I am Dracula. An interview with the greatest vampire

I am Dracula. An interview with the greatest vampire
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Описание книги

From how Dracula manages to stay under the radar and avoid vampire hunters, to his unique eating habits and tips for extending his life, this book is sure to captivate readers from start to finish.But that’s not all – delve deeper into the life of this enigmatic figure as Dracula shares personal anecdotes about his first love and military successes. You’ll be spellbound as he talks about his hobbies and interests, revealing a side of himself that few have ever seen before.


Группа авторов. I am Dracula. An interview with the greatest vampire

Dracula’s infamous reputation

Instead of a preface

PART 1: The Arrival of Vlad Tepes to Russia

Preface to Vlad the Impaler’s Visit to Russia

Vlad Tepes’s Relationship with Russia

Cultural differences with Russia

PART 2: Dracula’s Private Life

Chapter 1. Youth and upbringing

Early life and upbringing

Injuries and losses in childhood

Military experience and leadership

Political ambitions and views

Chapter 2: Becoming a Vampire

Turning Vlad into a vampire

The impact of Vlad’s transformation on his life

The Hierarchy of Vampires

PART 3: The Story of Vlad Tepes (Dracula)

Chapter 1: Witnessing Grand Historical Events

The Order of the Dragon

The influence of historical events on Dracula’s life

Dracula’s View of the Evolution of Society

Dracula’s Relationship with Humanity

Chapter 2: Count Dracula’s Reign of Terror

Historical and political context

Methods of Torture and Execution

Chapter 3: Vlad’s Legacy and Reputation

Vlad’s Reign and Historical Significance

Legacy and Interpretation

Humanitarian or philanthropic activities

Hero or Villain

Chapter 4. Interaction with historical figures

Dracula and the Order of the Dark Apex

Vlad Tepes’ Relationship with Hungarian King Matthias Corvinus

Vlad Tepes and Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II

Vlad Tepes and the Boyars of Wallachia

Vlad Tepes and Pope Pius II

Chapter 5. Other Vampires and Hunters

Vlad Tepes’ encounters with other vampires

Experience with vampire hunters

Dracula’s strategies for avoiding vampire hunters

Vlad Tepes’ Relationship with People

The Romantic Life of Dracula

PART 4: The Vampire of Vampirism

Chapter 1: Superpowers and Limits

Vampire Superpowers

Shape-shifting and mind-manipulation

What the vampire Dracula is really afraid of

Vampire Myths and Legends

Chapter 2: Self-Sufficiency in Blood

Dracula’s eating habits

Human blood versus animal blood

Blood banks and modern technology

Vampire Eating Ethics

Chapter 3: Immortality and Regret

The curse and blessing of immortality

How to cope with the loss of loved ones if you are immortal

Regrets and missed opportunities

The goal of Dracula’s immortality

The Problems of Eternal Life

PART 5: The Modern Dracula

Chapter 1: Dracula and Modernity

Dracula’s perception of current world events

Environmental problems of society

Chapter 2: The Life of Modern Dracula

Life in Romania

Dracula’s Hobbies and Interests

Chapter 3. Plans for the future

What Dracula is doing today

Vlad Tepes about his plans for the future


From the Editors


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Отрывок из книги

Are you tired of mundane book reviews that fail to challenge your intellect and leave you feeling unfulfilled? Look no further! Fose, the infamous black magician, has a riveting tale to tell about his encounter with none other than Vlad Tepes, aka Dracula, the vampire tyrant.

Let’s start with a brief introduction to Dracula, shall we? He’s infamous for his blood-sucking tendencies and his iron-fisted rule over his subjects. He’s so feared that even centuries after his death, his legend lives on, striking terror into the hearts of all who hear his name. But what could bring such a notorious figure to Russia? And why, of all people, would he choose to sit down for an interview with Fosé, the enigmatic black magician?


A flicker of something almost resembling regret passed over his features, but it was gone in an instant. But with great power comes great responsibility, he intoned, his voice low and deadly serious. I had to learn to control my thirst for blood. I had to learn to exist in a world that I was no longer a part of. And I had to learn to do it alone.

He leaned forward, his piercing gaze fixing the magician in place like a butterfly pinned to a board. Do you have any idea what it’s like to live for centuries, never aging, never changing, always on the outside looking in? he demanded. To watch as entire civilizations rise and fall, as empires crumble to dust and new ones take their place? To see the same mistakes repeated over and over again, with no hope of ever seeing true progress?


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