The Historical School: From Friedrich List to the Social Market Economy

The Historical School: From Friedrich List to the Social Market Economy
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Описание книги

The monograph is a historical and philosophical analysis of the emergence and development of the German historical school and its evolution into the theory of the social market economy, the penetration of the ideas of the historical school into Russia and its relevance in modern conditions.


Группа авторов. The Historical School: From Friedrich List to the Social Market Economy


The role of cities in the development of mercantilism and cameralism, contributing to Frederick the Great’s Anti-Machiavelli, Fichte’s Closed Commercial State and Thünen’s Isolated State

Philosophy of Romanticism – Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Adam Muller and political economy romanticism

Friedrich List – preacher of the ideas of «national economy» and «educational protectionism» – the forerunner of the historical school

Socio-historical roots of the industrial revolution and industrialization in Germany

The Emergence of the Historical School of Law and the Historical School of Economics in Germany

The methodology of the historical school as formulated by the «old» historical school: W. Roscher, B. Gildebrand, and K. Knies

The «Young» or «New» Historical School and the Katheder Socialists

The «great» methodological dispute between G. Schmoller and K. Menger

The Development of the German Economy in the Second Half of the 19th Century: Marxism, German Social Democrats, and «State Socialism» in German

Social orientation in the historical school: «State Socialism» by V. Sombart

The understanding of socio-historical development in Max Weber’s «Protestant Ethics». The emergence of the social school of Stammler and Stoltzman

The Industrial Revolution and the Spread of the Ideas of the Historical School in Russia at the End of the XIX – the Beginning of the XX Century

The development of market relations in the first half of the 20th century, its impact on economics. The Freiburg School

The first half of the 20th century, «freedom within the framework of order» – social market economy and German neo (ordo) liberalism. Ludwig Erhard’s «welfare for all» reforms

The formation of the world market and the peculiarities of the development of the German economy. The modern theory of economic order and the realities of Germany

Methodological and Applied Significance of the Heritage of the Historical School of Economics in Modern Conditions. The German representatives of the school of supply-side economics and of the theory of the new institutional economics

Models of state regulation of the economy

History lesson: similarities and differences in the development of a modern social market economy


A brief guide to the chronology

Index of names

Dictionary of terms and concepts

Structural and logical diagrams


Отрывок из книги

With feeling of gratitude and deep appreciation to my father, Nazarov Mugbil Khalil oglu, veteran of the Great Patriotic War, who went through the whole war from Leningrad to Berlin and met the end of the war in Berlin, with infinite respect remembering the German people as highly cultured, hardworking and well-organized, to my mother Ryabova Lidia Dmitrievna and aunt Ida Alfredovna Rezel, whose parents came from Germany to Azerbaijan in the early 20th century to work in the oil industry.

– I came to you through the dense forest, through the dense thicket, through the high mountains, through the wide rivers… I thought of you! I came to you! Come out, come out, queen of my soul’s dreams!


The movement of world human history is interpreted by him as a process of increasing freedom and growth of reasonableness. According to Hegel, history passes through three stages of development:

– Eastern society (everyone is a slave);


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