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Kevin M. Hiscock. Hydrogeology
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Illustrations
Fresh Water to Drink
Hydrogeology. Principles and Practice
List of colour plates
List of boxes
Preface to the third edition
Preface to the second edition
Preface to the first edition
Symbols and abbreviations
About the companion website
1 Introduction. 1.1 Scope of this book
1.2 What is hydrogeology?
1.3 Early examples of groundwater exploitation
Box 1.1 The aqueducts of Rome
1.4 History of hydrogeology
Box 1.2 Groundwater on Mars?
1.5 The water cycle
1.5.1 Groundwater occurrence in the upper continental crust
1.5.2 Groundwater‐related tipping points
1.5.3 Groundwater discharge to the oceans
1.5.4 Global groundwater material and elemental fluxes
1.5.5 Human influence on the water cycle
1.6 Global groundwater resources
Box 1.3 The North‐west Sahara Aquifer System and the Ouargla Oasis, Algeria
1.6.1 Global groundwater abstraction
Box 1.4 Groundwater depletion from global irrigated crop production and trade
1.6.2 Global groundwater depletion and sea level rise
1.7 Groundwater resources in developed countries
1.7.1 Groundwater abstraction in the United Kingdom Management and protection of groundwater resources in the United Kingdom
1.7.2 Groundwater abstraction in Europe European Union Water Framework Directive
1.7.3 Groundwater abstraction in North America Management and protection of groundwater resources in the United States
1.7.4 Groundwater abstraction in China
Box 1.5 Groundwater Development of the Quaternary Aquifer of the North China Plain
1.8 Groundwater resources in developing countries
Box 1.6 Groundwater resources potential in Africa
Box 1.7 Groundwater quality and depletion in the Indo‐Gangetic Basin
Further reading
2 Physical hydrogeology. 2.1 Introduction
2.2 Porosity
2.3 Hydraulic conductivity
2.4 Isotropy and homogeneity
2.5 Aquifers, aquitards and aquicludes
2.6 Darcy’s Law
Box 2.1 Application of Darcy’s Law to simple hydrogeological situations
2.6.1 Hydraulic properties of fractured rocks
Box 2.2 Laminar and turbulent flows
2.6.2 Karst aquifer properties
2.6.3 Sinkholes and land subsidence
2.7 Groundwater potential and hydraulic head
2.8 Interpretation of hydraulic head and groundwater conditions. 2.8.1 Groundwater flow direction
2.8.2 Water table and potentiometric surface maps
Box 2.3 Flow nets and the tangent law
Box 2.4 Potentiometric surface map of the London Basin
2.8.3 Types of groundwater conditions
Box 2.5 History of groundwater exploitation in the Chalk aquifer of the London Basin
Box 2.6 Relationship between geology, geomorphology and groundwater in the Qu’Appelle Valley, Saskatchewan
2.9 Transmissivity and storativity of confined aquifers
2.9.1 Release of water from confined aquifers
Box 2.7 Land subsidence in the Central Valley, California
Box 2.8 Land subsidence in the Tehran Plain, Iran
2.10 Transmissivity and specific yield of unconfined aquifers
2.11 Equations of groundwater flow
2.11.1 Steady‐state saturated flow
2.11.2 Transient saturated flow
2.11.3 Transient unsaturated flow
2.12 Analytical solution of one‐dimensional groundwater flow problems
Box 2.9 Examples of analytical solutions to one‐dimensional groundwater flow problems
2.13 Groundwater flow patterns
2.14 Classification of springs and intermittent streams
Box 2.10 Regional‐scale groundwater flow in the Lincolnshire Limestone aquifer, England
Box 2.11 Large‐scale groundwater flow in the Great Artesian Basin, Australia
Box 2.12 The thermal springs of Bath, England
2.15 Transboundary aquifer systems
Box 2.13 The transboundary Guarani Aquifer System
2.16 Submarine groundwater discharge
Box 2.14 Submarine groundwater discharge on the west coast of Ireland
2.17 Groundwater resources of the world
2.18 Hydrogeological environments of the United Kingdom
