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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

A wellspring is a source of abundant and continual supply. That is how it is with God’s Word. In these pages you will find the refreshment God promises us in Proverbs 18:4: “The words from a person’s mouth are deep waters, a bubbling stream, a fountain of wisdom.” Throughout the scripture, water is used as a theme for so much that God provides. The “water” found in God’s Word quenches not just physical thirst, but the deep spiritual cravings we struggle with every day. <br /> <br /> Using the readable and relatable scripture translations of the Common English Bible, <em>Wellspring</em> is the perfect companion for anyone who is thirsty for fresh, clear encouragement and a deeper walk with Christ. Each daily selection includes a Bible verse, a personal reading, and a short prayer. Here, readers will find that God’s love for them is a wellspring—inexhaustible, ever-flowing, always refreshing and available.


Karen Moore. Wellspring


January 1. Come to the Water

In the Flow

January 2. How to Be Happy

In the Flow

January 3. Go Ahead, Take a Chance!

In the Flow

January 4. The Drink That Refreshes

In the Flow

January 5. God Gave You Today

In the Flow

January 6. Hitting the Jackpot

In the Flow

January 7. Setting Priorities . . .Again!

In the Flow

January 8. It All Begins With You

In the Flow

January 9. Wow! That Was Stupid!

In the Flow

January 1 0. For God So Loved You

In the Flow

January 11. What's Your Reality?

In the Flow

January 12. When You're Smiling

In the Flow

January 13. What Are You Thinking?

In the Flow

January 14. Pass on the Blessings

In the Flow

January 15. Stand Firm . . . Take a Bow!

In the Flow

January 16. What's in Your Wallet?

In the Flow

January 17. Where Are the Wise?

In the Flow

January 1 8. Waters of Joy

In the Flow

January 1 9. Clinging to the Vine

In the Flow

January 20. Your Inner Beauty

In the Flow

January 21. We Are Family

In the Flow

January 22. Still Calling His Followers

In the Flow

January 23. Waiting for Forever!

In the Flow

January 24. Faith—What's Enough?

In the Flow

January 25. You Look Like Your Father

In the Flow

January 26. Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide

In the Flow

January 27. The Race of God's Grace

In the Flow

January 28. You Look Marvelous!

In the Flow

January 29. Watching Out for the Other Guy

In the Flow

January 3 0. Finding the Superhero in You

In the Flow

January 31. A Matter of Contentment

In the Flow


FEBRUARY 1. This Thing Called Love

In the Flow

February 2. Keep Your Heart Pumping!

In the Flow

February 3. Love Says, "I'm Sorry!"

In the Flow

February 4. Love... There's No Faking It!

In the Flow

February 5. The Problem . . . With Love

In the Flow

February 6. Oh, for Goodness' Sake!

In the Flow

February 7. Love Is the Best Ingredient

In the Flow

February 8. Complete in Love

In the Flow

February 9. Won't You Be My Neighbor?

In the Flow

February 10. Another To-Do List

In the Flow

February 11. Love Notes

In the Flow

February 12. Hope for a Troubled Heart

In the Flow

February 13. The Eyes of Faith

In the Flow

February 14. Jesus Wants You for a Valentine

In the Flow

February 15. What Motivates You to Do Good?

In the Flow

February 16. What'd You Say?

In the Flow

February 17. It's Noisy out There!

In the Flow

February 18. Living Out Your Purpose

In the Flow

February 19. When Nothing Fits

In the Flow

February 20. Was It Ever All About You?

In the Flow

February 21. The Strength of Ten People

In the Flow

February 22. God's Coworkers

In the Flow

February 23. You Have an Inheritance Right Now!

In the Flow

February 24. The Light and the Promise

In the Flow

February 25. What to Wear Today

In the Flow

February 26. Thoughts of Trust

In the Flow

February 27. Testing . . . 1, 2, 3!

In the Flow

February 28. The Place Where You Stand

In the Flow

February 29. Being Truly Happy

In the Flow


March 1. It's a Great Day to Shine!

In the Flow

March 2. We're Still in Training

In the Flow

March 3. Living in Grace

In the Flow

March 4. The Pool of Blessings

In the Flow

March 5. Like a Watered Garden

In the Flow

March 6. The One and Only Mediator

In the Flow

March 7. The Lord Is Near!

