Feature Writing and Reporting

Feature Writing and Reporting
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Feature Writing and Reporting offers a fresh look at feature writing and reporting in the 21st century. Award-winning professor and author Jennifer Brannock Cox teaches students the fundamentals of feature writing and reporting while emphasizing the skills and tools needed to be successful in the digital era. Packed with the best samples of feature writing today, this practical text gives students ample opportunity to practice their writing as they build a portfolio of work for their future careers. Special attention on new multimedia and online reporting prepares readers for success in a rapidly changing media landscape. 


Jennifer Brannock Cox. Feature Writing and Reporting


Feature Writing and Reporting

Brief Contents

Detailed Contents


Incorporating the Past Into the Future

Content and Organization

Beyond the Ws: Concepts and Considerations

Going Deeper With Focused Reporting and Writing

Multimedia for the Print/Online Journalist

Special Features

Words With Pros

Helpful Hints

From the Field

The Whole Story


Chapter 1 Feature Storytelling in the Digital Age

Diving In: Who Needs Journalists?

Changing Journalism in the Digital Age

Words With Pros. Changes to Feature Storytelling in the Digital Age

How Reporters Work

Delivering the News

Expectations of News and Reporters

Sharing the News

Helpful Hints. Fighting Fake News

Shifting Gears: Why We Need to Tell Stories in New Ways

Broken “Breaking News”

Beyond Breaking: Adding Value

Tearing Down the Gate

Walking the Line: Avoiding Pandering

Objectivity Obsolete?

Trust Me: I’m a Journalist. Trust in American Institutions 1993–2018

From the Field. The Future of Journalism

Bringing Back the Trust



Chapter 2 Concepts for Practicing Feature Storytelling

Diving In: Becoming a Feature Writer

Telling Stories With Value

Words With Pros “Casting” for Feature Stories

Distinguishing Features

What Is Your Story?

Helpful Hints. Generating Story Ideas With News Values

Creating Audience-Centric Stories

Using Stories to Meet Needs

Taking Notice

Exploring Feature Story Types

Reaction Features

Human Interest Features

Narrative Features

From the Field. Building Descriptive Narration

Historical/Time Peg Features

The Whole Story. The Unfinished Story of Silent Sam, From “Soldier Boy” to Fallen Symbol of a Painful Past

Chapter 1: The Soldier Boy

Chapter 2: Lingerie and Letters

Chapter 3: A Historical Smoking Gun

Chapter 4: Politicians, Protests and Police

Chapter 5: To be Continued

Explainer Features

Opinion Features

Digital Age Features

Alternative Storytelling Forms

Anticipating Shareable Stories

Investigations and Fact-Checking



Chapter 3 Feature Storytelling Structure

Diving In: Finding your Storytelling Voice

Feature Story Components

Feature Ledes and Lede-Ins

Words With Pros. Telling Stories One Day at a Time

Descriptive Ledes

Anecdotal Ledes

Narrative Ledes

Contrast Ledes

Oddity/Novelty Ledes

Teaser/Mystery Ledes



Helpful Hints. Lede Writing No-Nos

Avoid Opening With a Quote

Read the Room

Just Answer the Question

Quit the Clichés

Nut Grafs: The Meat of the Story

What’s the Story?

Why Should I Care?

Is This a Good Time?

So Much to Say

Using Quotes Effectively

Lede Quotes

Story Structure

Moving Through With SEQ

Narrative Storytelling

Anecdotal Storytelling

Descriptive Storytelling

From the Field. Pace Yourself

Wrapping It Up

The Whole Story. Survival Rates Better in Children With Cancer Than Adults



Chapter 4 Interviewing for Features

Diving In: A Fruitful Conversation

Identifying Sources

Primary Questions

Official and Nonofficial Sources

Data Sources

Finding Sources

Start at the Top

Who Is Affected?


