Probability with R

Probability with R
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Provides a comprehensive introduction to probability with an emphasis on computing-related applications This self-contained new and extended edition outlines a first course in probability applied to computer-related disciplines. As in the first edition, experimentation and simulation are favoured over mathematical proofs. The freely down-loadable statistical programming language  R  is used throughout the text, not only as a tool for calculation and data analysis, but also to illustrate concepts of probability and to simulate distributions. The examples in  Probability with R: An Introduction with Computer Science Applications, Second Edition  cover a wide range of computer science applications, including: testing program performance; measuring response time and CPU time; estimating the reliability of components and systems; evaluating algorithms and queuing systems.  Chapters cover: The R language; summarizing statistical data; graphical displays; the fundamentals of probability; reliability; discrete and continuous distributions; and more.  This second edition includes: improved R code throughout the text, as well as new procedures, packages and interfaces; updated and additional examples, exercises and projects covering recent developments of computing; an introduction to bivariate discrete distributions together with the R functions used to handle large matrices of conditional probabilities, which are often needed in machine translation; an introduction to linear regression with particular emphasis on its application to machine learning using testing and training data; a new section on spam filtering using Bayes theorem to develop the filters; an extended range of Poisson applications such as network failures, website hits, virus attacks and accessing the cloud; use of new allocation functions in R to deal with hash table collision, server overload and the general allocation problem. The book is supplemented with a Wiley Book Companion Site featuring data and solutions to exercises within the book. Primarily addressed to students of computer science and related areas,  Probability with R: An Introduction with Computer Science Applications, Second Edition  is also an excellent text for students of engineering and the general sciences. Computing professionals who need to understand the relevance of probability in their areas of practice will find it useful.