2.18.1 Sedimentary rocks
2.18.2 Metamorphic rocks
2.18.3 Igneous rocks
Further reading
3 Groundwater and geological processes. 3.1 Introduction
3.2 Geological processes driving fluid flow
3.3 Topography‐driven flow in the context of geological processes
3.4 Compaction‐driven fluid flow
Box 3.1 Determining porosity and sediment compressibility from drill core and well data
3.5 Variable‐density driven fluid flow. 3.5.1 Salinity gradients leading to variable‐density flow
Box 3.2 Compaction‐ and topography‐driven fluid flow in the Gulf of Mexico Basin
3.5.2 Hydrothermal systems driven by variable‐density flow
Box 3.3 Hot springs along permeable fault zones in the Great Basin, Western USA
3.6 Regional groundwater flow systems driven predominantly by variable‐density flow
3.6.1 Fluctuating sea‐level and its impact on the distribution of groundwater salinity in coastal areas
3.6.2 Brines in continental aquifers
3.7 Regional groundwater flow systems driven predominantly by shifting topography and stress changes
3.7.1 Mountain building and erosion
3.7.2 Impact of glaciations on regional hydrogeology
Box 3.4 Reversal of regional groundwater flow patterns forced by ice‐sheet waxing and waning in the Williston Basin, Western Canada
3.8 Coupling and relative importance of processes driving fluid flow
Further reading
4 Chemical hydrogeology. 4.1 Introduction
4.2 Properties of water
4.3 Chemical composition of groundwater
Box 4.1 Concentration units used in hydrochemistry
4.4 Sequence of hydrochemical evolution of groundwater
Box 4.2 Hydrochemical characteristics of British spa waters
Box 4.3 Influence of groundwater chemistry on the history of malting and brewing in Europe
Box 4.4 Hydrochemical evolution in the Floridan aquifer system
4.5 Groundwater sampling and graphical presentation of hydrochemical data
4.6 Concept of chemical equilibrium
4.6.1 Kinetic approach to chemical equilibrium
Box 4.5 Active concentration
4.6.2 Energetic approach to chemical equilibrium
4.7 Carbonate chemistry of groundwater
Box 4.6 Acid–base reactions
Box 4.7 Carbonate chemistry of the Jurassic limestones of the Cotswolds, England
Box 4.8 Solubility product and saturation index
4.8 Adsorption and ion exchange
Box 4.9 Cation exchange in the Lower Mersey Basin Permo‐Triassic sandstone aquifer, England
4.9 Redox chemistry
4.10 Groundwater in crystalline rocks
Box 4.10 Redox processes in the Lincolnshire Limestone aquifer, England
Box 4.11 Microbially mediated denitrification
Box 4.12 Hydrogeochemical characteristics of the Carnmenellis Granite, Cornwall, England
4.11 Geochemical modelling
Further reading
5 Environmental isotope hydrogeology. 5.1 Introduction
5.2 Stable isotope chemistry and nomenclature
5.3 Stable isotopes of water
5.4 Stable isotopes of nitrogen and sulphur
5.4.1 Nitrogen stable isotopes
5.4.2 Sulphur stable isotopes
5.5 Age dating of groundwater
5.5.1 Law of radioactive decay
5.5.2 14C dating
5.5.3 36Cl dating
5.5.4 Tritium dating
5.5.5 3H/3He dating
5.6 Noble gases
Box 5.1 Fluid flow along faults in the Lower Rhine Embayment, Germany
Further reading
6 Groundwater and catchment processes. 6.1 Introduction
6.2 Water balance equation
6.3 Precipitation and evapotranspiration
6.3.1 Precipitation measurement
6.3.2 Evapotranspiration measurement and estimation
6.4 Soil water and infiltration
6.4.1 Soil moisture content and soil water potential
6.4.2 Calculation of drainage and evaporation losses
6.4.3 Infiltration theory and measurement
6.5 Recharge estimation
6.5.1 Borehole hydrograph method
6.5.2 Soil moisture budget method
6.5.3 Chloride budget method
Box 6.1 Application of the chloride budget method to the Quaternary sand aquifer of Senegal, West Africa
6.5.4 Temperature profile methods
Box 6.2 Application of temperature‐depth profiles to calculate vertical specific discharge across an aquitard