Finding Sources With Social Media. Helpful Hints. Using Social Media Sources

Conducting Feature Interviews

Ride-Along Checklist

Along for the Ride

The Whole Story. Night Riders: Riding After Dark With Salisbury Police

“They're like our kids”

Wrapping things up

Getting Involved

Re-Creating the Scene

Sitting Down

The Trouble With Technology

Interviewing: Jobs Within a Job

Words With Pros. Interviewing With Empathy

Tips for Conducting Interviews

Getting Reactions

Asking How and Why

Getting Good Quotes

From the Field. Engaging With Diverse Communities

Interviewing Nuances and Challenges

For the Record

Just the Facts



Chapter 5 Feature Storytelling Ethics in the Digital Age

Diving In: More Questions, Few Answers

Journalism: A Profession or a Job?

Why Bother With Journalism Ethics?

Helpful Hints. Ethics Commandments for College Journalists

But What About Fox News and MSNBC?

Words With Pros. Ethical Lessons From Around the World

Journalism Ethics in the Digital Age

Seek Truth and Report it

Be Accurate

From the Field. Posting Like a Journalist

More Than Accuracy

Be Fair

Be Honest

Honesty With Sources

Honesty to the Audience

Be Courageous

Minimize Harm

Minimizing Harm to Sources

Minimizing Harm to the Community

Minimizing Harm to Society

Act Independently

Gifts From Sources

Friends and Family as Sources

Pressure From Advertisers

Prior Review

Be Accountable and Transparent. Making Corrections in the Digital Age

The Golden Rule



Chapter 6 Immersion Journalism

Diving In: Immersing Into Insanity

Defining Immersion Journalism

Words With Pros. Part of Their World: Immersion Journalism

What’s in a Name?

How Is It Done?

What’s the Point?

Seeking Truth

Enhancing Accountability and Transparency

Gaining Empathy

Exciting Storytelling

Multimedia Opportunities

Immersion: A Spectrum

I Am a Witness to the Story

I Am a Member of the Community

I Am a Participant in the Story

I Am the Story

Column Writing

The Whole Story. Surfing Encounters With Toothy Friends

Immersing Yourself

Find an Adventure

Make Contact

From the Field. Behind Bars: Immersing in San Quentin

Consider Your Toolbox

Helpful Hints. Telling the Story as You Go

Do It Yourself

Conduct Your Interviews While Immersing

Put the Story Together

Follow Up With Sources

Limitations to Immersion Journalism



Chapter 7 Community Journalism

Diving In: All Shapes and Sizes

Defining Community Journalism




Community Journalism Features

Words With Pros. Around the U.S., One Community at a Time

Community Journalism: Why Bother?

Empower Audiences to Seek Answers and Act

Foster Trust and Loyalty Through Transparency

Increase Revenue

Create Opportunities for Better Reporting

Step by Step Through Community Journalism

Helpful Hints. Community Journalism Playbook

Generating Ideas: Opening the Gates

THE WHOLE STORY. You Asked: What’s Really in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor? Here’s What We Found

What We Leave Behind

Pollution and Contaminants

Wildlife on the Surface and Below

Finding Diverse Sources

From the Field. Putting the Community in the Driver’s Seat

Including Audiences in the Reporting Process

Sharing Audience-Centric News in Engaging Ways

Empowering Audiences to Tell Their Own Stories

Circling Back: Following Up With Participants and Stakeholders

Community Journalism Challenges and Opportunities



Chapter 8 Solutions Journalism

Diving In: Beyond the Gloom and Doom

Solutions Journalism: The Whole Story

Words With Pros. Putting in the Work for Solutions Journalism

Solutions Journalism in Feature Reporting

No Puff Here

Investigative News Features

Helpful Hints. The Journalistic Method: Creating Investigative Solutions Stories

Community Engagement Opportunities

Approaches to Solutions Journalism

Positive Deviant

Big New Idea

Experiment in Progress

Location Transformation

Solutions Story: Step by Step

Identifying Solutions Stories

Reporting Solutions Stories

Solutions Journalism Qualities

Filling in the Boxes

Writing the Solutions Story

The Whole Story. Oregon Promise: How Oregon Makes College Possible for Low-Income and First-Generation Students

Barriers to Attending College

How it Works

The Impact

The Problems

Identifying Characters

Hard Evidence

Qualitative and Quantitative Limitations

From the Field. Restorative Narrative: Another Alternative to Problem-Based Stories

Limitations to Solutions Journalism



Chapter 9 Photojournalism

Diving In: Grab Your Camera (Phone)

Photojournalism: What and Why

Words With Pros. iWitness Photojournalism on the Front Lines

Why Photos?

