What is the purpose of existence? Discover the ultimate question of existence and find your own purpose in life

What is the purpose of existence? Discover the ultimate question of existence and find your own purpose in life
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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

In this book, we explore the age-old question of the purpose of existence. We delve into the philosophical, scientific, and spiritual perspectives that have shaped our understanding of this question throughout history. Ultimately, we offer readers a thought-provoking reflection on the nature of existence and suggestions for further exploration.


Группа авторов. What is the purpose of existence? Discover the ultimate question of existence and find your own purpose in life

I. Introduction

– Explanation of the topic

– Overview of the book’s purpose and structure

II. Defining Existence

– What is existence?

– How do we perceive existence?

– Is existence objective or subjective?

III. Historical Perspectives on the Purpose of Existence

– Ancient philosophers and their views on the purpose of existence

– Religious perspectives on the purpose of existence

– Enlightenment thinkers and their views on the purpose of existence

IV. Scientific Perspectives on the Purpose of Existence

– Evolutionary biology and the purpose of life

– The universe and its purpose, if any

– The search for meaning through science

V. Philosophical Perspectives on the Purpose of Existence

– The role of consciousness in the purpose of existence

– The concept of free will and its impact on purpose

– Existentialist perspectives on the purpose of existence

VI. Contemporary Perspectives on the Purpose of Existence

– Postmodern views on the purpose of existence

– How technology has changed our views on the purpose of existence

– Finding purpose in a secular society

VII. Conclusion

– Summary of key points

– Reflection on the purpose of existence

Отрывок из книги

For centuries, humans have been grappling with the question of the purpose of existence. Is there a reason for our existence beyond the mere biological imperative to survive and reproduce? Are we part of a greater cosmic plan, or do we create our own purpose through our actions and beliefs? These questions have been tackled by philosophers, theologians, scientists, and artists throughout history, and continue to be a source of fascination and debate in contemporary society.

In this book, we will explore the topic of the purpose of existence from a variety of perspectives. We will delve into the philosophical, religious, scientific, and cultural aspects of this complex and fundamental question. We will examine the ways in which different societies and individuals have approached this question throughout history, and explore how the modern world has impacted our understanding of the purpose of existence.


Chapter II will define what we mean by existence, and explore different perspectives on how we perceive it, and whether it is subjective or objective.

Chapter III will examine the historical perspectives on the purpose of existence, including ancient philosophical and religious views, as well as more modern Enlightenment perspectives.


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