6.6 Stream gauging techniques
6.6.1 Velocity area methods. Surface floats Current metering Acoustic Doppler current profiler
Box 6.3 Rating curve adjustment
Example of rating curve adjustment for channel storage
Example of rating curve adjustment for channel slope
6.6.2 Dilution gauging
6.6.3 Ultrasonic, electromagnetic and integrating float methods
6.6.4 Slope‐area method
6.6.5 Weirs and flumes
6.7 Hydrograph analysis
6.7.1 Quickflow and baseflow separation
6.7.2 Unit hydrograph theory
Box 6.4 Derivation of unit hydrographs of various durations
6.8 Surface water – groundwater interaction
6.8.1 Temperature‐based methods of detection
6.8.2 Simulating river flow depletion. Analytical solutions Catchment resource modelling
Box 6.5 Computation of the rate and volume of stream depletion by boreholes and wells Global‐scale surface water‐groundwater modelling
Further reading
7 Groundwater investigation techniques. 7.1 Introduction
7.2 Measurement and interpretation of groundwater level data
7.2.1 Water‐level measurement
7.2.2 Well and borehole design and construction methods
7.2.3 Borehole hydrographs and barometric efficiency Groundwater level fluctuations in the Bengal Basin Aquifer
7.2.4 Construction of groundwater level contour maps
7.3 Field estimation of aquifer properties. 7.3.1 Piezometer tests
7.3.2 Pumping tests Thiem equilibrium method Theis non‐equilibrium method Cooper–Jacob straight‐line method Recovery test method
Box 7.1 Interpretation of a constant discharge pumping test and recovery test Principle of superposition of drawdown Leaky, unconfined and bounded aquifer systems
7.3.3 Tracer tests
Box 7.2 Dye‐tracer test in the Chepstow Block Carboniferous limestone aquifer, south‐west England
7.3.4 Downhole geophysical techniques
Box 7.3 Single borehole dilution tracer test conducted at a Chalk aquifer site
Box 7.4 Convergent radial flow tracer test conducted at a sand and gravel aquifer site Examples of downhole geophysical logging
7.3.5 Surface geophysical techniques Seismic refraction survey method Electrical resistivity survey method Electromagnetic survey method Gravity survey method Examples of surface geophysical surveying
7.4 Remote sensing methods
7.5 Groundwater modelling
Box 7.5 Groundwater depletion in North‐West India
Box 7.6 Groundwater modelling of the Monturaqui‐Negrillar‐Tilopozo Aquifer, Chile
Further reading
8 Groundwater quality and contaminant hydrogeology. 8.1 Introduction
8.2 Water quality standards
Box 8.1 The ‘hard‐water story’
8.2.1 Water hardness
8.2.2 Irrigation water quality
8.3 Transport of contaminants in groundwater
8.3.1 Transport of non‐reactive dissolved contaminants One‐dimensional solute transport equation
8.3.2 Transport of reactive dissolved contaminants
Box 8.2 Macrodispersion caused by layered heterogeneity
Box 8.3 Controlled field experiments to investigate transport of organic solutes
Box 8.4 Groundwater contamination by heavy metals in Nassau County, New York
8.3.3 Transport of non‐aqueous phase liquids Hydrophobic sorption of non‐polar organic compounds
8.3.4 Effects of density and heterogeneity
8.4 Sources of groundwater contamination
8.4.1 Urban and industrial contaminants
Box 8.5 Mine water pollution
8.4.2 Municipal landfill wastes
8.4.3 Faecal, domestic and cemetery wastes
8.4.4 Microplastic contamination
8.4.5 Agricultural contaminants
Box 8.6 Nitrate contamination of the Jersey bedrock aquifer
8.4.6 Saline water intrusion in coastal aquifers
Box 8.7 Saltwater intrusion in the Llobregat Delta aquifer, Spain
8.4.7 Saline water intrusion on small oceanic islands
Further reading
9 Groundwater pollution remediation and protection. 9.1 Introduction
9.2 Groundwater pollution remediation techniques
9.2.1 Pump‐and‐treat
Box 9.1 Pump‐and‐treat system design using capture zone type curves
Box 9.2 Jet fuel clean‐up at Heathrow International Airport
