Introducing Second Language Acquisition

Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
Kirsten M. Hummel. Introducing Second Language Acquisition
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Illustrations
Linguistics in the World
Introducing Second Language Acquisition. Perspectives and Practices
About the Companion Website
1 Introduction
2. First Language Acquisition
Chapter outline
Learning objectives
2.1 chapter overview
2.2 from sound to word
2.3 from word to sentence
2.4 theoretical views
2.4.1 behaviorist view
2.4.2 universal grammar
Language learning in practice: Human language vs animal communication
2.4.3 L1 interactionist approach
2.4.4 emergentism: connectionist viewpoint
2.5 first language vs second language acquisition
2.5.1 L1 acquisition vs L2 acquisition contrasts
Language learning in practice
2.5.2 L1 and L2 acquisition parallels
2.6 summing up
key concepts
self‐assessment questions
discussion questions
exercises / project ideas
How to count morphemes
MLU calculation example
Exercises continued
further reading and viewing
video links
3 Language Learning Contexts
Chapter outline
Learning objectives
3.1 chapter overview
3.2 naturalistic contexts
3.2.1 immigration
Profile: Immigration, Mila
3.2.2 study abroad. Profile: Study abroad, Steve
3.3 instructed learning / instructed second language acquisition
3.3.1 traditional classroom instruction. Profile: Traditional classroom instruction, Linda
Language learning in practice: Foreign language education in the US
3.3.2 bilingual education
Profile: Bilingual education, Alberto
3.3.3 immersion instruction. Profile: English immersion in Hong Kong, Xia Mei
Language learning in practice: Example of immersion instruction – English in China
3.3.4 two‐way dual language instruction
3.3.5 heritage language instruction. Profile: Heritage language learner, Walid
Language learning in practice: Heritage language learning
3.4 summing up
key concepts
self‐assessment questions
discussion questions
exercises / project ideas
further reading and viewing
video links
4 Theoretical Perspectives : Past and Present
Chapter outline
Learning objectives
4.1 chapter overview
4.2 contrastive analysis
Language learning in practice: The Audiolingual Method
4.3 error analysis
Language learning in practice: Communicative language teaching
4.4 universal grammar
Language learning in practice: UG and language teaching
4.5 the monitor model / input hypothesis
Language learning in practice: The Bilingual Syntax Measure
Language learning in practice: The Natural Approach
4.6 the sociocultural approach
4.7 summing up
key concepts
self‐assessment questions
discussion questions
exercises / project ideas
further reading and viewing
video links. Lectures by Noam Chomsky
Lectures by Stephen Krashen
Other videos
5 Theoretical Perspectives: Cognitive Approaches
Chapter outline
Learning objectives
5.1 chapter overview
5.2 information processing / cognitive approach
5.3 skill acquisition theory
5.4 the interaction approach
5.4.1 interaction hypothesis
5.4.2 comprehensible output hypothesis
5.4.3 noticing hypothesis
5.5 input processing
5.6 emergentism and usage‐based approaches
5.6.1 connectionism
5.6.2 cognitive linguistics
Language learning in practice: Cognitive linguistics and language teaching
5.6.3 language as a complex adaptive system
5.7 summing up
key concepts
self‐assessment questions
discussion questions
exercises / project ideas
further reading and viewing
video links
6 Teaching Approaches and Instructional Issues
Chapter outline
Learning objectives
6.1 chapter overview
6.2 historical and current perspectives on language teaching
6.2.1 language teaching in antiquity
6.2.2 the grammar translation method
Language learning in practice: Key Features of the Grammar Translation Method (Prator and Celce‐Murcia 1979, p. 3)
6.2.3 the direct method
6.2.4 the audiolingual method
Language learning in practice: Audiolingual Drill
6.2.5 affective‐humanistic approaches: suggestopedia
Language learning in practice: Suggestopedia
Language learning in practice: Suggestopedia for training federal civil servants in Canada
6.2.6 total physical response
Language learning in practice: Total Physical Response
6.2.7 communicative language teaching
6.2.8 task‐based language teaching
Language learning in practice: Task‐based activities
6.2.9 postmethod perspective
6.3 classroom instructional issues
6.3.1 focus on form Input Enhancement and Input Flooding Processing Instruction
Language learning in practice: Processing Instruction Activity
6.3.2 corrective feedback or “how should errors be corrected?”
