History of Botany (1530-1860)

Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
Julius Sachs. History of Botany (1530-1860)
History of Botany (1530-1860)
Table of Contents
THE AUTHOR’S PREFACE. To the English translation of the History of Botany of Julius von Sachs
CHAPTER I. The Botanists of Germany and the Netherlands from Brunfels to Kaspar Bauhin[2]
CHAPTER II. Artificial Systems and Terminology of Organs from Cesalpino to Linnaeus. 1583-1760
CHAPTER III. Development of the Natural System under the Influence of the Dogma of the Constancy of Species. 1759-1850
CHAPTER IV. Morphology under the Influence of the Doctrine of Metamorphosis and of the Spiral Theory. 1790-1850
CHAPTER V. Morphology and Systematic Botany under the Influence of the History of Development and the Knowledge of the Cryptogams. 1840-1860
CHAPTER I. Phytotomy founded by Malpighi and Grew. 1671-1682
CHAPTER II. Phytotomy in the Eighteenth Century
CHAPTER III. Examination of the Matured Framework of Cell-membrane in Plants. 1800-1840
CHAPTER IV. History of Development of the Cell, Formation of Tissues, Molecular Structure of Organised Forms. 1840-1860
1. Development of the Theory of Cell-formation. from 1838 to 1851
2. Further Development of Opinion on the Nature of the Solid Framework of Cell-Membrane in Plants after 1845
3. History of Development and Classification. of Tissues
CHAPTER I. History of the Sexual Theory
1. From Aristotle to R. J. Camerarius
2. Establishment of the Doctrine of Sexuality. in Plants by Rudolph Jacob Camerarius. 1691-1694
3. Dissemination of the New Doctrine; its Adherents and Opponents. 1700-1760
4. The theory of Evolution and Epigenesis
5. Further development of the sexual theory. by Joseph Gottlieb Koelreuter, and Konrad Sprengel. 1761-1793
6. New opponents of Sexuality and their. refutation by experiments. 1785-1849
7. Microscopic investigation into the processes of fertilisation in the phanerogams; pollen-tube and egg-cells[113]. 1830-1850
8. Discovery of Sexuality in the Cryptogams. 1837-1860
CHAPTER II. History of the Theory of the Nutrition of Plants. 1583-1860
1. Cesalpino
2. First inductive experiments and opening of new points of view in the History of the Theory of the Nutrition of Plants
4. The modern theory of nutrition founded by Ingen-Houss and Theodore de Saussure. 1779-1804
5. Vital force. Respiration and heat of plants. Endosmose. 1804-1840
6. Settlement of the question of the food-material of plants. 1840-1860
CHAPTER III. History of the Doctrine of the Movements of Plants (Phytodynamics)
Отрывок из книги
Julius Sachs
Published by Good Press, 2021
The Cryptogams that were known to him stand in the middle of the series of dicotyledonous herbs, between the Papilionaceae and the Thistles, the Equisetaceae being reckoned among the Grasses. On the great distinction between Cryptogams and Phanerogams the views of Bauhin were evidently less clear than those of many of his predecessors; but it will not seem strange that he should place some Phanerogams, as for instance the Duckweeds, among the Cryptogams and the Salviniaceae among the Mosses, and unite the Corals, Alcionieae, and Sponges with the Seaweeds, when we consider that it was not till the middle of the 18th century that more correct views arose in respect to these forms, and that Linnaeus himself could not decide whether the Zoophytes should be excluded from the vegetable kingdom and ranked with animals. The knowledge of plants in the scientific sense of the word was till the beginning of the 19th century limited to the Phanerogams; and in speaking of principles and methods in descriptive botany before that time we must think only of the Phanerogams, or at most of the Phanerogams and the Ferns. The methodical examination of the Cryptogams belongs to quite recent botanical research. The matter is here alluded to only in connection with the fact, that it is from the works of Kaspar Bauhin, a writer of ability, in whom the first period of scientific botany culminates, that we most clearly see how great the advance has been since his time.
VI. Binis seminibus. Semina sub singulo flosculo invicem conjuncta, ut unicum videantur ante maturitatem; cor in parte superiore, quâ flos insidet. Flores in umbellâ (Umbelliferae).