeable odds placed against it. Insanity is a binary symbols displacement condition, self perpetuating and self consuming bio-inhibitor
Axiom: It is an easy and profitable industry that takes full advantage of human misery. Do not be fooled. Keeping a populace down, serves not the people, but the puppeteers
Axiom: Our very soul is forced to cross nature’s protective boundaries, reducing our dynamic bio-sensing to a mono-dimensional haze of blackness, forcing us to react to only two senses. That is the actual cause of this biological malfunction: intent
Axiom: Human sin is that we agree to live by and with all or nothing reason, teach it and enforce it
Axiom: Are you up to the uniquely human task of becoming real? No more agreements, no more laws. When binary fear is released, captive people can resume a living real caring life. Fear will subside
Axiom: Do you think you are real, thinking that having control over symbols, makes you real? Is there ever a point where you feel yourself being unreal? Do you ever think about what you are doing with your binary symbols indoctrination?
Axiom: Oneness with all that is, is divine. Sameness is a waste of human ability
Axiom: Control the symbols, control the man. Why don’t we get it? Excuse ignorance, excuse belief, and excuse all the excuses, all the way to an agreed pretend truth, made of a biological fear. Stare at it all you want, it will not go away
Axiom: We live, surrounded and blinded by the thick fog of our illusions
Axiom: Religion is like a chalice with a hole in the bottom. Tip it and it will be empty in seconds; hold it tightly, and still, in a few hours, it will end up empty
Axiom: The best “decorated entrapment” is envied by other trapped men
Axiom: Intent is as dead as the laws it serves
Axiom: Be careful what symbols you wield for there-in, the beliefs are two edged swords that will slay you as quickly as you can slay another
Axiom: Who would we be if we were not afraid?
Axiom: Does your God come and go? Take your Genesis child with you and you will never be without your Genesis Being. If you take only your symbols, your outer gods, you will always be alone. What we already are, is more than we can handle
Axiom: Reason is a staging platform on which we use words to launch binary symbolic control. In other words symbols are made and meant to control mankind
Axiom: Do we not each live in and maintain our own version of hell? Why do we do that? How do you do that?
Axiom: Biologically vested in the energy driving the inborn capacity to speak Genesis is the voice of the real truth that lives in us. This is the only place that has been saved from sin
Axiom: What do beliefs and laws have in common? They are insured by fear
Axiom: A reason is the hollow sounding excuse we give for war
Axiom: I have agreed with everything but my inner truth, because truth can never be agreed to. Words are made believe but taught as if they are believable
Axiom: The truth that must bear us out can not be written on paper and holds no record but one, Genesis feeling decoded
Axiom: Agreeing, is the beginning of sin. It allows escalation of pretense
Axiom: No door will ever be closed to you again, once you re-engage with your bio-God-head, once you re-engage its fury, its tempest, its spectacle: THE REAL YOU
Axiom: All that is shared is communion, all that can be shared is union, all that is sent by Genesis directly to all of us and has no end, is a parallel consciousness
Axiom: Man’s fate is sealed in misgivings, misfortunes and grief all because of the sadness that comes with a make-believe binary symbols reality
Axiom: To clarify and amend and completely cure the binary infraction will take 100 years or five generations
Axiom: Feeling is a bio-energy messenger that is broadcast from within ourselves. As we listen inside, we feel and we know. This is direct knowing
Axiom: The original direct knowing you is a part of the biological unified parallel which became the original feeling you. The “insider” you kept perfect records, using the original voice recorder. Even now it does, or this work is pointless
Axiom: All those who read on the line want the promise of the symbol written on that line. What is actually on that line will only serve to control brain function
Axiom: Agreement captures or steals the Genesis child’s energy. It is its most powerful natural biological predator
Axiom: Legally, consent is nothing more than allowing
Axiom: The chains of the evil concepts that bind us, are all make-believe!
Axiom: Want to heal? Stop agreeing with the omega symbols empowered mind. Was that straight up and simple enough?
Axiom: It is not the things you don’t know that should concern you but the things you already knew, and were told to ignore
Axiom: We know those who pretend by their mob tactics. They live by educated intent for a reward, the masses live by failed uneducated counter intentions. Where does this lead?