Jane M. Horgan. Probability with R

Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Illustrations



Probability with R: An Introduction with Computer Science Applications



Preface to the Second Edition

Preface to the First Edition


About the Companion Website

1 Basics of R

1.1 What Is R?

1.2 Installing R

1.3 R Documentation

1.4 Basics

1.5 Getting Help

1.6 Data Entry

1.6.1 Reading and Displaying Data on Screen

Example 1.1 Entering data from the screen to a vector

1.6.2 Reading Data from a File to a Data Frame

Definition 1.1 Data frame

Example 1.2 Reading data from a file into a data frame

1.7 Missing Values

1.8 Editing

1.8.1 Data Editing

1.8.2 Command Editing

1.9 Tidying Up

1.10 Saving and Retrieving

1.11 Packages

1.12 Interfaces

1.12.1 RStudio

1.12.2 R Commander

Exercises 1.1

1.13 Project


2 Summarizing Statistical Data

2.1 Measures of Central Tendency

Example 2.1 Apps Usage

2.2 Measures of Dispersion

2.3 Overall Summary Statistics

2.4 Programming in R

2.4.1 Creating Functions

Example 2.2 A program to calculate skewness

2.4.2 Scripts

Exercises 2.1

2.5 Project

3 Graphical Displays







Example 3.1


Exercises 3.1

3.8 Projects


4 Probability Basics

4.1 Experiments, Sample Spaces, and Events

Example 4.1

Example 4.2

Example 4.3

Example 4.4

Example 4.5

Example 4.6

Example 4.7

Example 4.8

Example 4.9

Example 4.10

Example 4.11

4.1.1 Types of Sample Spaces

Exercises 4.1

4.2 Classical Approach to Probability

Definition 4.1 Classical Probability

Example 4.12

Example 4.13

Example 4.14

4.3 Permutations and Combinations

4.3.1 Permutations. Example 4.15

Example 4.16

Definition 4.2 Permutations

Example 4.17


4.3.2 Combinations

Example 4.18

Definition 4.3 Combinations

Example 4.19

4.4 The Birthday Problem

Example 4.20 The Birthday Paradox

4.4.1 A Program to Calculate the Birthday Probabilities

4.4.2 R Functions for the Birthday Problem

4.5 Balls and Bins

Example 4.21

4.6 R Functions for Allocation

Example 4.22

Example 4.23

4.7 Allocation Overload

Example 4.24


4.8 Relative Frequency Approach to Probability

Definition 4.4

4.9 Simulating Probabilities

Example 4.25

Example 4.26

Exercises 4.2

4.10 Projects

Recommended Reading

5 Rules of Probability

5.1 Probability and Sets

5.2 Mutually Exclusive Events

5.3 Complementary Events

5.4 Axioms of Probability

5.5 Properties of Probability

Property 1 Complementary events


Property 2 The empty set


Property 3 Monotonicity


Property 4 Probability between 0 and 1


Property 5 The addition law of probability


Example 5.1

Example 5.2

Example 5.3

Example 5.4


Exercises 5.1

Supplementary Reading

6 Conditional Probability

Definition 6.1 Conditional probability

Example 6.1

6.1 Multiplication Law of Probability

6.2 Independent Events

6.2.1 Independence of Two Events. Definition 6.2 Independence of two events

Example 6.2

Example 6.3

6.3 Independence of More than Two Events

Definition 6.3 Pairwise independence of more than two events

Definition 6.4 Mutual Independence of more than two events

Example 6.4

Example 6.5

6.4 The Intel FIASCO

6.5 Law of Total Probability

Example 6.6

Theorem 6.1 Law of total probability


6.6 Trees

Example 6.7

Example 6.8

Exercises 6.1

6.7 Project


7 Posterior Probability and Bayes

7.1 Bayes' Rule. 7.1.1 Bayes' Rule for Two Events

Example 7.1


7.1.2 Bayes' Rule for More Than Two Events

Theorem 7.1 Bayes' rule


Example 7.2 The game problem (with apologies to Marilyn, Monty Hall and Let's Make a Deal)

7.2 Hardware Fault Diagnosis

Example 7.3

7.3 Machine Learning and Classification

7.3.1 Two‐Case Classification

Example 7.4

7.3.2 Multi‐case Classification

Example 7.5

7.4 Spam Filtering

Example 7.6


7.5 Machine Translation

Exercises 7.1


8 Reliability

8.1 Series Systems. Definition 8.1 Series systems

8.2 Parallel Systems. Definition 8.2 Parallel systems

8.3 Reliability of a System

8.3.1 Reliability of a Series System

Example 8.1

Example 8.2

Example 8.3


8.3.2 Reliability of a Parallel System

Example 8.4


Example 8.5

8.4 Series–Parallel Systems

Example 8.6

Example 8.7

8.5 The Design of Systems

Example 8.8

Example 8.9

Example 8.10

Example 8.11

8.6 The General System

Exercises 8.1

9 Introduction to Discrete Distributions

9.1 Discrete Random Variables

Definition 9.1 Discrete distributions

Example 9.1 Toss a fair coin

Example 9.2 Tossing two fair coins

Example 9.3 Draw a card from a deck

Example 9.4 Roll a fair die

Example 9.5

Example 9.6

Definition 9.2 Probability density function (pdf)

9.2 Cumulative Distribution Function

Definition 9.3 Cumulative distribution function (cdf)

