Minecraft Recipes For Dummies

Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
Jesse Stay. Minecraft Recipes For Dummies
About This Book
Foolish Assumptions
Icons Used in This Book
Conventions Used in This Book
Where to Go from Here
Chapter 1. Getting Started with Recipes
Devising a Game Plan
Using the Inventory
Manipulating the Inventory
Setting Up for Your First Night
Harvesting trees with your fists
Creating wooden planks
Building the crafting table
Storing items in a chest
Erecting a shelter and door
Getting through the night on a bed
Shape Crafting versus Shapeless Crafting
Crafting Tools
Starting with a stick
Lighting the way with a torch
Mining stone and ore with a pickaxe
Smelting with the furnace
Digging dirt with a shovel
Chopping trees with the ax
Tilling ground with a hoe
Chapter 2. Defending Yourself
Creating a Sword
Stringing Your Bow
Crafting an Arrow
Protecting Yourself with Armor
Donning your helmet
Pounding your chestplate
Putting on leggings
Walking in boots
Armor Stand
Chapter 3. Advancing By Way of Farming and Mining
Harvesting and Farming Food Items
Crafting seeds from melons
Crafting blocks to store melons
Farming pumpkin seeds
Feeding your sugar tooth
Making bread, cake, and cookies
Making pumpkin pie
Brewing mushroom stew
Making wheat and hay bales
Making the golden carrot
Crafting golden apples
Retrieving the enchanted golden apple
Making beetroot soup
Cooking rabbit stew
Smelting Food
Building Utensils
Building a fishing rod
Creating a bucket
Building bowls
Crafting shears
Building fences
Making a fence gate
Building cobblestone walls
Building a nether brick fence
Taking the lead
Mining Ore
Smelting Ore into Ingot
Smelting an iron ingot
Making gold ingots
Burning charcoal
Crafting Blocks of Minerals
Crafting coal blocks
Making diamond blocks and emerald blocks
Producing gold blocks and nuggets
Crafting lapis lazuli blocks
Making redstone blocks
Producing iron blocks
Nether Quartz
Chapter 4. Advancing through Engineering
Discovering Fire
Crafting and lighting TNT
Creating fire with flint and steel
Building a fire charge
Creating Transportation
Dangling a carrot on a stick
Rowing your boat
Working on the railroad
Constructing a powered rail
Building a detector rail
Activating the activator rail
Riding the minecart
Building storage minecarts
Making a minecart with a furnace
Crafting a minecart with hopper
Exploding your way through a minecart with TNT
Engineering with Redstone
Pressing the button
Crafting pressure plates
Upgrading to weighted pressure plates
Constructing trapdoors
Securing the proximity with a tripwire hook
Protecting your inventory with a trapped chest
Turning on items with a lever
Dropping inventory through the dispenser
Building a dropper
Picking up items with a hopper
Pushing items remotely with a piston
Constructing a sticky piston
Detecting light with a daylight sensor
Powering the lights with a redstone torch
Lighting the way with a redstone lamp
Extending power with a redstone repeater
Determining logic with a redstone comparator
Sounding the alarm with a note block
Designing fireworks with a firework star
Launching the firework rocket
Spawning items using the nether reactor core
Chapter 5. Expanding Your House
Climbing with Ladders
Messaging with Signs
Decorating with Flowerpots
Utilizing Paper
Enchanting with Books
Writing Stories with a Book and Quill
Building a Bookshelf
Navigating with an Empty Map
Orienting with a Compass
Telling the Time with a Clock
Hanging Paintings
Storing with an Item Frame
Signaling with a Beacon
Crafting on an Anvil
Sharing with an Ender Chest
Seeing through the Eye of Ender
Using Glass
Dealing with Glass Panes
Carving a Jack-o’-Lantern
Lighting the Way with Glowstone
Letting It Snow
Weaving White Wool
Building Iron Bars
Playing a Jukebox
Chapter 6. Crafting with Decorative Blocks
Placing Slabs
Climbing Stairs
Storing More Clay in Your Inventory with Clay Block
Cooking Bricks
Building with Stone Bricks
Protecting Yourself with Nether Bricks
Siding with Sandstone
Decorating with Quartz
Navigating with Moss Stone
Growing with Coarse Dirt
Protecting Yourself from Flames with Diorite
Mining Granite
Decorating with Andesite
Building from Ocean Monuments with Prismarine
Mining prismarine shards and prismarine crystals
Creating prismarine
Crafting prismarine bricks
Making dark prismarine
Lighting up the sea with sea lanterns
Working with Sponges
Chapter 7. Creating and Applying Dyes
Creating the 16 Dyes
Starting with bonemeal
Going gloomy (or industrial) with light gray dye
Getting gloomier with gray dye
Mixing up black with ink sacs
Popping out rose red
Prettying with pink
Making dandelion yellow dye
Crafting orange dye
Making cactus green dye
Mixing lime dye
Mining blue lapis lazuli
Making light blue dye
Aquafying things with cyan
Preparing purple dye
Coloring with magenta
Finding brown dye
Applying Dye to Items
Dyeing wool and sheep
Crafting and dyeing carpets
Changing the color of wolf collars
Making stained glass with dyed glass panes
Stained clay
Dyed leather armor
Chapter 8. Enchantment and Brewing Recipes
Building an Enchantment Table
Picking an Enchantment, Any Enchantment
Making Brewing Tools
Making glass bottles
Brewing in cauldrons
Making a brewing stand
Crafting Brewing Ingredients
Making blaze powder
Making magma cream
Making the eye of ender
Brewing fermented spider eye
Healing with glistening melon
Understanding Brewing
Making positive potions
Concocting negative potions
Brewing advanced potions
Making the potion of invisibility
Chapter 9. Ten Essential Minecraft Ingredients
Building the Basics with Wood
Wielding Sticks to Advance in the Game
Adding Texture with Wool
Feeding Yourself and Animals with Wheat
Building the Basics with Cobblestone
Shooting Items with Gunpowder
Building Solid Tools with Iron Ingot
Enchanting with Gold Ingot
Thinking Logically with Redstone
Discovering Diamonds
About the Authors
Authors’ Acknowledgments
Отрывок из книги
If you’re reading this book there’s a good chance you’re one of two people – a parent, wanting to learn more about what your kids are doing in Minecraft, or a teen or pre-teen wanting to have a quick reference to learn every little recipe you can get your hands on within the vast world of Minecraft. This book is for both of you!
Minecraft, or as Jesse calls it, “Virtual LEGOs,” are the building blocks of the new generation. From geology to construction to mining to gardening, and even electricity, programming, and logic, Minecraft will teach you (if you’re in the pre-teen crowd), or your children (if you’re the parent) all sorts of things as you explore this mystical universe.
This book is a reference. You should be able to pick it up, and sift from chapter to chapter and not even in order, and you’ll still be able to learn plenty. There is no need to read each chapter in order (but if you do, that’s great too!).
Minecraft is constantly updating. There will likely be new recipes, potions, and other types of creations that get released perhaps even before this goes to print. We did our best to include as many as we can in this book, but there will certainly be more!