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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

[Japan] An intelligence analyst is murdered on temple grounds. [Manila] Two embassy guards go missing and a bizarre execution video is discovered by a special-forces team. [New York] Martial arts expert Connor Burke is hired as a consultant for an elite US Army training program. [Mindanao Philippines] A young Japanese ethnographer from Harvard University is kidnapped by a terrorist cell of Abu Sayeff. A renegade martial arts Sensei known as the Tengu has been recruited to train a splinter group of Asian terrorists with links to Al Qaeda. The Tengu mourns the vanished prestige and cultural heritage of Imperial Japan. He, like the men he trains, believes the West is responsible for destroying the spiritual essence of a once-great culture. In a series of violent clashes spawned by the bizarre intersection of contemporary fundamentalist terrorist ideology and the personal vendettas of the Tengu, Connor Burke and his martial arts teacher Yamashita are pawns in a game that will ensnare them while they search for the most deadly of foes: the Tengu.


John Donohue. Tengu

Отрывок из книги

John Donohue

YMAA Publication Center


I shrugged. “He probably wasn’t too happy. But you were right. It needed to be done.”

“So,” he said and sipped at his tea again. “As a teacher, it is difficult to know when a student is ready to hear something, neh?” I nodded in agreement. “This is perhaps one of the hardest things to gauge.” He held up a thick hand and balled it into a fist. “When to give,” he opened the fingers of his hand toward me, “and when to withhold,” the fist formed again.


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