Example 9.7

9.3 Some Simple Discrete Distributions. 9.3.1 The Bernoulli Distribution

Example 9.8

Example 9.9

Example 9.10

Example 9.11

Definition 9.4 The Bernoulli random variable

9.3.2 Discrete Uniform Distribution

Example 9.12

Example 9.13

Example 9.14

Definition 9.5 Uniform discrete random variable

Example 9.15

9.4 Benford's Law

9.5 Summarizing Random Variables: Expectation

9.5.1 Expected Value of a Discrete Random Variable

Example 9.16

Definition 9.6 Mean of a discrete random variable

Example 9.17

9.5.2 Measuring the Spread of a Discrete Random Variable

Definition 9.7 Variance of a discrete random variable

Example 9.18

Example 9.19

9.6 Properties of Expectations

Example 9.20

9.7 Simulating Discrete Random Variables and Expectations

9.8 Bivariate Distributions

Example 9.21

Example 9.22

Example 9.23

Definition 9.8 Probability density function of a bivariate random variable

9.9 Marginal Distributions. Definition 9.9 Marginal distribution of a random variable

9.10 Conditional Distributions. Definition 9.10 The conditional distribution of a random variable

Definition 9.11 Independence

Exercises 9.1

9.11 Project


10 The Geometric Distribution. Example 10.1

Example 10.2

Example 10.3

Example 10.4

10.1 GEOMETRIC RANDOM VARIABLES. Definition 10.1 Geometric random variable

10.1.1 Probability Density Function

Example 10.5

Example 10.6

Example 10.7

10.1.2 Calculating Geometric pdfs in R


Example 10.8

10.2.1 Calculating Geometric cdfs in R




Example 10.9


Example 10.10

Theorem 10.1 The Markov property of the geometric distribution

Example 10.11

Proof of Markov's property

Example 10.12



Exercises 10.1


11 The Binomial Distribution. Example 11.1

Example 11.2

Example 11.3

Example 11.4

11.1 Binomial Probabilities

11.2 Binomial Random Variables. Definition 11.1 Binomial random variable

11.2.1 Calculating Binomial pdfs with R

11.2.2 Plotting Binomial pdfs in R

11.3 Cumulative Distribution Function

11.3.1 Calculating Binomial cdfs in R

11.3.2 Plotting cdfs in R

11.4 The Quantile Function

Example 11.5

Example 11.6

11.5 Reliability: The General System

Example 11.7

Example 11.8

11.5.1 The Series–Parallel General System

Example 11.9


Example 11.10

11.6 Machine Learning

Example 11.11

11.7 Binomial Expectations

11.7.1 Mean of the Binomial Distribution

Example 11.12

11.7.2 Variance of the Binomial Distribution

11.8 Simulating Binomial Probabilities and Expectations

11.8.1 Simulated Mean and Variance

Exercises 11.1

11.9 Projects

12 The Hypergeometric Distribution. Example 12.1

Example 12.2

Example 12.3

Example 12.4

12.1 Hypergeometric Random Variables. Definition 12.1 Hypergeometric random variable

12.1.1 Calculating Hypergeometric Probabilities with R

12.1.2 Plotting the Hypergeometric Function

12.2 Cumulative Distribution Function

12.3 The Lottery

12.3.1 Winning Something

12.3.2 Winning the Jackpot

12.4 Hypergeometric or Binomial? Example 12.5

Exercises 12.1

12.5 Projects

13 The Poisson Distribution

13.1 Death by Horse Kick

13.2 Limiting Binomial Distribution

Example 13.1

Example 13.2

13.3 Random Events in Time and Space

Example 13.3

Example 13.4

Example 13.5

Example 13.6

13.4 Probability Density Function

Example 13.7

13.4.1 Calculating Poisson pdfs with R

13.4.2 Plotting Poisson pdfs with R

13.5 Cumulative Distribution Function

13.5.1 Calculating Poisson cdfs in R

13.5.2 Plotting Poisson cdfs

13.6 The Quantile Function

Example 13.8

13.7 Estimating Software Reliability

Example 13.9

13.8 Modeling Defects In Integrated Circuits

Example 13.10

13.9 Simulating Poisson Probabilities

Exercises 13.1

13.10 Projects


14 Sampling Inspection Schemes. 14.1 Introduction

14.2 Single Sampling Inspection Schemes. Example 14.1

Example 14.2

Example 14.3

14.3 Acceptance Probabilities

14.4 Simulating Sampling Inspection Schemes

14.5 Operating Characteristic Curve

14.6 Producer's and Consumer's Risks

14.7 Design of Sampling Schemes

14.7.1 Choosing

Example 14.4

14.7.2 0/1 Inspection Schemes

Example 14.5

Example 14.6