9.2.2 Permeable reactive barriers
9.2.3 Monitored natural attenuation
Box 9.3In situ permeable reactive barrier for remediation of chlorinated solvents
9.3 Groundwater pollution protection strategies in developed countries. 9.3.1 Groundwater vulnerability mapping and aquifer resource protection
Box 9.4 Monitored natural attenuation of a crude oil spill, Bemidji, Minnesota
9.3.2 Source protection zones
9.3.3 Risk assessment methods
9.3.4 Groundwater vulnerability assessment and mapping for the protection of carbonate (karstic) aquifers
9.3.5 Spatial planning and groundwater protection
Box 9.5 The Drastrup Project, north Jutland, Denmark
9.4 Groundwater protection strategies in developing countries
Box 9.6 Arsenic pollution of groundwater in southern Bangladesh
Further reading
10 Groundwater resources, governance and management. 10.1 Introduction
10.2 Groundwater resources schemes
10.2.1 Large‐scale groundwater development schemes
Box 10.1 Great Man‐made River Project
10.2.2 Regional‐scale groundwater development schemes
10.2.3 Managed aquifer recharge Artificial storage and recovery schemes
Box 10.2 The North London Artificial Recharge Scheme Riverbank filtration schemes
Box 10.3 Riverbank filtration at the Düsseldorf waterworks, River Rhine, Germany
10.2.4 Horizontal well schemes
10.3 Wetland hydrogeology
10.3.1 Impacts of groundwater exploitation on wetlands
Box 10.4 Impact of groundwater abstraction on Redgrave and Lopham Fen, East Anglia, England
Box 10.5 The Florida Everglades: a region under environmental stress
10.3.2 Hydrogeology of dune slacks
10.4 Climate change and groundwater resources
Box 10.6 History of climate change and groundwater impacts on human civilization in the Fertile Crescent
Box 10.7 Assessment of drought severity
10.4.1 Groundwater response time to climate change
10.4.2 Groundwater pumping and greenhouse gas emissions
10.4.3 Impact of climate change on cold‐region hydrogeology
10.4.4 Adaptation to climate change
Box 10.8 Climate change impacts on European groundwater resources
10.5 Groundwater and energy resources
10.5.1 Geothermal energy
10.5.2 Ground source heat pumps
10.5.3 Groundwater and shale gas exploration
10.6 Future challenges for groundwater governance and management
Further reading
Appendix 1 Conversion factors
Appendix 2 Properties of water in the range 0–100°C
Appendix 3 The geological timescale
Appendix 4 Symbols, atomic numbers and atomic weights
Appendix 5 Composition of seawater and rainwater. A5.1 Seawater composition
A5.2 Rainwater composition
Appendix 6 Values of W(u) for various values of u
Appendix 7 Values of q/Q and v/Qt corresponding to selected values of t/F for use in computing the rate and volume of stream depletion by wells and boreholes
Appendix 8 Complementary error function
Appendix 9 Drinking water quality standards and Lists I and II substances
Appendix 10 Review questions and exercises. Questions. A10.1 Hydrological cycle
A10.2 Physical hydrogeology, groundwater potential and Darcy's law
A10.3 Chemical hydrogeology
A10.4 Environmental isotope hydrogeology
A10.5 Stream gauging, infiltration measurements and groundwater recharge estimation
A10.6 Groundwater resources, pumping tests and stream depletion analysis
A10.7 Contaminant hydrogeology
Worked answers to exercises
A10.1 Hydrological cycle
A10.2 Physical hydrogeology, groundwater potential and Darcy's law
A10.3 Chemical hydrogeology
A10.4 Environmental isotope hydrogeology
A10.5 Stream gauging, infiltration measurements and groundwater recharge estimation
A10.6 Groundwater resources, pumping tests and stream depletion analysis
A10.7 Contaminant hydrogeology
Отрывок из книги
Third Edition
Kevin M. Hiscock and Victor F. Bense
4.11 Microbially mediated denitrification
4.12 Hydrogeochemical characteristics of the Carnmenellis Granite, Cornwall, England