Algorithms For Dummies

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John Paul Mueller. Algorithms For Dummies
Algorithms For Dummies® To view this book's Cheat Sheet, simply go to and search for “Algorithms For Dummies Cheat Sheet” in the Search box. Table of Contents
List of Illustrations
About This Book
Foolish Assumptions
Icons Used in This Book
Beyond the Book
Where to Go from Here
Getting Started with Algorithms
Introducing Algorithms
Describing Algorithms
The right way to make toast: Defining algorithm uses
Finding algorithms everywhere
Using Computers to Solve Problems
Getting the most out of modern CPUs and GPUs
Working with special-purpose chips
Networks: Sharing is more than caring
Leveraging available data
Distinguishing between Issues and Solutions
Being correct and efficient
Discovering there is no free lunch
Adapting the strategy to the problem
Describing algorithms in a lingua franca
Facing problems that are like brick walls, only harder
Structuring Data to Obtain a Solution
Understanding a computer’s point of view
Arranging data makes the difference
Considering Algorithm Design
Starting to Solve a Problem
Modeling real-world problems
Finding solutions and counterexamples
Standing on the shoulders of giants
Dividing and Conquering
Avoiding brute-force solutions
Keeping it simple, silly (KISS)
Breaking down a problem is usually better
Learning that Greed Can Be Good
Applying greedy reasoning
Reaching a good solution
Computing Costs and Following Heuristics
Representing the problem as a space
Going random and being blessed by luck
Using a heuristic and a cost function
Evaluating Algorithms
Simulating using abstract machines
Getting even more abstract
Working with functions
Working with Google Colab
Defining Google Colab
Understanding what Google Colab does
Getting familiar with Google Colab features
Locating commands
Configuring settings
Customizing keyboard shortcuts
Comparing files
Working with Notebooks
Creating a new notebook
Opening existing notebooks
Using Google Drive for existing notebooks
Using GitHub for existing notebooks
Using local storage for existing notebooks
Saving notebooks
Using Drive to save notebooks
Using GitHub to save notebooks
Using GitHub gists to save notebooks
Performing Common Tasks
Creating code cells
Creating text cells
Creating special cells
Working with headings
Working with a table of contents
Editing cells
Moving cells
Using Hardware Acceleration
Executing the Code
Getting Help
Performing Essential Data Manipulations Using Python
Performing Calculations Using Vectors and Matrixes
Understanding scalar and vector operations
Performing vector multiplication
Creating a matrix is the right way to start
Multiplying matrixes
Defining advanced matrix operations
Creating Combinations the Right Way
Distinguishing permutations
Shuffling combinations
Facing repetitions
Getting the Desired Results Using Recursion
Explaining recursion
Eliminating tail call recursion
Performing Tasks More Quickly
Considering divide and conquer
Distinguishing between different possible solutions
Developing a Matrix Computation Class
Avoiding the Use of NumPy
Understanding Why Using a Class is Important
Building the Basic Class
Creating a matrix
Printing the resulting matrix
Accessing specific matrix elements
Performing scalar and matrix addition
Performing multiplication
Element-wise product
Dot product
Manipulating the Matrix
Transposing a matrix
Calculating the determinant
Why is the matrix so determined?