In the Flow

March 8. Come Into the Light

In the Flow

March 9. Getting the Best Treatment

In the Flow

March 1 0. Getting to One More Birthday

In the Flow

March 11. How Not to Please God!

In the Flow

March 12. Minding Your Own Business

In the Flow

March 13. What You Say Matters!

In the Flow

March 14. What It Means to Be Truly Happy

In the Flow

March 15. Sprinkled Clean

In the Flow

March 16. When You Sign Up With God

In the Flow

March 17. Does Anything Ever Stay the Same?

In the Flow

March 18. God Works Within Us

In the Flow

March 19. How Big Is Your Belief?

In the Flow

March 20. Childlike Wonder

In the Flow

March 21. You're So Brave!

In the Flow

March 22. Forever Ago to Forever From Now

In the Flow

March 23. From Winter to Spring

In the Flow

March 24. Giving the Spirit the Brush-off

In the Flow

March 25. Keeping Your Word

In the Flow

March 26. Don't Pretend to Love Love

In the Flow

March 27. Do You Have the Right Equipment?

In the Flow

March 28. Going Against the Tide

In the Flow

March 29. Just a Little Humble Pie

In the Flow

March 30. Dressed for Success

In the Flow

March 31. Test Patterns

In the Flow


April 1. Getting Closer to Your Daddy

In the Flow

April 2. Time to Blossom and Bear Fruit

In the Flow

April 3. A Splash of the Spirit

In the Flow

April 4. Risky Business

In the Flow

April 5. You're Such a Gift!

In the Flow

April 6. Flashlight, Please!

In the Flow

April 7. Now You See It, Now You Don't!

In the Flow

April 8. Happy Birthday!

In the Flow

April 9. What's Your Heart's Desire?

In the Flow

April 10. Minding Your Business Today

In the Flow

April 11. Putting a Lid on Anger

In the Flow

April 12. Don't Worry, Be Happy!

In the Flow

April 13. You're an Ambassador!

In the Flow

April 14. The Lamb of God and You

In the Flow

April 15. The ABCs of Attitude

In the Flow

April 16. More Faith, Please!

In the Flow

April 17. Getting Things Right!

In the Flow

April 18. You're a Keeper!

In the Flow

April 19. Now That's a Mouthful!

In the Flow

April 20. Getting Your Head Above the Crowd

In the Flow

April 21. Is God Still in the Building?

In the Flow

April 22. Here's Your Promotion!

In the Flow

April 23. Admit One!

In the Flow

April 24. Let's Call a Truce!

In the Flow

April 25. You've Got a Friend!

In the Flow

April 26. Finding Just the Right Recipe

In the Flow

April 27. You're in God's Will

In the Flow

April 28. Pass the Salt, Please!

In the Flow

April 29. Shining a Light

In the Flow

April 30. When the Waters Stand Still

In the Flow


May 1. It's Okay to Be Happy

In the Flow

May 2. Jesus Christ Isn't a Swear Word!

In the Flow

May 3. Angels on the Head of a Pin?

In the Flow

May 4. Don't Look Back!

In the Flow

May 5. God Is Our Help!

In the Flow

May 6. Don't Get Hooked!

In the Flow

May 7. The Message of Angels

In the Flow

May 8. When Justice Prevails

In the Flow

May 9. Talk About Weight Lifting!

In the Flow

May 10. Ready for Another Round?

In the Flow

May 1 1. God Chose You!

In the Flow

May 12. You're Not Alone Anymore!

In the Flow

May 13. Fish and Chips, Anyone?

In the Flow

May 14. Mean People Need Not Apply

In the Flow



May 16. A Salute to Mothers

In the Flow

May 17. Prayer Attitudes

In the Flow

May 18. Wise, Smart, . . . or Just Dumb Luck?

In the Flow

May 19. Authorization Code, Please!

In the Flow

May 20. Gracious Hospitality!

In the Flow

May 21. Bragging Rights!

In the Flow

May 22. The Ruby Sandals

In the Flow

May 23. Hide and Seek!

In the Flow

May 24. Thinking Practice!

In the Flow

May 25. The Place of Sacrifice

In the Flow

May 26. Because God Knows Your Name

In the Flow

May 27. God's Nourishment!