Photojournalism for Features

Live Event Coverage

Reaction Pieces

Long-Term Projects

Elevating your Photojournalism Skills

10 Easy Tips for Improving Your Photos

Helpful Hints. Practicing With Photo Angles

Breaking Down Barriers

Battling Mistrust

Talking to Strangers

Matching Words With Images

Basic Captions

Photo Essays


Shifting the Power With Photo Elicitation

Practices for Using Photo Elicitation in Journalism

From the Field #ThisIs18: Photo Elicitation Through Peer Partnerships

Photo Elicitation Challenges

Photojournalism Ethics



Chapter 10 Audio and Video Storytelling Online

Diving In: Stories That Speak

Words With Pros. We’re All Digital Now: Writers Can Produce Videos, Too

Adding Value to Print With Audio and Video

Not Your Average Broadcast

Constructing a News Package

Connecting to the Audience With Audio


Embedded Audio Clips

Audio Slideshows

Show, Don’t Tell, With Video

Same Story, Different Platform

Package Component

Video With Text

Going Live

Planning for Audio and Video



Where and When?


Helpful Hints. Transitioning From Print to Audio

Creating Audio Stories

Recording Sound

Writing Scripts and Editing Audio

From the Field. Anacostia Unmapped: Audio Elicitation Through Community Partnerships

Creating Video Stories

Shooting Video

The Five Camera Shots

Editing Video



Chapter 11 Multimedia Storytelling Tools for the Digital Age

Diving In: Back to the Future

Multimedia Tools in Feature Storytelling

Focus on Why and How

Stimulate Audience Empathy

Be Interesting and Entertaining

Enhance Transparency

Reporter Objectives

Words with Pros. Al's Cool Tool: Good Storytelling

Starting Small: Alternative Storytelling Formats and Apps





Helpful Hints. 12 Helpful Apps for Journalists

In the Air and on the Ground

Action Cameras

Action Cameras in Journalism

Action Camera Pros and Cons


Drones in Journalism

From the Field. Going Deeper From Up Above

Drone Pros and Cons

Drone Rules and Ethical Considerations

New Realities

Augmented Reality

AR in Journalism

AR Considerations

Virtual Reality

VR in Journalism

VR Considerations

Journalists of the Future?



Glossary. Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11



Отрывок из книги

For Jeremy and Charlie - Everything I do is for you. Everything I am is because of you.

The scene for journalists entering newsrooms today is dramatically different. The old gatekeeper and agenda-setting roles journalists once occupied are long gone, and the industry is experiencing a time of great upheaval as news organizations look for ways not only to prosper but also to stay afloat. Because of buyouts and slimmer employee rosters, newsroom managers are leaning more heavily on fledgling reporters to help them navigate this period of vast change. From chaos comes opportunity. Today’s graduates have an unprecedented path to becoming the leaders who determine the future of journalism for us all.


Another five years passed before Aaron B. Fox, a UNC student, wrote to The Daily Tar Heel in 1973. He complained about the lack of representation of black students in the UNC yearbook. The first three pictures he saw in the most recent edition of the yearbook, Fox wrote, were that of a white student, Silent Sam and “lily white flowers.” Of the statue, Fox wrote, “the picture of Sam is a memorial to those soldiers who fought and died while endeavoring to perpetuate the degradation of black people.”

Two days later the paper published a response from another student, who wrote of Confederate soldiers: “They fought NOT ‘to perpetuate the degradation of black people’ as you state, but the primary issue was the protection of their homes and their way of life…. Please remember this, my black brother, white people also have pride in themselves and their heritage.”


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