Sunday Times #1 bestseller and long-awaited follow-up to the #1 bestselling Stop Talking, Start Doing You can think big or you can think small, it all starts in the mind. What have you got to lose? If you aim for the stars you might just get there. Sometimes it pays off to think BIG and Richard Newton is here to get us thinking on a bigger scale than we ever imagined. With the right thinking tools and the right approach you can release your inspiration and creativity, reset your ambition and direct your attention to the things that truly matter to you. And that can change your life. Short and punchy with quick tips and inspiring graphics, The Little Book of Thinking Big will have your imagination, creativity and determination firing on all cylinders. You'll come away with a set of BIG goals to fuel and drive your BIG life. Here’s where it starts. This is a reset button. Push it. Think bigger.
Joseph Avy. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Introduction to the Second Edition
Chapter 1. Understanding CBT for Goal Achievement
Chapter 2. The Four Belief Pairs
Chapter 3. Setting Your Goals
Chapter 4. Overcoming Obstacles to Goal Achievement
Chapter 5. Developing Cognitive Skills Through Your Internal Dialogue
Chapter 6. Using Imagination and Visualization
Chapter 7. Developing Resiliency
Chapter 8. Taking Action and Responsibility
Chapter 9. Accepting the Possibility of Failure and Disappointment
Chapter 10. Developing a Healthy Philosophy of Balance
About the Author
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Chris Hynes for unconditional love, help and support. My family for the love and encouragement.
Professor Windy Dryden for his clinical and professional guidance. Maggie Chapman for her friendship and professional support.
REBT is grounded in acceptance: acceptance of the past, present, future and of the self, other and life. Acceptance does not mean approval. Sometimes people ask ‘but if I accept failure then doesn't it mean that I'm okay with it or that I didn't mind failing?’ The answer is an absolute no. Failure does matter to most people, and most of us don't like it, but it does happen. Acceptance means acknowledgement of this reality, in this particular example. When we overcome this mis understanding, self-confidence, emotional health and well-being and life goals become much easier to achieve.
This second edition is more concise than the first with more practical applications and tips. Some concepts are repeated in different ways. This is deliberate. Repetition helps us internalize the learning in order for it to become habitual and effortless.