In the Flow

May 28. Getting Through the SATs!

In the Flow

May 29. Another Shot of Caffeine!

In the Flow

May 30. With Wings to Fly!

In the Flow

May 31. Are You Within Earshot?

In the Flow


J u n e 1. Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

In the Flow

J u n e 2. Million-Dollar Questions

In the Flow

J u n e 3. A Match Made in Heaven

In the Flow

J u n e 4. The Spirit of Truth

In the Flow

J u n e 5. From the Inside Out

In the Flow

J u n e 6. Keep Working on Yourself

In the Flow

J u n e 7. God's Good Purpose for You

In the Flow

J u n e 8. Under Constant Construction

In the Flow

J u n e 9. In Celebration of Fathers

In the Flow

J u n e 10. The Running Stream and the Rock

In the Flow

J u n e 11. prayers, and Enemies!

In the Flow

J u n e 12. Is That a Gray Hair?

In the Flow

J u n e 13. Having the Most Toys

In the Flow

J u n e 14. Eat, Drink, and Be Merry!

In the Flow

J u n e 15. Safe Within God's Heart

In the Flow

J u n e 16. God's Plans for Your Good

In the Flow

J u n e 17. In the Footprint of Leaders

In the Flow

J u n e 18. That's Not My Job!

In the Flow

J u n e 19. Time to Shine Your Armor

In the Flow

J u n e 20. What's Stopping You?

In the Flow

J u n e 21. Hang In, Hang On, Don't Hang up!

In the Flow

June 22. Make Up Your Mind Already!

In the Flow

J u n e 23. Stretchy, Flexible, Open Hearts!

In the Flow

J u n e 24. Hang On to the Good

In the Flow

J u n e 25. Refreshing Rains

In the Flow

J u n e 26. The Right Utensils

In the Flow

J u n e 27. You Are God's Accomplishment!

In the Flow

J u n e 28. Calming the Stormy Seas

In the Flow

J u n e 29. Giving Your Whole Heart

In the Flow

J u n e 30. Finding Your Bliss

In the Flow


J u l y 1. Harvesting the Good Stuff

In the Flow

J u l y 2. Here Comes the Sun!

In the Flow

J u l y 3. The 5000-Piece Puzzle of You!

In the Flow

J u l y 4. Free, With Purchase!

In the Flow

J u l y 5. Struggles of the Heart

In the Flow

J u l y 6. Waters of Joy

In the Flow

J u l y 7. Making a Fool of Yourself!

In the Flow

J u l y 8. I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry!

In the Flow

J u l y 9. Shaking Off the Dust

In the Flow

J u l y 10. Those Lessons From Kindergarten

In the Flow

J u l y 11. Spiritual Muscle Fatigue

In the Flow

J u l y 12. A Black-Tie Event

In the Flow

J u l y 13. Free at Last!

In the Flow

J u l y 14. Believing Is Seeing

In the Flow

J u l y 15. You're a Shining Star!

In the Flow

J u l y 16. Follow the Leader

In the Flow

July 17. When Your World Falls Apart

In the Flow

J u l y 18. Friends to the End

In the f low

J u l y 19. What Part of NO Don't You Understand?

In the f low

J u l y 20. It's Okay to Be Happy

In the Flow

J u l y 21. Who Are Your Enemies?

In the Flow

J u l y 22. Humility and Arrogance

In the Flow

J u l y 23. The Biggest Blessing

In the Flow

J u l y 24. Busy as a Bee

In the Flow

J u l y 25. Seek First to Understand

In the Flow

J u l y 26. Awash With the Spirit

In the Flow

J u l y 27. It's Okay to Talk to Yourself

In the Flow

J u l y 28. You're a Piece of Cake!

In the Flow

J u l y 29. Quiet, Please, Exam in Progress!

In the Flow

J u l y 30. Let God Be the Judge

In the Flow

J u l y 31. Now, Isn't That Tempting?

In the Flow


A u g u s t 1. Energy Boost

In the Flow

A u g u s t 2. Simply No Comparison

In the Flow

A u g u s t 3. Something More Than Romeo

In the Flow

A u g u s t 4. Those Little White Lies

In the Flow

A u g u s t 5. The Big Seven

In the Flow

A u g u s t 6. Teaching People How to Treat You

In the Flow

A u g u s t 7. Getting a Good Portion

In the Flow

A u g u s t 8. Opening the Eyes of Your Heart

In the Flow

A u g u s t 9. Put Your Heart Into It!

