Once a person is saved, the number one priority should be seeking entrance into the Kingdom. It is pictured as a runner in a race seeking a prize represented by a crown that will last forever. <br><br>The "Traditional" teaching on the "THE KINGDOM" has taken the Church captive into believing all Christians will rule and reign with Christ no matter how they have lived their life.<br><br>The whole purpose of this book is to help Christians understand what seeking the Kingdom of God is all about and help them be among the chosen few who will "enter into" the Kingdom: "For many are called, but few are chosen." (Matthew 22:14)<br><br>Jesus Christ is returning for His faithful overcoming followers. Don't miss out on ruling and reigning with Christ in His KINGDOM.<br><br>NEW DISCOVERY – THE SIGN of Christ's Coming. Also learn about: The Judgement Seat of Christ, Gehenna, Outer Darkness, the Second Death, the Book of Life and most importantly the requirements for Ruling and Reigning with Christ in the coming Kingdom.
James T. Harman. The Kingdom
Chapter 1 – Grace and Works
Chapter 2 – The Judgement Seat of Christ
Chapter 3 – Salvation of the Soul
Chapter 4 – Seek First the Kingdom
Chapter 5 - Some Christians Miss the Kingdom
Chapter 6 - Outer Darkness
Chapter 7 - Hell
Chapter 8 – The Second Death
Chapter 9 – The Book of Life
Chapter 10 – Overcomers
Chapter 11 – Enter the Kingdom
Reference Notes
Appendix A – Watching for Jesus
Appendix B - Sign of Christ’s Coming
Seas Lifted Up
2 Witnesses
Days of Noah
Special Invitation
About The Author
Reader’s Comments
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Sir Isaac Newton, the great mathematician, scientist and Bible scholar made the following prediction about 300 years ago:
"About the time of the end, a body of men will be raised up who will turn their attention to the prophecies, and insist upon their literal interpretation, in the midst of much clamour and opposition." Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727 AD)
I also firmly believe that Jim Harman is one of those Bible students who is properly instructed in the prophecies of the Bible, thus making him a godly man. Jim is a devout student of the Word of God, and he is open and teachable in the truths of Scripture. This is an absolute necessity for anyone to understand Bible prophecies, and Jim certainly lives up to this observation made by Blaise Pascal.
I recommend this book to anyone seeking the truths of Scripture. Jim is able to take the deeper truths of the Bible and explain them in simple language that can be understood by anyone who is open and teachable in Bible doctrine.