Читать книгу At the Roots, Reaching for the Sky - John Pachak - Страница 1



“A book about MIDTOWN…well, it will be the virtual bible of how to serve people. It was and honor and a privilege to serve. Leaving MIDTOWN, there was not question about my greatness because as Martin put it…we all can be great because we all can serve. And serve we did! We served the poorest of the poor with dignity and grace.”

Ricky Jackson, former staff member

“It’s the people first. All lives matter. When the world looks at you like you don’t count…at MIDTOWN everyone was treated with dignity and value. This is the foundation of MIDTOWN….that we love and respect one another.”

Quincy Jones, neighbor-leader of MIDTOWN Men’s Club

“MIDTOWN is a place full of care, hope and love. MIDTOWN opened the door for me to understand social work in practice. As time goes on you get more and more of a sense of “mini-collectivism”. …everybody is welcomed. The door is open, the programs are open, the staff respect and cooperate with each other, and clients are respected and get involved in all kinds of activities.”

Tao Qi, an international social work student

“I have always appreciated MIDTOWN as a classic example of professional social work. All the methods of social work are operating there every day—social casework, social group work, community organizing, social action and the elements of the old Settlement House movement. There are no more dedicated people in any of our Catholic Charities agencies than you and the MIDTOWN staff. You are making a valuable contribution to the neighborhood and community-at- large.”

A former President of Catholic Charities of St. Louis

At the Roots, Reaching for the Sky

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