Axiom: The only worldwide mental disease is our institutional standards of agreed binary symbols, that cause widespread anxiety and depression and other stress related mental and physical related disorders
Axiom: Reason armor plates the mind against its own self-awareness. No feeling in, no feeling out
Axiom: All the senses live in the real and are always trying to rectify the deliberate separation of the human senses that can actually stay in touch with the real. The real lays dormant, a biological unknown
Axiom: Agreed Omega sleeps with one eye open, waiting for the moment that the gun under their head-pillow must be used
Axiom: Ask and you shall know. The time between the request and the answer depends on the sincerity of the feeling that asks for it
Axiom: What exists in our current knowledge system is based on and in agreements, was created by a deluded mind
Axiom: The desire to know does not require word grants or any paper agreement
Axiom: Belief breeds armies of sanctimonious killers
Axiom: As you agree you create an entity that is altogether unreal, but has very real residual side effects existence. Everyone is trapped inside a symbolic leviathan of over reaction, binary causative harm and derogatory truth
Axiom: Does hiding behind the symbols that do the killing for us make us innocent of a declarative murder?
Axiom: In dreams we fluently speak the language of Genesis
Axiom: Because we live in and work in binary either/or, all/nothing word factories, it makes perfect mono-sense that our symbols would become our own personal narrow minded Gods
Axiom: Omega is a symbols junkie, no different from a chemical drug addict. It is the pusher and the user. It needs other users, afraid and destitute, to sell its wares
Axiom: When are you going to realize and accept the biological truth, that we left the real world, paradise, for the express purpose of being pathetic binary symbols taskmasters?
Axiom: Symbols obedience always defies the laws of nature
Axiom: We are choking on our own pretend/belief symbols phlegm
Axiom: Intention needs armed guards for protection; its heart is sabotaged
Axiom: It is possible that the role of cancer will be reduced and eradicated once the clarification begins to heal us from the inside
Axiom: Killing people was once a sport sponsored by rulers. Is it any different now?
Axiom: The pursuit of freedom is never about true freedom, which is choice, but the avoidance of self destruction through binary tautology
Axiom: The group always sells fear and they call it reason
Axiom: In the end, if symbols fail you, who are you going to blame? No one forced you to agree but yourself, so you will have only yourself to blame. And if you have only yourself to blame, shouldn’t you be the one making the choices?
Axiom: Real freedom begins with self-awareness and ends up depending on it!
Axiom: To be able to feel, is the gift of Genesis. It will forever give to you and to all the world. Do not leave it in its binary wrapping, as most do
Axiom: Feelings are not of you, but they are about you. Free, with a biological obligation to protect you. They speak to you as a friend
Axiom: Why are we so willing to accept the trashed agreements that belonged to someone else, and call it treasure? Why are we so willing to buy symbols forgeries and cheap knock offs when you have a mind dedicated to real purpose and meaning?
Axiom: Suffering is not mental stamina but mental abuse
Axiom: Blame is man’s symbolic sin. Excuse is its en-mass partner, evil
Axiom: The binary agreement process is the most deadly mindset ever enacted by humans, on humans, and therefore, upon all of life itself
Axiom: Some words are like burdocks. They will stick to you as you walk by and will be difficult to remove
Axiom: The waves of feeling will never end, the shores of its ocean are endless. You must learn to trust your feelings, not your agreements
Axiom: Once you know hell, you feel the flames, you know the back draft, you will feel the stall spin, you must get to know your own auto pilot. Your Genesis feeling knows what hell is doing to you
Author/Artist - James P. Beyor
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Bridging the gap between your symbolic meanings and mine. Curing the biological binary infraction, the curse of the splitting of the five senses.
Credo: To reinstate the Genesis Biological Real function with its direct knowing, living truth; its complete sensory communication; its full biological harmonious state of being and doing. To educate the Genesis feeling mind back to its original form and full direct knowing capacity, away from its symbols stasis. To awaken all the senses to their full and true biological functions. To cease and desist from limiting our interaction with the world by using only one or two senses instead of the five or six the Genesis mind is in total compliance with at all times. To restore the human essence of a sound heart and a clarified mind. To encourage humanity to wake up, which will dissolve the armor plate of binary neurosis and revive the unguarded heart and the direct knowing mind of the tender Genesis child.
will ever come from the knowledge that is.”
Albert Einstein