Kevin Woodford’s 60 Best Holiday Recipes: Recreate the dishes you loved eating on holiday From Ready, Steady, Cook’s popular chef

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Kevin Woodford. Kevin Woodford’s 60 Best Holiday Recipes: Recreate the dishes you loved eating on holiday From Ready, Steady, Cook’s popular chef
Stuffed Tomatoes. Domátes Yemistes
Kevin’s Tip
Fish Roe Salad. Taramosalata
Kevin’s Tip
Greek Salad. Horiátiki
Fried Mussels. Mithia Tiganitá
Kevin’s Tip
Backed Sardines. Sarthelles sto Foúrno
Kevin’s Tip
Backed Aubergines. Melitzánes sto Foúrno
Kevin’s Tip
Spinach and Cheese Pie. Spanakotyropitta
Kevin’s Tip
Stuffed Vine Leaves. Dolmathákia Latherá
Kevin’s Tip
Stuffed Squid. Kalamárakia Yemistá
Cumin-spiced Rissoles. Soutzoukákia Smyrneiká
Kevin’s Tip
Meat and Courgette Pie. Sfougáto
Kevin’s Tip
Spiced Fruit Pie. Karpópitta me Mèli
Kevin’s Tip
Fish Soup. Sopa de Pescado
Kevin’s Tip
Leek and Ham Pastries. Empanadas Valencianas
Kevin’s Tip
Casserole of Peppers in a Tomato and Egg Sauce. Peperrada
Kevin’s Tip
Potato, Aubergine and Tomato Flan. Tumbret
Kevin’s Tip
Pasta with Clams. Fideos con Almejas
Kevin’s Tip
Seafood Paella. Paella a la Marinera
Kevin’s Tip
Chicken in Almond Sauce. Pollo en Pepitoria
Kevin’s Tip
Pork Chops with a Pomegranate Confit. Chuletas de Cerdo en Salsa de Granadas
Kevin’s Tip
Lamb and Rice Casserole. Arroz Rosetxat
Kevin’s Tip
Lemon Custard Puffs. Buñuelos de Viento
Kevin’s Tip
Catalan Custard Cream. Crema Catalana
Kevin’s Tip
Banana Cake. Torta de Platanos
Kevin’s Tip
Bean Soup. Zuppa di Fagioli
Crostini with Smoked Salmon. Crostini con Salmone Affumicato
Flatbreads with Spinach. Piadine con Spinaci
Kevin’s Tip
Tomato and Basil Risotto. Risotto al Pomodoro e Basilica
Kevin’s Tip
Courgettes Stuffed with Ricotta, Basil and Parmesan. Zucchine alla Parmigiana
Kevin’s Tip
Aubergine, Spinach and Courgette Casserole. Melanzane al Forno
Kevin’s Tip
Chicken with Tarragon. Stufato di Pollo e Targone
Kevin’s Tip
Stuffed Beef Braised with Prosciutto. Braciole
Kevin’s Tip
Veal Escalopes with mozzarella. Vitello alla Mozzarella
Kevin’s Tip
Fresh Pasta. Pasta fresca
Amaretto Parfait. Souffle di Amaretto Gelato
Kevin’s Reflection
Courgette Fritters with Parmesan Cheese. Beignets de Courgettes au Parmesan
Kevin’s Tip
Grilled Goat’s Cheese and Polenta Salad. Salade du Crottin de Polenta Tiède
Kevin’s Tip
Country Pâté. Terrine de Campagne
Casserole of Wild Mushrooms. Fricassée de Champignons Sauvages
Potatoes Baked in Cream. Gratin Dauphinois
Butter-braised Scallops with Fennel Sauce. Etuvée de Noix de Saint-Jacques au Fenouil
Kevin’s Tip
Creamy Garlic Fish Soup. Bourride
Kevin’s Tip
Foie gras with an orange cream sauce. Foie Gras à la Crème d’Orange
Kevin’s Tip
Burgundy-style Braised Rabbit. Lapin en Civet à la Bourgignonne
Kevin’s Tip
Orange Marmalade Soufflé. Soufflé à la Marmelade d’Oranges
Bitter Chocolate Tart. Tarte au chocolat
Kevin’s Tip
Coconut Ice Cream. Glace à la Noix de Coco
Kevin’s Tip
Cream of Prawn Soup. Creme de camarão
Kevin’s Tip
Braised Peas with Smoked Sausage and Poached Eggs. Paio com Ervilhas
Kevin’s Tip
Portuguese Salad. Salada à Portuguesa
Kevin’s Tip
Mussels with Garlic Sausage Cooked in a Kettle. Mexilhões na Cataplana
Kevin’s Tip
Salt Cod Cakes. Pastéis de Bacalhau
Kevin’s Tip
Jugged Chicken. Frango na pucra
Kevin’s Tip
Pork Chops with a Sweet Pepper Paste. Costeleta de Porco a Massa de Pimento
Kevin’s Tip
Red Pepper Sauce. Molho de Piri Piri
Kevin’s Tip
Rice Pudding. Arroz Doze
Orange Roulade. Torta de Laranja
Kevin’s Tip
Pine Nut Biscuits. Bolos de Pinhões
Sweet Potato Cakes. Tartes de Batata
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Title Page
Courgettes Stuffed with Ricotta, Basil and Parmesan
Aubergine, Spinach and Courgette Casserole