6.3.3 translanguaging
6.3.4 technology and language learning
6.3.5 neuromyths and language teaching
6.4 summing up
key concepts
self‐assessment questions
discussion questions
exercises / project ideas
further reading and viewing
video links
7 Second Language Development
Chapter outline
Learning objectives
7.1 chapter overview
7.2 common processes and influences
7.2.1 cross‐linguistic influence (transfer)
7.2.2 overgeneralization
7.2.3 markedness
7.2.4 developmental sequences
7.2.5 formulaic sequences
Language learning in practice: The Lexical Approach
7.2.6 fossilization
7.2.7 avoidance
7.3 L2 development across linguistic subfields
7.3.1 phonology
7.3.2 vocabulary
7.3.3 grammatical development Morphology Syntax
Language learning in practice: Teachability Hypothesis English L2 question development
7.3.4 sociolinguistic variation and pragmatics
7.3.5 the development of literacy‐based skills Reading
Language learning in practice: General principles for teaching L2 reading (Grabe 2011, pp. 453–454) Writing
7.4 investigating learner language: language corpora
7.5 summing up
key concepts
self‐assessment questions
discussion questions
exercises / project ideas
further reading and viewing
video Links
8 The Age Factor
Chapter outline
Learning objectives
8.1 chapter overview
8.2 the critical period hypothesis
8.3 abnormal instances: children raised in isolation
Language learning in practice: Reflections on Genie's case
8.4 empirical studies
Language learning in practice: The role of input
8.5 exceptional cases
8.6 summing up
key concepts
self‐assessment questions
discussion questions
exercises / project ideas
further reading and viewing
video links
9 Individual Differences
Chapter outline
Learning objectives
9.1 chapter overview
9.2 intelligence
9.3 language learning aptitude
Language learning in practice: Working Memory and the classroom
9.4 attitudes and motivation
Language learning in practice: 10 commandments to motivate language learners (from Dörnyei and Csizér 1998)
9.5 personality
9.6 learning style and cognitive style
9.7 learning strategies
9.8 summing up
key concepts
self‐assessment questions
discussion questions
exercises / project ideas
further reading and viewing
video links
10 Bilingualism and Multilingualism
Chapter outline
Learning objectives
10.1 chapter overview
10.1.1 who is a bilingual? definitions of bilingualism and multilingualism
10.2 bilingual development
10.2.1 early bilingual speech perception and production
10.2.2 bilingual vocabulary and grammatical development
Language learning in practice: Atypical children and bilingualism
10.2.3 mixed utterances
10.3 bilingual lexical representation and lexical access
10.4 bilingual cognition
10.5 multilingualism
10.6 summing up
key concepts
self‐assessment questions
discussion questions
exercises / project ideas
further reading and viewing
video links
Other online resources
11 Concluding Words. Chapter outline
11.1 conclusion
11.2 epilogue
Отрывок из книги
Linguistics in the World is a textbook series focusing on the study of language in the real world, enriching students' understanding of how language works through a balance of theoretical insights and empirical findings. Presupposing no, or only minimal, background knowledge, each of these titles is intended to lay the foundation for students' future work, whether in language science, applied linguistics, language teaching, or speech sciences.
The Sounds of Language, by Elizabeth Zsiga An Introduction to Language, by Kirk Hazen What Is Sociolinguistics? Second Edition, by Gerard Van Herk Understanding Sentence Structure: An Introduction to English Syntax, by Christina Tortora Applying Phonetics: Speech Science in Everyday Life, by Murray J. Munro Introducing Second Language Acquisition: Perspectives and Practices, Second Edition, by Kirsten M. Hummel
reduplicated babbling
Babbling in which CV combinations are repeated, such as “ba‐ba‐ba.”