Rescuing Ladybugs

Rescuing Ladybugs
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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

Countless times throughout our lives, we&rsquo;re presented with a choice to help another soul. <em>Rescuing Ladybugs</em> highlights the true stories of remarkable people who didn&rsquo;t look away from seemingly impossible-to-change situations and instead worked to save animals. Prepare to be transported to Borneo to release orangutans, Brazil to protect jaguars, Africa to connect with chimpanzees and elephants, the Maldives to free mantas, and Indonesia, the only place where dragons still exist in the wild.


Jennifer Skiff. Rescuing Ladybugs

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Praise for Rescuing Ladybugs

“Reading Rescuing Ladybugs, I am struck by the warmth and skill of Jennifer Skiff’s writing and the profundity of her message. I am reading it slowly because every single chapter makes me want to get out of my chair and go do more for animals. Thank you for the inspiration!”


I returned from Laos with a redirected purpose. Back home in Maine, I tacked a photo of the first bear I met on my office wall. His cries were embedded in my memory, and I decided to call him Fri, the Lao translation of “free.” His rescue was now my priority.

Within days, a fax arrived from the Ministry of Information, Culture, and Tourism in Laos, a response to the letter Tom had delivered. It justified the condition in which the bears were found by stating that there were costs associated with the care of the animals but that money to feed them would be welcome. It also said the government would welcome help to increase tourism to Laos.


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