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Chapter One: Waking Up in a Nightmare


The way Max's world jolted into existence was anything but gentle; the jarring cacophony of sharp metallic clashing acted as a cruel alarm clock, dragging him into this warped reality. The relentless humming drone emanating from the flickering lights above added an unsettling consistency to this alien soundscape. His nose recoiled, unwillingly inhaling a noxious combination of rotting decay tinged with sterile hospital odors. Cracking his eyes open reluctantly, his gaze was confronted by something borrowed from the bowels of a nightmarish fantasy; a parody of a hospital room unlike anything he'd ever seen in his waking life.

Disturbingly splashed with the ominous hue of dried blood, the walls appeared to bleed out memories of torment and suffering. Various medical apparatus, victims of time and abandonment, littered the room like a museum of cruelty. Scarcely more than a few sputtering bulbs grudgingly dispelled the darkness, throwing sinister shadows that danced lightly and mischievously along the grimy walls, shaking and shifting into grotesque figures that lined the long, desolate corridors, creating an eerie, otherworldly puppet show.

A Player in Reality

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