The Real Enemy of the African Americans

The Real Enemy of the African Americans
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Описание книги

Since the age of slavery, the story of the African American people has been filled with tragic circumstances, injustice, and hardship. Dr. Oyeleye examines the history of African Americans in this country in the US from the Civil War through Reconstruction, segregation, social programs, and the Civil Rights Movement to the present, providing his theories of the causes of these difficult circumstances and how they can be overcome in order to create a level playing field for all American people to thrive and succeed in the land of unlimited opportunity.


Joseph K. Oyeleye. The Real Enemy of the African Americans


Chapter 3. Collectively Made into a Political Pawn. If the truth be told, African Americans have never been an essential aspect of the political equation in the schemes of the Democratic Party’s strategies. They are all but a disposable chip in the political chess game of the United States of America as far as the party is concerned. For instance, the party and the progressive liberals only remember the people every two and four years for the sake of their vote. The cycle is repeated at election times ever since the elections of 1980 that saw the victory of Jimmy Carter as president. Ignoring policies to assist African Americans to work for their progress has not been altered but intensified since the election of Jimmy Carter. The party has not changed but used the same strategy to obtain the African American vote every election period. The policy is mainly tied to portraying the Republican Party as the enemy of African Americans. The progressive liberals are so successful with this strategy that it has succeeded in curtailing the progress and freedom of the people from overcoming poverty. Unfortunately, except for a very few, the people have accepted as absolute truth that the Republican Party is the reason for their socio-economic backwardness. Only a very few among the people recognized the fact that the Republican Party was responsible for the abolition of slavery. Also, the vast majority of people do not believe that the Republican Party’s policies of self-reliance and hard work are the solutions to their socioeconomic woes. While the Democratic Party often looks the other way at the failures of the education systems managed by the progressive liberal teachers’ unions, the conservative Republicans are the ones fighting to effect education reforms. These are reforms that will actually benefit African American children. However, since most of the people are addicted to surviving on government handouts, they are convinced it is impossible to survive by breaking from the grip of the Democratic Party. The collective group of African Americans was seen earlier on by the leadership of the Democratic Party as a potentially valuable tool to use for its political advantage. Although the African Americans were, for the most part, neglected, were initially considered mainly as a useful political voting bloc, by conniving with the corrupt self-imposed black leaders, the liberals eventually won their loyalty. The groundwork for the role the Democratic Party wanted African Americans to play was majorly laid at the start of the second half of the last century. Many approaches and tools were developed by the Democratic Party to obtain the allegiance of the African American. One of the instruments was to turn the people against white conservatives by portraying them as racists. Unfortunately, and to the absolute detriment to the progress of African American, the vehicle the Party employed to gain their loyalty was – and still is – the corrupt and self-serving leaders of the people. Another one of the tools that the liberal progressives and the so-called African American leaders used to gain the allegiance of the people is for them to believe and see themselves as historical and contemporary victims of the American system. As a ruse to obtain their votes during every election cycle, African Americans have been led to believe that the root cause of their problem is slavery. However, there could never have been anything further from the truth as the economic successes of many African Americans during the segregation period have shown. Also, the people are made to believe that they are the victims of racism and bias because of the Republican Party’s political policies. Of course, there is undoubtedly a degree of racism and prejudice even today, either overtly or covertly, against African Americans. However, racism and bias against African Americans are not unique to any one group, ideology, or party. All incidences of racism and prejudice against the black in the country are from a very ill-informed section of the nation. This group within the population consists of every other race – white, Asians, and Hispanics. However, the degree of individual racism and bias against blacks is based mainly on different perceptions – sometimes based on facts and sometimes on ignorance. Unfortunately, for the purpose of political gain, the Democratic Party has succeeded in pinning the source of African Americans’ socioeconomic woes on the Republican Party. By doing this, the liberal progressives have succeeded in creating a deep mistrust among the people against the Republican Party. The strategy has also managed to destroy any chance for the Republican Party to contribute meaningfully to policies that could help to alleviate the many problems confronting African Americans. The end result is that the Democratic Party has continued to hold African Americans in political, social, and economic bondage. The purpose of this book is to expose the deceit being perpetrated by the left of the political spectrum as represented by the liberal progressive arm of the Democratic Party. The deception is rooted in an all-out effort to keep control of the African American voting bloc for the Democratic Party. It is also to reveal how the African Americans allowed themselves to be taken for a ride (a fool?) at the detriment of their socioeconomic advancement by the Democratic Party. Additionally, this book will show how the leadership of African Americans effectively sold out the people for political expediency and will reveal the failures and self-serving agendas of the people’s civil, spiritual, and political leaders. Deliberate and purposeful policies were designed to hold down the people to gain and maintain power at the expense of African Americans. Finally, this book sets out to explain how African Americans can extricate themselves from the slavery and victimhood mentality fostered by their leaders and the liberal progressives. The effort of this exercise is to expose the deceit of the Democratic Party by exposing the strategy that they are being taken for a ride by those who understood and took advantage of their weaknesses. An exercise like this without proffering tangible solutions that will help people to take positive steps that will lead to progress is useless. Therefore, this book will suggest solutions that can be applied to refocus the perspectives of the people so that the people can deliver themselves from socioeconomic slavery and a victimhood mentality. Except the people understand that they have been deceived, given the tools for self-discovery, and willing to change, the situation with will continue. They will continue to lag behind socially, politically, and economically. The people must come to the realization that the Democratic Party does not have any concrete political plan that will lead to their social, economic, and political emancipation. All that the party is interested in to ensure its grip on the people and maintain the assurance of their votes for as long as possible. Therefore, every individual African American must ask him/herself the following questions

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