Creating some prerequisite code
Performing the calculation
Flattening the matrix
Understanding the Need to Sort and Search
Structuring Data
Determining the Need for Structure
Making it easier to see the content
Matching data from various sources
Considering the need for remediation
Dealing with data duplication
Dealing with missing values
Understanding other remediation issues
Stacking and Piling Data in Order
Ordering in stacks
Using queues
Finding data using dictionaries
Working with Trees
Understanding the basics of trees
Building a tree
Representing Relations in a Graph
Going beyond trees
Building graphs
Arranging and Searching Data
Sorting Data Using Merge Sort and Quick Sort
Understanding why sorting data is important
Using a selection sort
Switching to an insertion sort
Employing better sort techniques
Rearranging data with merge sort
Solving sorting issues the best way using quick sort
Using Search Trees and the Heap
Considering the need to search effectively
Building a binary search tree
Performing specialized searches using a binary heap
Relying on Hashing
Putting everything into buckets
Avoiding collisions
Creating your own hash function
Exploring the World of Graphs
Understanding Graph Basics
Explaining the Importance of Networks
Considering the essence of a graph
Finding graphs everywhere
Showing the social side of graphs
Understanding subgraphs
Defining How to Draw a Graph
Distinguishing the key attributes
Drawing the graph
Measuring Graph Functionality
Counting edges and vertexes
Computing centrality
Putting a Graph in Numeric Format
Adding a graph to a matrix
Using sparse representations
Using a list to hold a graph
Reconnecting the Dots
Traversing a Graph Efficiently
Creating the graph
Applying breadth-first search
Applying depth-first search
Determining which application to use
Sorting the Graph Elements
Working on Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs)
Relying on topological sorting
Reducing to a Minimum Spanning Tree
Getting the minimum spanning tree historical context
Working with unweighted versus weighted graphs
Creating a minimum spanning tree example
Discovering the correct algorithms to use
Introducing priority queues
Leveraging Prim’s algorithm
Testing Kruskal’s algorithm
Determining which algorithm works best
Finding the Shortest Route
Defining what it means to find the shortest path
Adding a negative edge
Explaining Dijkstra’s algorithm
Explaining the Bellman-Ford algorithm
Routing information more efficiently
Proving algorithm versatility
Explaining the Floyd-Warshall algorithm
Comparing with other algorithms
Using three passes is better
Discovering Graph Secrets
Envisioning Social Networks as Graphs
Clustering networks in groups
Discovering communities
Navigating a Graph
Counting the degrees of separation
Walking a graph randomly
Getting the Right Web page
Finding the World in a Search Engine
Searching the Internet for data
Considering how to find the right data
Explaining the PageRank Algorithm
Understanding the reasoning behind the PageRank algorithm
Explaining the nuts and bolts of PageRank
Implementing PageRank
Implementing a Python script
Struggling with a naive implementation
Introducing boredom and teleporting
Looking inside the life of a search engine
Considering other uses of PageRank
Going Beyond the PageRank Paradigm
Introducing semantic queries
Using AI for ranking search results
Wrangling Big Data
Managing Big Data
Transforming Power into Data
Understanding Moore’s implications
Finding data everywhere
Getting algorithms into business
Streaming Flows of Data
Analyzing streams with the right recipe
Reserving the right data
Sketching an Answer from Stream Data
Filtering stream elements by heart
Adding elements to Bloom filters
Searching a Bloom filter for an element
Demonstrating the Bloom filter
Finding the number of distinct elements
Learning to count objects in a stream
Parallelizing Operations
Managing Immense Amounts of Data
Understanding the parallel paradigm
Distributing files and operations
Employing the MapReduce solution
Explaining map
Explaining reduce
Distributing operations
Working Out Algorithms for MapReduce
Setting up a MapReduce simulation
Inquiring by mapping
Compressing and Concealing Data
Making Data Smaller
Understanding encoding
Considering the effects of compression
Choosing a particular kind of compression
Choosing your encoding wisely
Encoding using Huffman compression
Remembering sequences with LZW
Hiding Your Secrets with Cryptography
Substituting characters
Working with AES encryption
Challenging Difficult Problems
Working with Greedy Algorithms
Deciding When It Is Better to Be Greedy
Understanding why greedy is good
Keeping greedy algorithms under control
Considering NP complete problems
Finding Out How Greedy Can Be Useful
Arranging cached computer data
Competing for resources
Addressing customer satisfaction
Meeting deadlines
Revisiting Huffman coding
