The Crucible

Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
Joaquin De Torres. The Crucible
Chapter 1. Survivor
Chapter 2. Mentor and Disciple. Pyongyang University. Pyongyang, North Korea
Najin Naval Base. Najin, North Korea
Chapter 3. Brothers and Sisters. Pentagon. Chief of Naval Operations
Chapter 4. Resurrection. Pier 28. Najin Naval Base. Najin, North Korea
Pentagon. Office of the Secretary of the Navy
Chapter 5. Prodigy. WEPS-ONE. Naval Weapons Research Lab-One. White Oak, Maryland
Chapter 6. Ghost In The Night. Sea of Japan. West of Okushiri-To. Hokkaido, Japan
Bay Shore Lobster House. Silver Spring, Maryland
Office of Chief of Naval Personnel. BUREAU OF PERSONNEL (BUPERS) Millington, Tennessee
Chapter 7. Memories Of The Future. Bay Shore Lobster House. Silver Spring, Maryland
Chapter 8. Wolf Among Sheep. La Perouse Strait. North of Rebun Jima. Sea of Japan
Sea Breeze Terrace. Columbia, Maryland
Chapter 9. The Sins of Our Fathers. Pentagon. Chief of Naval Operations
Chapter 10. Admiral Tarkin. Kuril Islands Chain, Russia. Barracks of the Regional Commander
Chapter 11. Tears Before the Dawn
Sea Breeze Terrace. Columbia, Maryland
Pier 12. Iturup Island
Chapter 12. A Shot at Redemption. 128 Manchester Avenue. Suitland, Maryland
Chapter 13. Mission Prep. Pentagon. Special Briefing
Chapter 14. Day of Reckoning. Office of the Secretary of Defense
Pentagon Press Room
Pentagon War Room
Press Conference
Chapter 15. The Calm Before the Storm. Hale Ali’i Housing. Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
15 Nu’u Lanu Drive, North Shore. Oahu, Hawaii
Hale Ali’i Housing. Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
Chapter 16. Out to Sea. USS Gettysburg. Forty-three miles north of the Hawaiian Chain
Commander, U.S. Pacific Command (CDRUSPACOM) Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
Chapter 17. Captains of Industry. Kim Il-Sung. Pacific Ocean
USS Gettysburg
15 Nu’u Lanu Drive, North Shore. Oahu, Hawaii
Chapter 18. Carnal Knowledge. USS Gettysburg
15 Nu’u Lanu Drive, North Shore. Oahu, Hawaii
USS Gettysburg
Chapter 19. A New Era. USS Gettysburg
Chapter 20. Final Touches. CDRUSPACOM. Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
USS Gettysburg
Chapter 21. Last Supper. USS Gettysburg
Chapter 22. Heroes and Villains. Kim Il-Sung. Twenty miles northwest of the Gettysburg
USS Gettysburg
Kim Il-Sung
15 Nu'u Lanu Drive, North Shore. Oahu, Hawaii
Chapter 23. The Hammer Comes Down. Kim Il-Sung
USS Gettysburg
15 Nu'u Lanu Drive, North Shore. Oahu, Hawaii
USS Gettysburg
Combat Information Center
The World
Chapter 24. Hell on Earth. USS Gettysburg
15 Nu'u Lanu Drive, North Shore. Oahu, Hawaii
USS Gettysburg
Chapter 25. Fire and Brimstone. Kim Il-Sung
USS Gettysburg
15 Nu'u Lanu Drive, North Shore. Oahu, Hawaii
15 Nu'u Lanu Drive, North Shore. Oahu, Hawaii
USS Gettysburg
Chapter 26. The Captain Speaks. CDRUSPACOM
USS Gettysburg
Kim Il-Sung
USS Gettysburg
Chapter 27. Point of No Return. USS Gettysburg
Kim Il-Sung
USS Gettysburg
Chapter 28. David and Goliath. Kim Il-Sung
USS Gettysburg
USS Gettysburg
Kim Il-Sung
USS Gettysburg
Chapter 29. Repair Locker Five. Kim Il-Sung
USS Gettysburg
Kim Il-Sung
USS Gettysburg
Kim Il-Sung
USS Gettysburg
Kim Il-Sung
Chapter 30. Fool Me Once
Kim Il-Sung
USS Gettysburg
Kim Il-Sung
USS Gettysburg
Kim Il-Sung
USS Gettysburg
Kim Il-Sung
Chapter 31. Hunter Becomes the Hunted. USS Gettysburg
Kim Il-Sung
Kim Il-Sung
USS Gettysburg
Chapter 32. Ashes to Ashes. Kim Il-Sung
USS Gettysburg
Kim Il-Sung
Chapter 33. Glory of the Fallen. USS Gettysburg
Kim Il-Sung
USS Gettysburg
Chapter 34. The Enemy of my Enemy
Kim Il-Sung
Chapter 35. Race Against Time
Kim Il-Sung
Kim Il-Sung
USS Gettysburg
Kim Il-Sung
Chapter 36. Dunk the Ship. Kim Il-Sung
USS Gettysburg
Kim Il-Sung
USS Gettysburg
USS Gettysburg
Kim Il-Sung
Chapter 37. Fire and Ice
USS Gettysburg
Chapter 38. Zero Hour
15 Nu'u Lanu Drive, North Shore. Oahu, Hawaii
USS Gettysburg
Chapter 39. Picking Up the Pieces
Chapter 40. Moments of Truth
USS Gettysburg
Chapter 41. A Special Guest. USS Gettysburg
15 Nu’u Lanu Drive, North Shore. Oahu, Hawaii
USS Gettysburg
Chapter 42. A Deal with the Devil. White House
White House
Chapter 43. A Breathtaking Monster. 15 Nu’u Lanu Drive, North Shore. Oahu, Hawaii
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
Chapter 44. A Hard Nut to Crack. 24 hours later
Months later. Kimch’aek Harbor, North Korea
Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. The Pentagon
National Defense Commission. Pyongyang, North Korea
Southeast Loch. Northampton Street Pier. Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
Отрывок из книги
Seth Jackson's battered chest heaved excruciatingly as he considered this one last attempt--one last jump.
“So, you’re saying we’re going to travel over 4,000 miles to American waters to attack an American aircraft carrier.” Kim’s face was nothing less than incredulous.
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.” Park’s face was stern and showed no doubt. “The surprise factor, the audacity of the act, and the reason for it are things the media will kill for. To achieve our final goal we desperately need the media.” Kim’s eyes trailed off as he considered the possibilities and the implications of this new plan. He broke out of his contemplative moment and refocused on his news.