The Bookseller of Florence

The Bookseller of Florence
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Смотреть на сайте Лабиринта Купить в других магазинах Бумажная книга Жанр: Правообладатель и/или издательство: Vintage books Дата публикации, год издания: 2022 Дата добавления в каталог КнигаЛит: ISBN: 9781784709372

Реклама. ООО "ЛАБИРИНТ.РУ", ИНН: 7728644571, erid: LatgC8Csm.

Описание книги

The Renaissance in Florence conjures images of beautiful frescoes and elegant buildings - the dazzling handiwork of the city's artists and architects. But equally important were geniuses of another kind: Florence's manuscript hunters, scribes, scholars and booksellers. At a time where all books were made by hand, these people helped imagine a new and enlightened world. At the heart of this activity was a remarkable bookseller: Vespasiano da Bisticci. His books were works of art in their own right, copied by talented scribes and illuminated by the finest miniaturists. With a client list that included popes and royalty, Vespasiano became the 'king of the world's booksellers'. But by 1480 a new invention had appeared: the printed book, and Europe's most prolific merchant of knowledge faced a formidable new challenge.

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