In the Flow

A u g u s t 10. How Can I Serve You?

In the Flow

A u g u s t 11. Life Is Not Always a Picnic

In the Flow

A u g u s t 12. It's Black and White

In the Flow

A u g u s t 13. Red, White, and Blue!

In the Flow

A u g u s t 14. The Source of All Power

In the Flow

A u g u s t 15. Life on the High Seas

In the Flow

A u g u s t 16. No Competition

In the Flow

A u g u s t 17. Remembering Easter

In the Flow

A u g u s t 18. Shame Game

In the Flow

A u g u s t 19. Two Ears, One Mouth!

In the Flow

August 20. Bring Me Another Advil!

In the Flow

A u g u s t 21. Hey, It Wasn't My Fault!

In the Flow

A u g u s t 22. From Drifting to Uplifting

In the Flow

A u g u s t 23. A Little Weak in the Knees

In the Flow

August 24. When You Don’t Know How to Pray

In the Flow

A u g u s t 25. With Every Reason to Hope

In the Flow

A u g u s t 26. You're Part of a Team!

In the Flow

A u g u s t 27. Being Content

In the Flow

A u g u s t 28. Because of the Cross

In the Flow

A u g u s t 29. Finding the Oasis

In the Flow

A u g u s t 30. What's Stealing Your Heart?

In the Flow

A u g u s t 31. The Psalm of Trust

In the Flow


S e p t e m b e r 1. Who Can You Trust These Days?

In the Flow

S e p t e m b e r 2. You're So Brave!

In the Flow

S e p t e m b e r 3. You Plus God Is a Majority

In the Flow

S e p t e m b e r 4. In the Heat of the Battle

In the Flow

S e p t e m b e r 5. Come to the Party!

In the Flow

S e p t e m b e r 6. Laying a Strong Foundation

In the Flow

S e p t e m b e r 7. Name Droppers

In the Flow

S e p t e m b e r 8. Figuring Out the Good Guys

In the Flow

S e p t e m b e r 9. Setting Your Heart on Him

In the Flow

S e p t e m b e r 10. Gaining a New Perspective

In the Flow

S e p t e m b e r 11. The World Is Scary!

In the Flow

S e p t e m b e r 12. Running to Win

In the Flow

S e p t e m b e r 13. Buzz! Thank You for Playing!

In the Flow

September 14. Temporary Blindness

In the Flow

September 15. Talk About a Positive Attitude!

In the Flow

S e p t e m b e r 16. The Spring of Life Even in the Fall

In the Flow

S e p t e m b e r 17. A Gracious Sufficiency

In the Flow

S e p t e m b e r 18. Sharing Your Jesus

In the Flow

S e p t e m b e r 19. Giving From the Heart

In the Flow

S e p t e m b e r 20. Heroes—Reluctant and Otherwise

In the Flow

S e p t e m b e r 21. And God Saw That It Was Good!

In the Flow

S e p t e m b e r 22. The Strength of Gentleness

In the Flow

S e p t e m b e r 23. Blowing Out the Winds of Anger

In the Flow

S e p t e m b e r 24. What Does Your Heart Say?

In the Flow

S e p t e m b e r 25. The Spitting Image of Your Father

In the Flow

September 26. Flim-Flam Faith

In the Flow

S e p t e m b e r 27. Waking the Dawn . . . With Praise!

In the Flow

S e p t e m b e r 28. Jumping Into the Waves

In the Flow

S e p t e m b e r 29. Life in the Spirit, the Spirit in Life

In the Flow

S e p t e m b e r 30. Let Me Give You a Hand

In the Flow


O c t o b e r 1. The Chameleon in You!

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 2. We're All in the Same Boat

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 3. What's in the Small Print?

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 4. What Time Is It for You?

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 5. Family Matters

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 6. Rooted in Faith

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 7. Got Plans? Take 'Em up a Notch!

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 8. Gobbling Up the Word

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 9. Fashionable Faith

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 10. You Get By With a Little Help From Your Friends

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 11. That Little House on the Prairie

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 12. Before Time Began

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 13. All Washed Up!

