Knowledge for the Time

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John Timbs. Knowledge for the Time
Knowledge for the Time
Table of Contents
Historico-Political Information
Politics not yet a Science
The Philosopher and the Historian
Whig and Tory Ministries
Rats, and Ratting
The Heir to the British Throne always in Opposition
Legitimacy and Government
“The Fourth Estate.”
Writing for the Press
Shorthand Writers
The Worth of Popular Opinion
Speakers of the Houses of Parliament
The National Conscience
“The Nation of Shopkeepers.”
Results of Revolutions
Worth of a Republic
“Safe Men.”
Church Preferment
Peace Statesmanship
The Burial of Sir John Moore
The Ancestors of Washington
The “Star-spangled Banner” of the United States
Ancestry of President Adams
The Irish Union
The House of Bonaparte
Invasion of England projected by Napoleon I
Fate of the Duc d’Enghien
Last Moments of Mr. Pitt
What drove George the Third mad
Predictions of the Downfal of Napoleon I
Wellington predicts the Peninsular Campaign
The Battle of Waterloo
Wellington’s Defence of the Waterloo Campaign
Lord Castlereagh at the Congress of Vienna
The Cato-street Conspiracy
Money Panic of 1832
A Great Sufferer by Revolutions
Origin of the Anti-Corn-Law League
Wellington’s Military Administration
Gustavus III. of Sweden
Fall of Louis-Philippe
The Chartists in 1848
Revival of the French Emperorship
French Coup d’Etat Predictions
Statesmanship of Lord Melbourne
Ungraceful Observance
The Partition of Poland
The Invasion of England.[2]
What a Militia can do
Naval Heroes
How Russia is bound to Germany
Count Cavour’s Estimate of Napoleon III
The Mutiny at the Nore
Catholic Emancipation and Sir Robert Peel
The House of Coburg
A Few Years of the World’s Changes
Noteworthy Pensions
Progress of Civilization
How the Earth was peopled
Revelations of Geology
The Stone Age
What are Celtes?
Roman Civilization of Britain
Roman Roads and British Railways
Domestic Life of the Saxons
Love of Freedom
The Despot deceived
True Source of Civilization
The Lowest Civilization
Why do we shake Hands?
Various Modes of Salutation
What is Comfort?
What is Luxury?
What do we know of Life?
The truest Patriot the greatest Hero
The old Philosophers
Glory of the Past
Wild Oats
How Shyness spoils Enjoyment
“Custom, the Queen of the World.”
Ancient Guilds and Modern Benefit Clubs
The Oxford Man and the Cambridge Man
“Great Events from Little Causes spring.”
Great Britain on the Map of the World
Ancient and Modern London
Potatoes the national food of the Irish
Irish-speaking Population
Our Colonial Empire
The English People
Dignities and Distinctions
Worth of Heraldry
Heralds’ College
The Shamrock
Irish Titles of Honour
The Scotch Thistle
King and Queen
Title of Majesty, and the Royal “We.”
“Dieu et Mon Droit.”
Plume and Motto of the Prince of Wales
English Crowns
The Imperial State Crown
Queen’s Messengers
Presents and Letters to the Queen
The Prince of Waterloo
The See of London
Expense of Baronetcy and Knighthood
The Aristocracy
Precedence in Parliament
Sale of Seats in Parliament
Placemen in Parliament
New Peers
The Russells
Political Cunning
The Union-Jack
Change of Surname
Changes in Laws
The Statute Law and the Common Law
Curiosities of the Statute Law.[6]
Secret of Success at the Bar
Queen’s Serjeants, Queen’s Counsel, and Serjeants-at-Law
Do not make your Son an Attorney
Appellate Jurisdiction of the House of Lords
Payment of an Advocate
What was Special Pleading?
What is Evidence?
What is Trial?
Trial by Jury
Attendance of Jurors
The Law of Libel
Induction of a Rector
Benefit of Clergy
The King’s Book
Compulsory Attendance at Church
The Mark of the Cross
Marriage-Law of England
Marriage Fines
Irregular Marriages
Solemnization of Marriage
The Law of Copyright
Holding over after Lease
Abolition of the Hop Duty
Customs of Gavelkind
Treasure Trove
Principal and Agent
Legal Hints
Vitiating a Sale
Law of Gardens
Giving a Servant a Character
Arrest of the Body after Death
The Duty of making a Will
Don’t make your own Will:
Ignorance and Irresponsibility
Ticket-of-Leave Men
Cupar and Jedburgh Justice
What is to be done with our Convicts
The Game Laws
The Pillory
Origin of the Judge’s Black Cap
The last English Gibbet
Public Executions
Measure and Value
Numbers descriptive of Distance
Precocious Mental Calculation
The Roman Foot
The Peruvian Quipus
Distances measured
Uniformity of Weights and Measures
Trinity High-water Mark
Origin of Rent
Curiosities of the Exchequer
What becomes of the Public Revenue
Queen Anne’s Bounty
Ecclesiastical Fees
Burying Gold and Silver
Results of Gold-seeking
What becomes of the Precious Metals?