Relying on Dynamic Programming
Explaining Dynamic Programming
Obtaining a historical basis
Making problems dynamic
Casting recursion dynamically
Leveraging memoization
Discovering the Best Dynamic Recipes
Looking inside the knapsack
Touring around cities
Approximating string search
Using Randomized Algorithms
Defining How Randomization Works
Considering why randomization is needed
Understanding how probability works
Understanding distributions
Simulating the use of the Monte Carlo method
Putting Randomness into your Logic
Calculating a median using quick select
Doing simulations using Monte Carlo
Ordering faster with quick sort
Performing Local Search
Understanding Local Search
Knowing the neighborhood
Presenting local search tricks
Explaining hill climbing with n-queens
Discovering simulated annealing
Avoiding repeats using Tabu Search
Solving Satisfiability of Boolean Circuits
Solving 2-SAT using randomization
Implementing the Python code
Realizing that the starting point is important
Employing Linear Programming
Using Linear Functions as a Tool
Grasping the basic math you need
Learning to simplify when planning
Working with geometry using simplex
Understanding the limitations
Using Linear Programming in Practice
Setting up PuLP at home
Optimizing production and revenue
Considering Heuristics
Differentiating Heuristics
Considering the goals of heuristics
Going from genetic to AI
Routing Robots Using Heuristics
Scouting in unknown territories
Using distance measures as heuristics
Explaining Path Finding Algorithms
Creating a maze
Looking for a quick best-first route
Going heuristically around by A*
The Part of Tens
Ten Algorithms That Are Changing the World
Using Sort Routines
Looking for Things with Search Routines
Shaking Things Up with Random Numbers
Performing Data Compression
Keeping Data Secret
Changing the Data Domain
Analyzing Links
Spotting Data Patterns
Dealing with Automation and Automatic Responses
Creating Unique Identifiers
Ten Algorithmic Problems Yet to Solve
Solving Problems Quickly
Solving 3SUM Problems More Efficiently
Making Matrix Multiplication Faster
Determining Whether an Application Will End
Creating and Using One-Way Functions
Multiplying Really Large Numbers
Dividing a Resource Equally
Reducing Edit Distance Calculation Time
Playing the Parity Game
Understanding Spatial Issues
Index. A
About the Authors
John’s Dedication
Luca’s Dedication
John’s Acknowledgments
Luca’s Acknowledgments
Отрывок из книги
You need to learn about algorithms for school or work. Yet, all the books you’ve tried on the subject end up being more along the lines of really good sleep-inducing aids rather than texts to teach you something. Assuming that you can get past the arcane symbols obviously written by a demented two-year-old with a penchant for squiggles, you end up having no idea of why you’d even want to know anything about them. Most math texts are boring! However, Algorithms For Dummies, 2nd Edition is different. The first thing you’ll note is that this book has a definite lack of odd symbols (especially of the squiggly sort) floating about. Yes, you see a few (it is a math book, after all), but what you find instead are clear instructions for using algorithms that actually have names and a history behind them and that perform useful tasks. You’ll encounter simple coding techniques to perform amazing tasks that will intrigue your friends. You can certainly make them jealous as you perform feats of math that they can’t begin to understand. You get all this without having to strain your brain, even a little, and you won’t even fall asleep (well, unless you really want to do so). New in this edition of the book are more details about how algorithms work, and you even get to create your own basic math package so that you know how to do it for that next job interview.
Algorithms For Dummies, 2nd Edition is the math book that you wanted in college but didn’t get. You discover, for example, that algorithms aren’t new. After all, the Babylonians used algorithms to perform simple tasks as early as 1,600 BC. If the Babylonians could figure this stuff out, certainly you can, too! This book actually has three things that you won’t find in most math books:
A RAM simulation places the algorithm in a situation that’s both language and machine-agnostic (it’s independent of programming language and computer type). However, explaining how a RAM simulation works to others requires quite an effort. The analysis of algorithms proposes to use the number of operations you get from a RAM simulation and turn them into a mathematical function expressing how your algorithm behaves in terms of time, which is a quantification of the steps or operations required when the number of data inputs grows. For instance, if your algorithm sorts objects, you can express complexity using a function that reports how many operations it needs depending on the number of objects it receives.