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 14. Getting a Good Look at the Spirits

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 15. What Do You Do for God's People?

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 16. A Worthy House

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 17. How Can We Understand the Spirit of God?

In the Flow

October 18. I Can’t Believe You Said That!

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 19. Your Heart and Mind

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 20. How Many Terabytes Is That?

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 2 1. Bread and Water, Please!

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 22. Who's Shaking the Family Tree Now?

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 23. To Know God Is to Love God

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 24. Put Down That Heavy Load!

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 25. The Real Justice System

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 26. Unexpected Company

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 27. You're in Good Hands

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 28. You Are Lookin' Good Today!

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 29 "It's For Your Own Good!"

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 30. Haven't We Met Before?

In the Flow

O c t o b e r 31. What Have You Done for Me Lately?

In the Flow


November 1. Invisible Means of Support

In the Flow

November 2. The Child Within You

In the Flow

November 3. Knit One, Pearl You!

In the Flow

November 4. Simply Divine Conversation!

In the Flow

November 5. Shaking Your Puny Fist!

In the Flow

November 6. Depressed, Stressed, and Blessed!

In the Flow

November 7. The Red Wagon

In the Flow

November 8. More Than a Fig Tree

In the Flow

November 9. Faithful Over a Little

In the Flow

November 10. Might, Wisdom, and Knowledge

In the Flow

November 11. God Had Choices

In the Flow

November 12. Saved in Hope

In the Flow

November 13. The Head of the House

In the Flow

November 14. Sweating the Small Stuff

In the Flow

November 15. He Will Lift You Higher

In the Flow

November 16. Cheering You On

In the Flow

November 17. Ongoing Training

In the Flow

November 18. It's All Good!

In the Flow

November 19. The Sound of the Spirit

In the Flow

November 20. Think About What You're Thinking About!

In the Flow

November 21. Counting Our Blessings

In the Flow

November 22. When the Well Runs Dry

In the Flow

November 23. Thanks for the Disasters, Lord!

In the Flow

November 24. And Then She Said . .

In the Flow

November 25. Finding a Lifeboat!

In the Flow

November 26. The Knowledge of the Lord

In the Flow

November 27. The Feast of Happiness

In the Flow

November 28. Real Love Never Fails

In the Flow

November 29. Your Attention, Please!

In the Flow

November 30. The Mean Gene

In the Flow


December 1. In the Reflection of Your Attitude

In the Flow

December 2. Being a Good Follower

In the Flow

December 3. So Close . . . and Yet, So Far!

In the Flow

December 4. Bring on the Love

In the Flow

December 5. Facing the Place of Grace

In the Flow

December 6. You'll Sleep Like a Baby

In the Flow

December 7. You Can Be Right . . . or Righteous!

In the Flow

December 8. A Matter of the Heart

In the Flow

December 9. It's a Good Thing You're Here!

In the Flow

December 10. A Divine Appointment

In the Flow

December 11. You Already Have the Good Word!

In the Flow

December 12. Standing in the Light

In the Flow

December 13. When the Blind Lead the Blind

In the Flow

December 14. God's Seal of Approval

In the Flow

December 15. Your Unseen Guest

In the Flow

December 16. An Amazing Baby Boy

In the Flow

December 17. Making Room for the Baby

In the Flow

December 18. The Shepherd of All Shepherds

In the Flow

December 19. Visited by Angels!

In the Flow

December 20. What Shall We Call the Baby Boy?

In the Flow

December 21. The Call of Compassion

In the Flow

December 22. Starstruck

In the Flow

December 23. The Help of the Angels

In the Flow

December 24. The Birth of Jesus, Hope of the World

In the Flow

December 25. Christmas Is All About Love

In the Flow

December 26. The Gift That Keeps Giving

In the Flow

December 27. Simply Because You Are Faithful

In the Flow

December 28. Proclaiming the Year of the Lord's Favor

In the Flow

December 29. There's Only One Safe Place

In the Flow

December 30. God's Promises for the New Year

In the Flow

December 31. God Created the Rivers of Life

In the Flow

Отрывок из книги

Abingdon Press



who seeks the Living Waters of Grace with

new eyes and with the heart of an adventurer.


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