The First Lottery
Coinage of a Sovereign
Wear and Tear of the Coinage
Counterfeit Coin
Standard Gold
Interest of Money
Interest of Money in India
Origin of Insurance
Tampering with Public Credit
Value of Horses
Friendly Societies
Wages heightened by Improvement in Machinery
Giving Employment.—Indirect Taxation
Never sign an Accommodation Bill
A Year’s Wills
Progress of Science
What human Science has accomplished
Changes in Social Science
Discoverers not Inventors
Science of Roger Bacon
The One Science
“The Seeds of Invention.”
The Object of Patents
Theory and Practice.—Watt and Telford
Practical Science.—Mechanical Arts
Force of Running Water
Correlation of Physical Forces
The Effect of Oil in stilling Waves
Spontaneous Generation
What is Perspective?
The Stereoscope
Burning Lenses
How to wear Spectacles
Vicissitudes of Mining
Uses of Mineralogy
Our Coal Resources.—The Deepest Mine
Iron as a Building Material
Concrete, not new
Sheathing Ships with Copper
Antiquity of Brass
Brilliancy of the Diamond
Philosophy of Gunpowder
New Pear-flavouring
Methylated Spirit
What is Phosphate of Lime?
What is Wood?
How long will Wood last?
The Safety Match
Imposing Mechanical Effects
The First Practical Steam-boat
Effect of Heavy Seas upon Large Vessels
The Railway
Accidents on Railways
Railways and Invasions
What the English owe to naturalized Foreigners
Geological Growth
“Implements in the Drift.”
The Earth and Man compared
Why the Earth is presumed to be solid
The Centre of the Earth
The Cooling of the Earth
Identity of Heat and Motion
Universal Source of Heat
Inequalities of the Earth’s Surface
Chemistry of the Sea
The Sea: its Perils
Limitations of Astronomy
Distance of the Earth from the Sun
Blue Colour of the Sky
Beauty of the Sky
Influence of High Temperatures in Balloon Ascents
Value of Meteorological Observations, Telegraphy, and Forecasts
Weather Signs
Barometer for Farmers
Icebergs and the Weather
St. Swithun: his true History
Rainfall in London
The Force of Lightning
Effect of Moonlight on Vegetation
Contemporary Inventions and Discoveries
The Bayonet
Derivation of the word Loot
Archæology and Manufactures
Good Art should be cheap
Imitative Jewellery
French Enamel
Life and Health
Periods and Conditions of Life
Age of the People
The Human Heart
The Sense of Hearing
Care of the Teeth
On Blindness
Sleeping and Dreaming
Position in Sleeping
The Hair suddenly changing Colour
Consumption not hopeless
Change of Climate
Cure for Yellow Fever
Nature’s Ventilation
Artificial Ventilation
Worth of Fresh Air
Town and Country
Recreations of the People
The Druids and their Healing Art
Remedies for Cancer
Improved Surgery
Restoration of a Fractured Leg
The original “Dr. Sangrado.”
False Arts advancing true
Brief History of Medicine
What has Science done for Medicine?
The Element of Physic in Medical Practice
Physicians’ Fees
Prevention of Pitting in Small-pox
Underneath the Skin
Relations of Mind and Organization
Deville, the Phrenologist
“Seeing is believing.”
Causes of Insanity
The Half-mad
Motives for Suicide
Remedy for Poisoning
New Remedy for Wounds
Compensation for Wounds
The Best Physician
The Uncertainty of Human Life
Religious Thought
Moveable Feasts
Doubt about Religion
Our Age of Doubt
A Hint to Sceptics
What is Egyptology?
Jerusalem and Nimroud
What is Rationalism?
What is Theology?
Religious Forebodings
Folly of Atheism
The first Congregational Church in England
Innate Ideas, and Pre-existence of Souls
The Sabbath for Professional Men
“In the Beginning.”
The last Religious Martyrs in England
Liberty of Conscience
Awful Judgments
Christian Education
The Book of Psalms
The Book of Job
Great Precedence Question
Отрывок из книги
John Timbs
A Manual of Reading, Reference, and Conversation on Subjects of Living Interest, Useful Curiosity, and Amusing Research
The Roman Foot.
The Peruvian Quipus.