14.7.3 Deciding on and Simultaneously. Example 14.7

14.8 Rectifying Sampling Inspection Schemes

14.9 Average Outgoing Quality

14.10 Double Sampling Inspection Schemes. Example 14.8

14.11 Average Sample Size

14.12 Single Versus Double Schemes

Exercises 14.1

14.13 Projects

15 Introduction to Continuous Distributions

15.1 Introduction to Continuous Random Variables. Definition 15.1 Continuous random variables

15.2 Probability Density Function

Example 15.1

15.3 Cumulative Distribution Function

Definition 15.2 Cumulative distribution function

Example 15.2

15.4 The Uniform Distribution

Definition 15.3 Continuous uniform distribution

Example 15.3

15.5 Expectation of a Continuous Random Variable

15.5.1 Mean and Variance of a Uniform Distribution

15.5.2 Properties of Expectations

15.6 Simulating Continuous Variables

15.6.1 Simulating the Uniform Distribution

Exercises 15.1

16 The Exponential Distribution. 16.1 Modeling Waiting Times. Example 16.1

Example 16.2

Example 16.3

Example 16.4

16.2 Probability Density Function of Waiting Times

Definition 16.1 The exponential random variable

16.3 Cumulative Distribution Function

16.4 Modeling Lifetimes

Example 16.5

Example 16.6

16.5 Quantiles

Example 16.7

16.6 Exponential Expectations

16.7 Simulating Exponential Probabilities and Expectations

16.7.1 Simulating Job Submissions

16.7.2 Simulating Lifetimes

16.8 Amnesia

Theorem 16.1 The Markov property of the exponential distribution


Example 16.8

Example 16.9


16.9 Simulating Markov

16.9.1 When Does Markov Not Hold?

Exercises 16.1

16.10 Project

17 Queues

17.1 The Single Server Queue

17.2 Traffic Intensity

17.3 Queue Length

Example 17.1

17.3.1 Queue Length with Traffic Intensity 1

17.3.2 Queue Length when the Traffic Intensity = 1

17.3.3 Queue Length with Traffic Intensity 1

17.4 Average Response Time. Definition 17.1 Average response time (ART)

17.5 Extensions of the M/M/1 Queue

Example 17.2

Exercises 17.1

17.6 Project



18 The Normal Distribution

18.1 The Normal Probability Density Function. Definition 18.1 Normal distribution

18.1.1 Graphing Normal Curves in R

18.2 The Cumulative Distribution Function

Example 18.1

18.2.1 Conditional Probabilities. Example 18.2

Example 18.3

18.3 Quantiles

18.4 The Standard Normal Distribution

18.5 Achieving Normality: Limiting Distributions

18.5.1 Normal Approximation to the Binomial

18.5.2 The Normal Approximation to the Poisson Distribution

Example 18.4

18.5.3 The Central Limit Theorem

Exercises 18.1

18.6 Projects

19 Process Control

19.1 Control Charts

Example 19.1

19.2 Cusum Charts

19.3 Charts for Defective Rates

Example 19.2

Example 19.3

Exercises 19.1

19.4 Project

20 The Inequalities of Markov and Chebyshev

20.1 Markov's Inequality

Example 20.1

Theorem 20.1 Markov's inequality

Proof of Markov's Inequality

Example 20.2


Example 20.3


Example 20.4


20.2 Algorithm Runtime

Example 20.5

20.3 Chebyshev's Inequality

Theorem 20.2 Chebyshev's inequality

Example 20.6

Example 20.7

Proof of Chebyshev's Inequality

Example 20.8


20.1 Exercises 20.1

Appendix A Data: Examination Results

Appendix B The Line of Best Fit: Coefficient Derivations

Appendix C Variance Derivations

C.1 Variance of the Geometric Distribution (Chapter 10)

C.2 Variance of the Binomial Distribution (Chapter 11)

C.3 Variance of the Poisson Distribution (Chapter 13)

C.4 Variance of the Uniform Distribution (Chapter 15)

C.5 Variance of the Exponential Distribution (Chapter 16)

Appendix D Binomial Approximation to the Hypergeometric

Appendix E Normal Tables

Appendix F The Inequalities of Markov and Chebyshev. F.1 Markov's Inequality: A Proof Without Words

F.2 Chebyshev's Inequality: Markov's in Disguise

Index to R Commands




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Second Edition

Jane M. Horgan


While we could list the entire data frame on the screen, this is inconvenient for all but the smallest data sets. R provides facilities for listing the first few rows and the last few rows.

head(results, n = 4)


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